Specific Values and Conversions Flashcards
What is the value of the speed of light in a vacuum?
2.9979 x 10⁸ m/s
What is 1eV in J and what is the conversion factor?
1eV = 1.6 x 10⁻¹⁹ J
Joules to eV: ÷ 1.6 x 10⁻¹⁹
eV to Joules: x 1.6 x 10⁻¹⁹
What is the energy released if an electron’s rest mass is fully converted?
511 keV
What is 1 atomic mass unit (amu) in kg and what is the conversion factor?
1 amu = 1.6605 x 10⁻²⁷ kg
kg to amu: ÷ 1.6605 x 10⁻²⁷
amu to kg: x 1.6605 x 10⁻²⁷
What is the conversion energy of 1 amu (in eV)?
1 amu = 931 MeV
MeV to amu: ÷ 931
amu to MeV: x 931
What is Rydberg’s constant?
1.0974 x 10⁷ m⁻¹
What is the conversion factor between the wavelength of a photon in nm and its energy in eV?
1238 eV nm
(divide this value by the wavelength in nm to get the energy or by the energy in eV to get the wavelength)
What is 1 curie in becquerel and what is the conversion factor?
1 Ci = 3.7 x 10 ¹⁰ Bq
Bq to Ci: ÷ 3.7 x 10 ¹⁰
Ci to Bq: x 3.7 x 10 ¹⁰
What is the half-life of radium-226?
1600 years
What energy does an alpha particle have?
Energy in the order of 5 MeV
What energy does a beta particle have?
0.6 - 2 MeV
What energy does a gamma ray have?
0.1 - 1.5 MeV
What is the energy of 99-Tc?
140 keV
What is the by-product of annihilation?
Two 511 keV gamma rays
What is the average dose of FDG given to a patient?
200 - 400 MBq
What is the effective half-life of FDG?
110 mins
What is the average annual radiation dose?
2.3 mSv
What is the energy of a low energy x-ray?
30 - 120 keV
What is the energy of a high energy x-ray?
6 MeV
What is the average energy lost by a beta particle for every collision in air?
What is the fast diffusion length in water?
5.75 cm
What is the thermal diffusion length in water?
2.88 cm
What distance of water is an effective shield for neutron sources
~25 cm
How much is a human year worth to the NHS in treatment costs?
The NHS will pay £30,000 per QALY (this can go higher for end-of-life drugs).
What voltage do ionisation chambers operate at?
200-400 V
What voltage do Geiger counters operate at?
Above 700 V
What is the conversion factor between exposure units and gray in air (the conversion of exposure to absorbed dose)?
1 C/kg = 34 gray
What is the radiation weighting factor for beta?
What is the radiation weighting factor for alpha?
What is the radiation weighting factor for x-rays?
What is the radiation weighting factor for gamma rays?
What is the risk factor per sievert of radiation in the whole body?
What is the average annual equivalent dose ?
2.3 mSv (in UK)
What is the average annual equivalent dose from cosmic rays?
0.3 mSv
What is the average annual equivalent dose from terrestrial gamma?
0.35 mSv
What is the average annual equivalent dose from internal sources (C-14 and K-40)?
0.38 mSv
What is the average annual equivalent dose from inhalation (radon Rn-222 and decay sources)?
0.97 mSv
What is the average annual equivalent dose from nuclear weapons, Chernobyl, leaks, etc.?
0.03 mSv
What is the average annual equivalent dose from medical exposure?
0.25 mSv
Describe the pie chart for the distribution of annual equivalent dose
What is the dose of a CT scan?
~10 mSv (> ~10 mGy)
What is the lifetime risk of fatal cancer from a CT scan?
What is the normal risk of fatal cancer?
What is the total tissue weighting factor for the whole body?
What is the dose of a paediatric CT scan?
5 mSv - 60 mSv
What is the range of sensitivities for a film badge?
0.1 - 10 mSv
What is the typical photon wavelength used for scintillation crystals?
410 nm
What are the effects of 3-5 Gy of radiation (and what effect does that have on the time to death)?
Hematopoietic syndrome in bone marrow: the production of red blood cells is stopped.
Time to death: 30-60 days
What are the effects of 5-15 Gy of radiation (and what effect does that have on the time to death)?
The gastrointestinal tract and lung epithelia are impacted.
Time to death: 10-20 days
What are the effects of >15 Gy of radiation (and what effect does that have on the time to death)?
The central nervous system is impacted.
Time to death: 1-5 days
What is the radiation dose that causes permanent sterility in males and females?
Males: 3.5-3.6 Gy
Females: 2.5-2.6 Gy
What is the radiation dose that causes temporary sterility in males and females?
Males: 0.15 Gy
Females: 0.6 Gy
What is the allowed radiation dose for the general public annually?
1 mSv (5 mSv if a medical procedure is required)
What is the allowed radiation dose for a radiologist annually?
20 mSv
What is the maximum permissible exposure (MPE) for ocular exposure to visible light?
For a 400 - 700 nm wavelength, the continuous (1hr) limit is 1 mW/cm².
What is the maximum permissible exposure (MPE) for ocular and skin exposure to HeNe (632 nm)?
- Occular: 2.5 mW/cm² for a 0.25s blink reflex
- Skin: 200 mW/cm² for 1hr
What is the wavelength of UVA?
320 - 400 nm
What is the wavelength of UVB?
280 - 320 nm
what is the wavelength of UVC?
100 - 280 nm
What are the wavelengths of fluorescent light?
253.7 nm to 185 nm
What % of non-melanoma skin cancer comes from UV radiation?
What is the total flux from the Sun?
1000 W/m²
How long does it take for sunburn to occur?
15 mins
What is the energy of UVA at 400nm (in eV)?
3.1 eV
What is the energy of UVB at 320 nm (in eV)?
3.9 eV
What is the energy of UVC at 280 nm (in eV)?
4.4 eV
What are the safe and maximum allowed degrees of heating of tissue?
Safe: 0.1ºC
Maximum: 1ºC
What is the SAR limit in the EU?
2 W/kg averaged over 10g of tissue
What is the SAR limit in the US?
1.6 W/kg averaged over 1g of tissue
What current through the heart can kill you?
A few µA
What is the electric field required for nerve stimulation?
6 V/m