spectacle magnification 5.3 Flashcards
What happens to retinal image size with correction?- of a myope
- Starting from object produced by spectacle lens- start from infinitely distant oibject
- Spectacle lens forms an image at 2nd focal point - which acts a s an object for the eye
- Image produced by spectacle lens subtends at angle omega at sp lens
- If you look at a ray at incident of the eye which subtends at a smaller angle
- which tells us the retinal image is reduced / smaller than in the uncorrected eye.
- Spectacle correction has an effect on the magnification of the final retinal image.
What is the retinal image size in corrected ametropia compared to basic blurred image size?
- the ratio between height of retinal image in corrected eye (h2’)to height of the blurred retinal image (hb’)
- h’2/h’b= 1+dK - this tells us spectacle magnification
What is the spectacle magnification equation?
SM= 1+dK
-The ratio h2’/hb’ is known as the spectacle magnification.
What is the SM for a myope?
- Vertex distance (d) is positive
- Ocular refraction (K) is negative
- therefore it will be (NEGATIVE) - less than 1 which is minification
- Retinal image is smalller for spectacle corrected myopes
What is the SM for a hypermetrope?
- Retinal image is larger for spectacle corrected hypermetropes.
- K is positive
- d is positve
- SM is positive- value greater than 1 - therefore magnified
What is the SM for contact lens wearers?
- d is =0
-no magnification effects for contact lens wearers
SM doesn’t change
What is another version of the SM equation?
-SM= K/Fsp
explained- (for a myopic correction we need a higher power in spectacle plane than we do at the eye
-therefore denominator bigger than numerator therefore get a negative SM)
What are the consequences of spectacle correction ?
- Spectacle correction of myopes produces minification ; objects appear slightly smaller and darker possibly leading to patient preference during subjective refinement
- Spectacle correction of hypermetropes makes objects slightly larger including their eyes.
- not for cL wearers
What does SM demonstrate?
-minification for spectacle corrected myopes and magnification for spectacle corrected hypermetropes