Myths #1 Flashcards


Ouranos & Gaia


1) role of Ouranqos (sky) was to cover or protect Gaia (earth) but then coupled with her
Q2) Ouranos forced Gaia to keep her children on her womb bc fear of loosing throne
3) At Gaia´s urge, Kronos (her youngest child) cut his father;s genitals to take her husbands´ strength
4) from seed of Ouranos (which fell in sea) was born Aphrodite, while from his blood were created the Fates and the Giants
5) they say that every time it rains the drops are actually the tears from Ouranos Because of his sadness of having lost Gaia and his anger because of the betrayal of his son Kronos

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Kronos & Rhea


1) Kronos succeded his father Ouranos and took his sister Rhea as wife
2) Freed his brothers from bowels of earth (i.e. his mother;s womb)
3) Swallowed his children to prevent them from overthrowing him when grown up
4) Rhea gave Kronos a rock to swallow and kept Zeus in cave in Crete
5) Rape of Rhea by her son zeus

Dos. Violación de Zeus arrea su madre: cuando Zeus salió victorioso de todas sus guerras con los titanes y los gigantes y se convirtió en el rey del Olimpo, comenzó a a follar a diestro y siniestro con dioses inmortales.Después que Zeus mató a su esposa MetoIs, metéis, Applastandola Con un aplausoen la gota que Métis se había convertido, en rea le exigió al Zeus que no tenga nuevas cosas pensando que eso sería perjudicial para su hijo. Zeus se indignó con su madre que oso decirle a él, el rey del Olimpo, que es lo que debe hacer. Herido en su amor propio, Zeus amenazó a su madre de violarla en el campo donde estaban. EraSe convirtió en una víbora para salvarse, pero Zeus se convirtió en una víbora más grande y la violo.

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Creation of mankind


1) After Zeus defeated the Giants and he became the king of the Olympus or, he and his brothers and sisters became bored after a while.
So Zeus asked Hephaestus, his Son that was the god of iron, to create some new beings that would be more fun than objects and could entertain the gods.

from mix of earth and fire
2) Gods gave PROMETHEUS and EPIMETHEUS task of giving gifnts to creatures
3) Epimetheus ran oug of gifts and men remained naked and defenceless against nature
4) To compensate manking, Prometheus (who´s supervising Epimetheus) stole fire from workshop of HEPHAISTOS and ATHENA. From this, man was able to work metal
5) As punishment for giving fire to men, Zeus chained Prometheus and eagle ate every morning until HERACLES freed him by killing the eagle w/his arrow

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1) Hephaistos was one of sons of Zeus and Rhea.
2) When he was born, he was thrown out of Olympus by his mother.
3) different accounts why: a) bc she was ashamed of his ugly appearance b) she had conceived him against his wishes c) he had a genetic deformity which gave his mother a difficult delivery
4) Hephaistos survived alone by exploiting his inner talent as a craftsman
5) Hephaistos discovered how to melt metals on fire and from his workshop (and that of ATHENA) Prometheus stole the fire and gave to mankind
6) Revenge on his mother: when he undertook to make royal thrones for his parents, he fixed iron chains to Hera’s throne and covered them. When she sat down, the chains wrapped themselved around her and hold her fast.
7) He refused to free her until DIONYSOS managed to deceive him by giving him wine and taking him drunk to Mount Olympus. Hephaistos was then compelled to give way but asked in return he asked for beutiful APHRODITE as wife

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1) PANDORA, meaning the one who bring gifts, was created after first man
2) Pandora’s birth: Zeus took revenge on Zeus mankind for getting the fire from Prometheus, by sending women to men, who was to be source of all misfortunes

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  1. In DEUKALION flood, the only survivors were Deukalion, son of Prometheus and his wife PYRRHA, daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora.
  2. They survived bc heeded to parent’s warnings and built an arc
  3. When flood ended, arc was on summit of Mount Parnassos
  4. At god’s suggestion, two survivors threw stones over their shoulders. From stones thrown by Deukalion sprang men, from those thrown my Pyrrha, women.
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1) Daughter of Zeus and METIS
2) BORN FROM HEAD OF HER FATHER: When Zeus slept w/Metis, he was told he’ll have a daughter and a son and that when latter grew up, he’d become more powerful than himself
3) Zeus decided to swallow his mistress to prevent giving birth to the son
4) However, he kept his daughter inside his body and gave her birth himself

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1) Son of Zeus, teacher and patron of arts and music
2) Also famous for prophetic qualities: built his oracle in Delphi
3) Every year, thousands of people consulted the oracle for private matters and political matters
4) His sister, ARTEMIS, was goddess of the hunt

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a. Son of Zeus. Like Athena, he was born from his father’s body because his mother died prematurely

Nacimiento de Dionisio: Zeus se enamoró no solo de diosas, sino también de mortales.

