Specific Incomplete Spinal Cord Lesions Flashcards
Loss of ipsilateral paralysis and loss of vibration and position sense due to damage to the Corticospinal and dorsal columns. Contralateral loss of pain and temperature due to damage to the lateral spinothalamic tract.
Hemisection of the spinal cord from stab
Brown sequard’s syndrome
Occurs below L1
Lmnl - peripheral nerve injury
Flaccidity, areflexia, and impaired bowel/bladder function
Cauda equina injuries
Results from compression from hyperextension which damages the spinothalamic, Corticospinal, and dorsal columns
Central cord syndrome
Caused by compression of the posterior spinal artery causing loss of Proprioception, two point discrimination, and stereognosis .. Motor function is preserved.
Posterior cord
Compression and damage to the anterior part of the spinal cord or anterior spinal artery. The MOI is usually cervical flexion. Results in a loss of motor function and pain/temperature sense below the lesion due to damage of the Corticospinal and spinothalamic tracts
Anterior cord syndrome