Equations Flashcards
What is the equation for the speed of light in a vacuum?
c = speed of light
f = frequency
λ = wavelength
What is the equation for the energy of a photon?
E = energy
h = Planck’s constant
f = frequency
c = speed of light
λ = wavelength
What is the equation for the kinetic energy of an electron?
E = kinetic energy
mₑ = mass of the electron
v = velocity
What is the equation for the force on a charged particle in an electric field?
F = force
q = charge of particle
E = electric field (= potential difference/separation)
What is the equation for the work done on a charged particle?
W = work done
q = charge of particle
V = potential difference
What is the energy-mass equivalence equation?
E = energy
m = mass
c = speed of light
What is the equation for the relativistic kinetic energy of a particle?
E = kinetic energy
mₒ = rest mass of the electron
c = speed of light
v = velocity
What is the equation for the energy of the photon that is emitted when an electron moves between energy levels in an atom?
E = energy
h = Planck’s constant
c = speed of light
λ = wavelength
R = Rydberg’s constant = 1.0974 x 10⁷ m⁻¹
n₁, n₂ = energy levels
What is the equation for the energy of an emitted photoelectron in the photoelectric effect?
E = kinetic energy
h = Planck’s constant
c = speed of light
λ = wavelength
Φ = work function = ionisation potential
What is the equation for the total weight of the constituent parts of an atom?
W = total weight
Z = atomic number
A = number of nucleons (protons + neutrons)
mₑ = electron mass
mₚ = proton mass
mₙ = neutron mass
What is the equation for binding energy?
BE = binding energy
W = total weight
M = actual mass
What is the equation for binding energy per nucleon?
E = binding energy per nucleon
W = total weight
M = actual mass
A = number of nucleons
What is the equation for the energy of the scattered gamma photon in Compton scatter?
E’ = final energy
E’ = initial energy
mₑ = electron mass
c = speed of light
θ = scatter angle
What is the equation for the energy of the scattered (recoil) electron in Compton scatter?
E’ₑ = final electron energy
Eᵧ = initial gamma energy
E’ᵧ = final gamma energy
mₑ = electron mass
c = speed of light
θ = scatter angle
What is the equation for the total kinetic energy of pair production?
KE = Eᵧ - 2 * 511keV
KE = total kinetic energy of positron and electron
Eᵧ = energy of gamma photon
What is the differential equation for Beer’s law?
I(x) = intensity
x = distance
µ(x) = linear attenuation coefficient
What is the equation for Beer’s law?
I(x) = intensity
x = distance
I₀ = initial intensity
µ(x) = linear attenuation coefficient
What is the equation for the mass attenuation coefficient?
C = mass attenuation coefficient
µ = linear attenuation coefficient
ρ = material density
What is the equation for the range of an alpha particle in air at STP?
R = range in air
E = particle energy (MeV)
What is the equation for the range of an alpha particle in a material at STP?
Rₐᵢᵣ = range in air
ρₐᵢᵣ = density of air
Aₘ = atomic mass of material
Rₘ = range in material
ρₘ = density of material
Aₐᵢᵣ = atomic mass of air
What is the equation for the Maxwell-Boltzmann energy distribution?
E = energy (in J)
k_B = Boltzmann constant
T = temperature
What is the equation for the intensity of a beam of neutrons in terms of the nuclear cross-section?
I(x) = intensity
I₀ = initial intensity
µ(x) = linear attenuation coefficient
x = distance
σ = nuclear cross section
N = atomic density
What is the equation for relative risk?
RR = relative risk
p = probability
What is the equation for absolute risk increase?
ARI = absolute risk increase
p = probability
What is the equation for relative risk increase (RRI)?
RRI = relative risk increase
p = probability
What is the equation for the number needed to harm (NNH)?
NNH = number needed to harm
ARI = absolute risk increase
What is the equation for the relative risk of success?
RR = relative risk
p = probability
What is the equation for absolute risk reduction?
ARR = absolute risk reduction
p = probability
What is the equation for relative risk reduction?
RRR = relative risk reduction
p = probability
What is the equation for the number needed to treat?
NNT = number needed to treat
ARR = absolute risk reduction
What is the equation for standard deviation?
s = standard deviation
N = number of measurements made
x = measurement
x̄ = mean measurement
What is the equation for the standard error of the mean (SEM)?
SEM = standard error of the mean
s = standard deviation
N = number of measurements made
What is the equation for the student t-test?
t = statistic value
x̄ = mean measurement
SE = standard error of the difference in the means
s = standard deviation
N = number of measurements made
What is the equation for the degrees of freedom for an unpaired t-test?
DF = degrees of freedom
N = number of measurements made
What is the equation for the degrees of freedom of a paired student t-test?
DF = sample size - 1
What is the equation for the chi-squared test?
χ² = statistic value
O = observed value
E = expected value
What is the equation for the degrees of freedom for the chi-squared test?
DF = degrees of freedom
N = sample size
What is the equation for change in charge (in terms of capacitance)?
∆Q = change in charge
C = capacitance
∆V = change in voltage
What is the equation for equivalent dose?
H = equivalent dose
D = dose
Wᵣ = radiation weighting factor
What is the equation for effective dose in multiple organs?
E = effective dose
Wₜ = tissue weighting factor
H = equivalent dose
D = dose
Wᵣ = radiation weighting factor
What is the equation for the differential form of Gauss’ law?
E = electric field
ρ = charge density
ε = permittivity of free space
What is the equation for the differential form of Gauss’ law for magnetism?
B = magnetic field
What is the Maxwell-Faraday equation for the differential form of Faraday’s law of induction?
E = electric field
B = magnetic field
t = time
What is the equation for the differential form of Ampere’s circuital law?
B = magnetic field
µ = permeability
ε = permittivity of free space
E = electric field
t = time
What is the equation for current density?
J = current density
σ = conductivity
E = electric field
What is the wave equation in a conductive medium?
What is the equation for specific absorption rate (SAR)?
SAR = specific absorption rate
σ = conductivity
E = electric field
ρ = charge density
What is the equation for radiation penetration depth (sometimes called skin depth)?
δ = penetration depth
σ = conductivity
µ = permeability
f = frequency
What is the equation for the specific absorption rate (SAR) using experimental measurements?
SAR = specific absorption rate
c = specific heat capacity
T = temperature rise
∆t = time for increase
What is the equation for the force on an object in a homogeneous magnetic field?
F = force
χ = magnetic susceptibility
τ = object volume
B = magnetic field
µ = permeability
What is the equation for the SAR of ultrasound?
Q = heat energy
ρ = density
α = linear attenuation coefficient
I = intensity