Una de ellas fue S e M e L e. El problema para Zeus era que la unión entre un dios y un mortal estaban en contra de las leyes de la naturaleza.

Por tanto para poder acostarse Conce melé, Zeus se transforma en un príncipe.

Una vez embarazada de Zeus, era la siempre celosa mujer de Zeus va a visitar hace melé disfrazada de una vieja que la cuidaba.Y le pregunta asimilé si ella está realmente segura que el que se está acostando con ella es Zeus. Se melé empieza a dudar y la próxima vez que ve al Zeus le exige que se desnude totalmente para poder ver su cuerpo entero.

Zeus se niega sabiendo las consecuencias que eso puede traer, y entonces se melé le dice que no se acostara con el hasta que él se muestre de cuerpo entero.

Deseoso de acostarse Zeus acepta pero cuando se desnuda por la fuerza de Zeus como dios y su trueno toda la el palacio donde estás Emily se incendia incluyendo también a ella.

Pero milagrosamenteEl bebé que ella tenía dentro se salva de las llamas.

Ese bebé se convertirá en Dionisio

b. He was the god of wine and the theatre
c. He initiated men into secrets of wine, teaching IKARIOS how to make wine. Ikarios wished to share this gift w/other humans and gave it to groups of shephers, but he didn’t tell them of its effects, so they thought he tried to poison him and killed him

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a. Daughter of Kronos and Rhea. When her brother deposed his father he took her to Mount Olympos and assigned her task of protecting vegetation and faming.
b. On one occasion, Zeus slept w/her and gave her a beautiful daughter, PERSEPHONE
c. One day, when Persephone was playing w/her friends in the fields, Pluto, the god of Underworld, fell in love w/her. He, seized her and carried her off to his gloomy kingdom.
d. Demeter wandered the whole world searching for her child, until HELIOS told her the truth. The goddess then caused a terrible drought on earth, to compel the gods to return her daughter to her.
e. Humans began to die. After Zeus’s intervention, Pluto was finally persuaded to release his wife in order to save mankind. But before loosing her forever, he put a pomegranate into her mouth, knowing the tast of this earthly fruit would oblige her to return to him. This ruse oblige the gods to find a compromise: it was decided that for one third of the year Persephone would live w/her husband, spending the rest of the year w/her mother.

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  1. Son of Zeus and Hera, was the god of war, ever thirsting for fierce battles and bloody conflicts
  2. He was the first to be judged by the court of AEROPAGOS, which was named after him to commemorate this event
  3. This supreme court which only adjudicated on cases of murder, was first set up when POSEIDON accused Ares of murdering his son, HALIRROTHIOS
  4. The Aeropagos acquitted the god of war bc on the ground that Halirrothios attempted to rape Ares’ daughter, ALKIPPE
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  1. She was born out of the seed of Ouranos, when Kronos castrated him. She emerged from the sea in Cyrprus and dazzled the world w/her beauty
  2. She was the goddess of love; planted desire in the souls of mortals and immortals alike
  3. She competed w/Persephone for the love of the handsome Adonis and disappointed the goat-footed PAN
  4. She was compelled to marry HEPAHISTOS, as the price for him to release his mother HERA from the chains in her throne
  5. But she found consolation in the arms of ARES. From this union btw the goddess of love and the god of war was born HARMONIA: the union of love and death gave perfection to the world.
    6. Every night, when HEPHAISTOS goes to Work in his workshop, Aphrodite and Ares Get into Hephaistos ‘ bed And make passionate love until dawn, when a RES leaves. But it is always happens with lovers one evening they commit a fatal error. In the throes of passion, one night they don’t realize dad the sun has already risen.

And then, HELIOS, The Solari God, he always wakes up and sees everything that is happening. when Helios sees Aphrodite andHares in bed, He is shocked, And since he also could not resist to Aphrodite’s Fatal attraction, He goes and tells him your husband Hephaestus About the affair.

