Specific Teeth Features Flashcards
Which tooth has the narrowest gingival embrasures?
Maxillary Central Incisors
Which tooth has the 2nd greatest crown length?
Maxillary Central Incisors
Which tooth is most likley to have a divided root canal?
Maxillary Central Incisors
Which tooth has the most rounded root form?
Maxillary Central Incisors
Which tooth has the greatest axial inclination?
Maxillary Central Incisors
Which teeth occludes with mandibular central and lateral incisors?
Maxillary Central Incisors
Which is the most commonly congenitally missing tooth?
Maxillary Lateral Incisors
Which is the second most variable tooth form?
Maxillary Lateral Incisors
Which tooth exhibits Dens-In-Dente most frequently?
Maxillary Lateral Incisors
Which tooth is most likley to have a palato-radicular groove?
Maxillary Lateral Incisors
Which tooth has the most concave lingual surface?
Maxillary Lateral Incisors
Which tooth is most likley to exhibit a peg lateral (maxillary or mandibular lateral incisiors)?
Maxillary Lateral Incisors
Which maxillary tooth has a cingulum located distal to the midline?
Maxillary Central Incisors
Which maxillary tooth has a cingulum oriented on the midline?
Maxillary Lateral Incisors and Maxillary Canines
Which tooth has a root tip which typically dilcerates to the distal?
Maxillary Lateral Incisors
Which tooth occludes with mandibular lateral incisors and canines?
Maxillary Lateral Incisors
Which is the longest tooth in the mouth? (Root+Crown)
Maxillary Canines
Which two teeth are least likely to be extracted?
Maxillary and Mandibuar Canines
Which tooth has a prominant labial ridge?
Maxillary Canines
On the Maxillary Canines, is the mesial or distal cusp ridge shorter?
Mesial is shorter
Which maxillary anterior tooth has an egg shaped pulp chamber?
Maxillary Lateral Incisor
Which tooth has an oval root which is flattened mesiodistally?
Maxillary Canines
Which teeth occlude with mandibular canines and first premolars?
Maxillary Canines
Which is the largest premolar?
Maxilary First Premolar
Which tooth has a prominent buccal ridge?
Maxilary First Premolar
What are the shapes of the Maxilary First Premolar occlusally? Proximally?
Rectangular occlusally
Trapezoidal proximally
Which tooth has a prominent mesial root concavity?
Maxilary First Premolar
On the Maxilary First Premolar, is the mesial or distal marginal ridge groove shorter?
Distal buccal cusp ridge is shorter
Which is the only premolar with two roots?
Maxilary First Premolar
Which teeth occlude with mandibular first and second premolars?
Maxilary First Premolar
What is the shape of the maxillary second premolar occlusally? Proximally?
Rectangular oclussally
Trapezoidal proximally
How does the shape of the occlusal table differ between maxillary first and second premolars?
first= more angular and asymetrical second= more ovoid and symetrical
Does the maxillary first or second premolar have more supplemental grooves?
Maxilary Second Premolar
In which maxillary premolar are the cusps of equal height?
Maxilary Second Premolar
Which teeth occlude with mandibular second premolars and first molars?
Maxilary Second Premolar
What is the largest permanent tooth?
Maxillary First Molar
Which is the only tooth that is broader lingually than buccally?
Maxillary First Molar
Which is the only tooth with a pronounced distal concavity at the CEJ?
Maxillary First Molar
What is the shape of the Maxillary First Molar occlusally? Proximally?
Rhomboid occlusally
Trapezoidal proximally
Which tooth may be associated with a Cusp of Carabelli?
Maxillary First Molar
Which tooth’s roots are in closest proximity to the maxillary sinus?
Maxillary First Molar
Which cusp is the Cusp of Carabelli associated with?
What are the three roots of the Maxillary First Molar? Which is the longest? Which is shortest?
DB- shortest
Palatal- longest
Which tooth has roots most likely to have a concavity?
Maxillary First Molar
How does the morphology of the Maxillary First Molar and Maxillary Second Molar differ?
The Maxillary Second Molar is smaller and more angular. It also has a longer root trunk.
Which tooth is second more likely to have cervical enamel projections?
Maxillary Second Molar
Which tooth is closest to the outlet of Stenson’s Duct?
Maxillary Second Molar
What shape is the Maxillary Second Molar occlusally? Proximally?
Rhomboidal occlusally, or heart shaped with the DL cusp s absent
Trapezoidal proximally
Describe the roots of the Maxillary Second Molar
Closer together than those of the maxillary first molar and typically turned distally
Which molar has roots which curve toward one another like the handles of pliers? Which roots are these?
