Speeds Flashcards
What is Vxse ?
97 mph = Best angle of climb speed on one engine ( with the other inoperative )
What is Vle ?
150 mph = Maximum speed permissible with the landing gear extended (DOWN AND LOCKED)
What is Vlo ?
Vlo - 150 mph = Maximum speed permissible for gear operations (extending and retracting)
What is Vmc ?
80 mph RED LINE = Minimum control speed on 1 engine
What is Vs ?
74 mph = Stall speed in clear conf ( no gear no flaps )
What is Vso ?
68 mph = Stall speed in landing configuration ( gear and flaps down )
What is Vy ?
120 mph = Best rate of climb speed
What is Vx ?
107 mph = Best angle of climb speed
What is Vyse ?
102 mph BLUE LINE = Best rate of climb speed on one engine ( with the other inoperative )
What is Va ?
149 mph = Manoeuvering speed
What is Vfe ?
125/140/160 mph = Maximum flap extended speed ( full / half / quarter flaps )
What is Vno ?
198 mph = Maximum structural cruise speed
What is Vne ?
249 mph = Never exceed speed
What is Vr ?
85 mph = Rotation speed
What is Vref ?
90 mph = Speed over the threshold when landing
What is Vsse ?
90 mph = Safe single engine speed ( Vmc + 10 )