7. Enraged by Aphrodite’s Infidelity, If Hephaestus Prepares His vengeance. He then creates in his workshop metal net that is very thin but unbreakable, and he prepares it as Atrapalo over his own bed. He Then he tells everybody that he’s leaving for a long trip, knowing that the lovers will seize the opportunity to spend all the time in bed. Aphrodite pretends to be very sad about Hephaestus Sudden departure, but in fact is Relieved When he leaves and excited to go to a RES arms straight away.

When the lovers go to Hephaestus Bed and start to make passionate love her, they don’t realize that Hephaestus Has hidden in the house and then makes her the metal net fall into the bed and trap both of them.

Hephaestus Then calls upon all the gods of the Olympus To come and see the lovers naked and trapped. The gods come and humiliate and mock the lovers, While at the same time are many of the male gods, Such as Hermes and Poseidon, I really turned When watching Aphrodite naked.

After a while, Poseidon asks Hephaestus To release the lovers, and Hephaestus Accepts to do so but only under the condition that the lovers will be exiled from the Olympus and dad if they don’t fulfill that promise of being exiled, Poseidon Will take their place Trapped by the metal net. Zeus tired of what he considers a ridiculous affair, accepts this condition.

8. ARES and Aphrodite are both exiled, each to a different place. She is exiled to The island of Crete, but before her departure she has a passionate night with HERMES. From the union That night, Being that is neither fully male nor fully female is born And they call this being hermaphrodite.

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  1. Atlas sided with the Titans in their war against the Olympians.
  2. When the Titans were defeated, Zeus condemned Atlas to stand at the western edge of Gaia (the Earth) and hold up Uranus (the Sky) on his shoulders, to prevent the two from resuming their primordial embrace.
  3. A common interpretation today is that Atlas was forced to hold the Earth on his shoulders, but Classical art shows Atlas holding the celestial spheres, not a globe; the solidity of the marble globe born by the renowned Farnese Atlas may have aided the conflation, reinforced in the 16th century by the developing usage of atlas to describe a corpus of terrestrial maps.
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  1. Pandora was the first woman, created by Zeus as revenge on mankind for getting the fire from Prometheus. From her comes the race of women, who are an evil to men, with a nature to do evil
  2. The gods presented her with a box into which each had put something harmful, and forbade her ever to open it. But Pandora, like all women, was possessed of a lively cuiriosity. She had to know what was in the box. One day she lifted the lid – and out flew plagues innumerable, sorrow and mischief for mankind. One good thing, however, was there – Hope. It remains to this day mankind’s sole comfort in misfortune.
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  1. After King Sisyphus, of Corinth, betrayed Zeus, the supreme God ordered Thanatos, god of death, to chain King Sisyphus down below in Tartarus. King Sisyphus slyly asked Thanatos to demonstrate how the chains worked. As Thanatos was granting his wish, Sisyphus then seized the advantage and trapped Thanatos instead. This caused an uproar since no human could die with Thanatos disabled. Eventually Ares (who was annoyed that his battles had lost their fun because his opponents would not die) managed to free Thanatos and restored order.
  2. Sisyphus was severely punished for his trickery and his hubristic belief that he was more clever than Zeus: he was condemned to push a large rock up a hill, which rolled back down as soon as he reached the top, consigning Sisyphus to an eternity of useless efforts and unending frustration.
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  1. Tantalus was the son of Zeus and honored by the gods beyond all mortal children of Zeus. He was even welcomed to Zeus’ table in Olympus
  2. They even came to a banquet in his palace. In return for their favor he acted so atrociously that no poet ever tried to explain his conduct. He had his only son PELOPS killed, boiled in a great cauldron, and served to the gods.
  3. The gods became aware of the gruesome nature of the menu, so they did not touch the offering; only DEMETER, distraught by the loss of her daughter, PERSEPHONE, absentmindedly ate part of the boy’s shoulder.


  1. CLOTHO, one of the three Fates, ordered by Zeus, brought the boy to life again (she collected the parts of the body and boiled them in a sacred cauldron), rebuilding his shoulder with one made out by HEPHAISTOS and presented by DEMETER.
  2. The Greeks of classical times claimed to be horrified by Tantalus’s doings; cannibalism, human sacrifice and infanticide were atrocities and taboo.
  3. Tantalus’s punishment for his act, now a proverbial term for temptation without satisfaction (the source of the English word tantalise), was to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches. Whenever he reached for the fruit, the wind raised the branches with his intended meal from his grasp. Whenever he bent down to get a drink, the water receded before he could get any. This fate has cursed him with eternal deprivation of nourishment.


