Speech audiometry Flashcards
Equipment, procedures, interpretation and recording of results, speech in noise testing and its interpretation, applications for rehabilitation
Why is speech testing useful?
-Speech testing is more representative of the everyday listening experience than pure tones are
-It tests the patient’s functional hearing ability
-Predicts success with hearing aids
What equipment is needed for speech testing?
-Two channel audiometer
-Microphone and talk-back facility so that we can hear what the patient is saying
-Headphones, inserts or soundfield (using loudspeaker)
What are the speech materials that can be used for speech testing?
-Single words (can be monosyllabic or bisyllabic)
-Phonemes (vowel-consonant combinations)
-Nonsense words/ syllables
What is the advantage and disadvantage of using nonsense words in speech testing?
-Use of nonsense words minimises context cues and word familiarity
-However it removes the sense of language from speech testing- how effective and useful is it for real life speech?
What are the methods of presentation of the speech materials?
- Live voice
- Recorded speech
What is the advantage and disadvantage of using live voice as a method of presentation?
It is more reflective of a real world situation but you have less control over it
What are the advantages of using recorded speech as a method of presentation?
Use of recorded speech gives you more control over the stimulus and it can be standardised which increases precision and stability
Name the three types of speech testing
- Speech detection threshold (SDT)- assesses if an individual perceives speech to be present
- Speech recognition threshold (SRT)- estimates the level at which the listener is able to repeat back a word or phrase
- Speech in noise tests- provide an impression of the patient’s functioning in everyday communication situations which involve some degree of background noise
What does the speech detection threshold tell us and not tell us?
-Tells us the lowest level at which speech can be detected and identified as speech
-Does not imply that speech was understood, just that its presence is detected
When might speech detection threshold (SDT) testing be used?
-Patients who are too young to understand or repeat words
-Patients who speak another language
-Patients who have impaired language function or a speech disorder
What is the test procedure for speech detection threshold (SDT)?
-Present sentences monotonously and continuously
-Use the bracketing procedure (down 10 dB, up 5 dB)
-Ask patients to respond verbally or by pressing a button
How are speech detection threshold results interpreted?
-The result is likely to be closely related to PTA threshold for lower frequencies
-However it will not indicate a sloping loss in the higher frequencies
-Can be misleading regarding identifying overall degree of hearing loss
What is the speech recognition threshold (SRT)?
-The lowest level of sound at which 50% of the words can be recognised
-Patients needs to hear, recognise and repeat the word
What are the conditions that SRT test materials should fulfill?
-The words/ sentences should be phonetically balanced
-Patient should be familiar with the test words
-Carrier phrase may precede each word e.g. “Say the word” followed by the word
Name some examples of SRT test materials
- AB word lists (commonly used words)
- Manchester Junior Word Lists- picture presented and child matches the word to the picture
- Spondee lists- two syllable words with equal stress on both syllables e.g. hotdog, baseball
What is the recommended starting level of presentation for SRT testing and what frequencies should be presented?
-Recommended starting level: 30 dB SPL
-Frequencies: 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz