Specific questions Flashcards
Who danced and clashed their shiields to cover the sound of Zeus crying?
the Kouretes
Who told Demeter where her daughter was?
Helios, the personification of the sun
Who is the first lover of Zeus?
What’s her importance and the story about her?
Metis, an Oceanside that help Zeus to over his father Kronos giving him the potion That forces Kronos to vomit all of his other children
RAIN - source of rain
they say that every time it rains the drops are actually the tears from Ouranos Because of his sadness of having lost Gaia and his anger because of the betrayal of his son Kronos
Who was the mother of the muses?
Mnemosyne, The goddess of memory
Why and how Zeus raped his mother Rhea?

Dos. Violación de Zeus arrea su madre: cuando Zeus salió victorioso de todas sus guerras con los titanes y los gigantes y se convirtió en el rey del Olimpo, comenzó a a follar a diestro y siniestro con dioses inmortales.Después que Zeus mató a su esposa MetoIs, metéis, Applastandola Con un aplausoen la gota que Métis se había convertido, en rea le exigió al Zeus que no tenga nuevas cosas pensando que eso sería perjudicial para su hijo. Zeus se indignó con su madre que oso decirle a él, el rey del Olimpo, que es lo que debe hacer. Herido en su amor propio, Zeus amenazó a su madre de violarla en el campo donde estaban. EraSe convirtió en una víbora para salvarse, pero Zeus se convirtió en una víbora más grande y la violo.
In which island Zeus and his sister/future wife Hera Sleep together for the first time?
Brother and sister have sex together for the first time in Seacrets in the island of Samos
Who are twins among the Olympian gods?
Artemis and Apollo