Specific Learning Disorder Flashcards
SLD prevalence in U.S.
Male to female ratio
1.5 to 1
visual word form area.
A region in the left occipitotemporal cortex, including the middle part of the left fusiform gyrus, devoted to rapid processing of written words
the brain’s “letterbox”
neural signature of dyslexia
During tasks requiring phonological analysis:
underactivation in Wernicke’s area, angular gyrus, and striate cortex
with concurrent overactivation in the inferior frontal gyrus
Comorbid conditions of dyslexia
Oral language deficits (55%)
Mathematics disabilities (55%)
ADHD (25–40%)
Double-Deficit Model of Reading Disabilities
Rapid naming speed (single-deficit) and phonological awareness
Late-emerging reading disabilities
reading deficits are not evident until at least third grade (~40%)
- associated with learning to read to reading to learn
- often associated with
coexisting conditions, especially ADHD
Implicated brain regions in math disorder
several brain regions within the posterior parietal cortex, including the intraparietal sulcus, the supramarginal gyrus, and the angular gyrus.
Prevalence of math disorder
similar to reading disorder (~20%), suggesting a high level of co-occurence
Implicated brain regions in dysgraphia/written language disorder
alterations in white matter microstructure in several brain regions, predominantly within the left hemisphere
Prevalence of those with dysgraphia having dyslexia
Up to 75%
Male to female ratio for dysgraphia
3-4 to 1
Prevalence of dysgraphia
SLD models
Aptitude-Achievement Discrepancy Model - discrepancy between measured intelligence and a specific academic skill
Low-Achievement Model - low achievement on standardized measure (most validity)
Intraindividual Differences Model - takes into account individual profiles of strengths and weaknesses in cognitive functioning and information processing. Students are identified as having learning disabilities when their profiles are markedly uneven.
Problem with this model: test scatter is normal, cognitive profiles do not consistent translate to individualized instruction
Response to Intervention (RTI) Model - students should receive adequate instruction with appropriate monitoring before being considered to have a learning disability.
The neural signature of dyslexia includes:
under activation of Wernicke’ s area, the striate cortex, and the angular gyrus, but overactivation of the inferior frontal gyrus
The concept of numerosity is comprised of…?
Comparison (symbolic or non-symbolic) and number line estimation skills.
Medical Conditions that are associated with high risk of math SLD
spina bifida and congenital hydrocephalus (occurs more than 50%)