Maxillary First Molar, the MB and DB roots
Which teeth have the most variable crown shape?
Maxillary and Mandibular Third Molars
Which is the shortest permanent tooth?
Maxillary Third Molars
Which teeth are most likley to have enamel pearls?
Maxillary and Mandibular Third Molars
Describe the crown morphology of Maxillary Third Molars
tapers lingually
3 cusps MB, DB, lingual
DB is often absent
Describe the root morphology of Maxillary Third Molars
3 roots, often fused
Which is the smallest permanent tooth?
Mandibular Central Incisors
Which tooth is most resembles its counterpart?
Mandibular Central Incisors, (they are extremely symmetrical in terms of placement of the cinglulum, sharpness of line angles and prominence of marginal ridges)
Which is the only anterior tooth to occlude with only one tooth?
Mandibular Central Incisors (the Maxillary Central Incisor)
Describe the crown morphology of Mandibular Central Incisors
The laterals are less symmetrical and slightly larger than the centrals. The mesial marginal ridge is longer than the distal and the incisal edge is twisted distolingually. The cingulum is slightly distal.
Describe the root morphology of Mandibular Central Incisors
Mesial and Distal concavities giving it an hourglass shape
Which tooth has the longest crown?
Mandibular Canines
How do the Maxillary and Mandibular Canines differ?
The lingual ridge of the mandibular is less prominent
Describe the crown morphology of the Mandibular Canines
cusp tip is toward the lngual, the mesial cusp ridge is shorter than the distal cusp ridge, the cingulum is positioned distally
Describe the root morphology of the Mandibular Canines
Oval roots flattened mesiodistally with a possible mesial depression and possible bifurcation
Which is the smallest permanent premolar?
Mandibular First Premolar
What is the crown shape of the Mandibular First Premolar occlusally? Proximally?
Square, occlusally
Rhomboidal, proximally
Which is the only posterior tooth with an cclusal plane tilted lingually?
Mandibular First Premolar
Describe the crown morphology of Mandibular First Premolar
mesial marginal ridge is shorter than the distal marginal ridge, no central groove, prominent transverse ridge
Between which two teeth is the gingival papilla the shortest?
Between the first and second mandibular premolars
Which tooth can have three configurations? What are they?
Mandibular Second Premolar
Y, H and U
What is the shape of the Mandibular Second Premolar occlusally? Proximally?
Square oclusally
rhomboidal, proximally (tilted lingually)
How do the Mandibular First and Second Premolars differ?
The first premolar has a much smaller lingual cusp and the second has a much larger one giving it a more square appearance
Describe the Y configuration. Which tooth does it apply to?
Three cusps, two on the lingual, central pit
Mandibular Second Premolar
Describe the H configuration. Which tooth does it apply to?
Two cusps, B and L with a short central groove
Mandibular Second Premolar
Describe the U configuration. which tooth does it apply to?
Two cusps, B and L with a crescent shaped central groove
Mandibular Second Premolar
Is the root longer or shorter on the Mandibular Second Premolar compared to the First Premolar?
Second is longer
Which tooth has a root closest to the mental foramen?
Mandibular Second Premolar
Which is the largest mandibular tooth?
Mandibular First Molar
Which tooth has two transverse ridge, three pitted fossae, two buccal grooves and a short lingual groove?
Mandibular First Molar
Describe the root morphology of the Mandibular First Molar
Usually widely separated, mesial root broadest buccolinguallly, both roots with concavities, especially on the mesial
Which molar is most symmetrical?
Mandibular Second Molar
Which tooth is most likely to have cervical enamel projections?
Mandibular Second Molar
Describe the crown shape of the Mandibular Second Molar occulsally. Proximally?
Rectangular occlusally Rhomboidal proximally (tilted lingually)
Describe the root morphology of the Mandibular Second Molar
Roots are closer together than the first molar with distal inclination
Which tooth is most likely to exibit enamel pearls?
Mandibular Third Molar
Describe the root morphology of the Mandibular Third Molar
Roots are usually short, distally inclined, and often fused. The root trunk is often also distally inclined
Describe the crown morphology of the Mandibular Third Molar
Extremely variable with an irregular groove pattern. It as a bulbous crown that is tapered distally.
Name some features that distinguish the mesial and distal sides of maxillary canines
the distal half is more convex
the curvature of the cervical line is greater on the mesial
the distal cusp ridge is longer