  1. Pelops was the local hero of Olympia and was considered the mythical founder of the Games. The story of Pelops begins with the king of Pisa (a district not far from Elis), who had a beautiful daughter named HIPPODAMEIA.
  2. According to an oracle, the king would be killed by her husband. Therefore, he decreed that any young man who wanted to marry his daughter was required to drive away with her in his chariot, and the king would follow in another chariot and spear the suitor if he caught up with them. Now, the king’s chariot horses were a present from the god Poseidon and were therefore supernaturally fast.
  3. Pelops was a very handsome young man and the king’s daughter fell in love with him. Before the race, she persuaded her father’s charioteer to replace the bronze axle pins of the king’s chariot with wax ones. Naturally, during the race the wax melted and the king fell from his chariot and was killed.


  1. When the charioteer came seeking his reward, Pelops treacherously cast him into the sea, but as a result a heavy curse was called down upon his house.
  2. Pelops was proclaimed the winner and married Hippodameia and became the king. After his victory, Pelops organized chariot races as thanksgiving to the gods and as funeral games in honor of King Oinomaos, in order to be purified of his death. It was from this funeral race held at Olympia that the beginnings of the Games were inspired. Pelops became a great king, a local hero, and gave his name to the Peloponnese.
  3. Eventually Pelops became part of the local mythology. According to legend, Hercules founded the Games at the place where Pelop’s tomb was located at Olympia. A sanctuary was later erected in honor of Pelops. The sanctuary, called the Pelopion, was composed of a monument surrounded by a pentagonal enclosure. As part of the ancient Olympics, ceremonies were held in honor of Pelops in front of the Pelopion.


  1. The son of ALKMENE and ZEUS, who assumed the form of her husband to lay with her.
  2. From early age, Herakles showed he was no ordinary mortal. His divine father had given him special strength.
  3. Zeus attraction to Alkmene incurred the fatal jealousy of HERA, who decided to destroy the fruit of their love. When Herakles was still an infant, she sent two serpents to his cradle to kill him, but the hero strangled both of them with his hands.
  4. When he grew up, he married MEGARA, the daughter of Kreon, king of Thebes, and had 5 children. But Hera, who had still not been revenged, drove the hero mad and in his insanity he killed his wife and children.


  1. It is recounted that ZEUS held a banquet in celebration of the marriage of ACHILLES’ parents.. However, ERIS, goddess of discord was not invited, for she would have made the party unpleasant for everyone. Angered by this snub, Eris arrived at the celebration with a golden apple from the GARDEN OF THE HESPERIDES, which she threw into the proceedings, upon which was the inscription (kallistēi, “for the fairest one”).
  2. Three goddesses claimed the apple: HERA, ATHENA and APHRODITE. They asked Zeus to to pick, but he refused. One goddess was his wife, another was his daughter, and the third was the goddess of beauty. It was too hard for the king of the gods. Instead, he declared that PARIS, a Trojan mortal, would judge their cases.


  1. Thus it happened that, with HERMES as their guide, the three candidates bathed in the spring of Ida, then they appeared to Paris naked, the reason being controversial.
  2. While Paris inspected them, each attempted with her powers to bribe him; HERA offered to make him king of Europe and Asia, Athena offered wisdom and skill in war, and Aphrodite, offered the world’s most beautiful woman. This was HELEN of SPARTA, wife of the Greek king MENELAUS.
  3. Paris accepted Aphrodite’s gift and awarded the apple to her, receiving Helen as well as the enmity of the Greeks and especially of Hera. The Greeks’ expedition to retrieve Helen from Paris in Troy is the mythological basis of the Trojan War.


  1. Ekho was a mountain nymph) who loved her own voice. ZEUS loved consorting with beautiful nymphs and visited them on Earth often.
  2. Sometimes the young and beautiful nymph Echo would distract and amuse Zeus’ wife, HERA, with long and entertaining stories while Zeus took advantage of the moment to ravish the other mountain nymphs. When Hera discovered the trickery, she was so annoyed she punished the talkative Echo by taking away her voice, except in foolish repetition of another’s shouted words. Thus, all Echo could do was repeat the voice of another


