Speciation and solubility modelling Flashcards
What does a speciation-solubility calculation provide?
a snapshot of the assumed equilibrium state of a dynamic system
what are some physicical procese that can reduce concentrations of contaminents?
Dispersion, diffusion, and mixing with another water
body will dilute the contaminant concentrations.
what are some chemical procese that can reduce concentrations of contaminents?
Precipitation, co-precipitation, ion-exchange, and surface
adsorption can transfer contaminants from groundwater to
the immobile solid phases and reduce the contaminant concentrations.
what are some biological procese that can reduce concentrations of contaminents?
Microbial mediated processes can transform organic
contaminants into benign compounds or oxidize or reduce the
toxic metals into a less toxic and mobile form.
For what phases could SI be a good guide?
carbonates and sulfate minerals