  • Typhon is considered the father of monsters
  • He was conceived by the union of Gaia and Tartarus. He was the idea of gai to revenge against Zeus For winning the battle against the Titans, glgaia’s children
  • Titus had the face of a human with wings on his back serpents as arms and spit fire
  • He was so scary that all the Titans except Zeus turned into animals and escaped south to Egypt
  • Zeus had a first fight against Titan and was defeated by him. – Decided not to kill him but instead cut his arms and legs which leader were restored by the other titans
  • On a second battle between Zeus and typhoon was able to kill typhoon and bury him on Mount Etna
  • They say that every time that mount Etna erupts, it is the roar of Typhon trying to get out


  • Metis What’s the titan with whom zeus coupled once he became adult
  • she embodied a mix of prudence and cunning
  • Metis helped Zeus to defeat Krono’s by suggesting him to ask his mother rhea, to prepare a potion that would make Kronos vomit all Zeus brothers and sisters
  • but Metis became a threat to Zeus when he heard the prophecy that she was going to have two children from him. The first girl and then the second boy that according to the prophecy would overturn the throne of Zeus
  • to thwart This prophecy zoos try to Trick her by suggesting her to make a bet about the most original way in which she could disguise her self.
    — Matisse then disguised herself first as a lion then I said ball and then I said fly. According to one version it was dead and that Zeus swallowed the fly. According to another version zoos congratulated Matisse for her creativity and still challenge her to disguise herself as something smaller. She then disguised herself as drop Zeus uploaded the drop that’s killing Matisse.
    — but since Matisse was then body meant of Cunningham on Rouss Shear after a while Zeus started to have a number above headache. He then asked his brother if I stress he faced us to open his head and when he did the daughter of Mrs. Matisse Athena was came out of Zeus head. Another line
    – Athena Athena What is the goddess of war and cities. She was born from Zeus head already with an armor and helmet


  • THEMIS was one of the six girls goddess of the first generation of Gods, a Titatnide .
    – THEMAS watch the goddess of Law and order.
    – THEM aIS was the second woman that Zeus took, after Matisse.
    — THEMAS became the counselor of Zeus.
    – THEMAS it’s usually depicted with a weight on one hand and a sward on another. The weight is meant to represent justice. And the sword is meant to represent how she cut between truth and lies.
    – THEMIS is also depicted as the goddess of prophecy, related to Delphi.
    – THEMIS had with those three daughters, the maria (the FalATES )That determine the destiny of every person under death.

Moirae - fates


Moirae - fates iPhone

  • The Moirae, or Fates, are three old women who are charged with the destinies of all living beings, including heroes and heroines, and these destinies were represented by a string.
  • They were the incarnation of destiny and in Roman culture they are called the PARCAE
  • They were called Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos.

  • Clotho would spin the string that represented the life of a living being; Her Roman equivalent was Nona (“the ninth”), who was originally a goddess called upon in the ninth month of pregnancy.
  • Lachesis would measure its length to determine the length of that being’s life, and
  • Atropos, the eldest, would cut it when the time was right, thus ending with that being’s life. nexorable” or “inevitable”, literally “unturning”,[13] sometimes called Aisa) was the cutter of the thread of life. She chose the manner of each person’s death; and when their time was come, she cut their life-thread with “her abhorred shears”.[14]

  1. thread

That’s thread is the thread of life, the life of mortals as well as the life of the gods

Even zeus recognize this the power of the moiras. The Moiras embody the destiny

  • These three goddesses were thought to be the daughters of Zeus and Themis. This is debatable however. Even some deities were afraid of the Fates.
  • Despite the fact that the Moira were usually described and depicted as all the women, they have a lot of power
  • in one story they are described as killing two giants in the zone to logic wars
  • In another story is told that they help the zoos defeat the iPhone by giving him an apple that they said would give him more power but when in fact we can him before zoos kill him



CHARON was the Ferryman Of the underworld, responsible for carrying In his boat in his boats all the people that die rom this world to the underworld, Crossing the river Styx that separated this world from the underworld.

His ride is ferryman wasn’t free. Every dead person had to bring In his mouth a coin for CHARON. Those who were very poor and didn’t bring the coin, we are left in the river as ghosts forever




Las musas son las nueve hijas de Zeus y Mnemosyne, la diosa de la memoria




Después de estar con Métis y temis Y haber adquirido por medio de esas la prudencia la astucia y la justicia, Zeus decide que necesita una reina, porque es un rey sin una reina?
Zeus elige a su esposa entre su familia, de hecho a su hermana Hera, la diosa siempre irascible y celosa.


Cuál es la isla en la que se acuestan por primera vez Zeus y su mujer Hera?

Hermano y hermana se unen por primera vez en secreto en la isla de Samos