Special uses of the definite article Flashcards
Ό Article meaning / Usage
(Ό) Δαυιδ 
Although names to get the article they are not pronounced when speaking the names.
Ό νόμος
Could be translated as the law or the idea of the law.
Is declinable meaning it has
Genders, numbers and cases.
Does not have vocative case because when we call someone we don’t say come here, “the JASON.”
The article ALWAYS agrees in with the noun in these 3 Facets
gender number & case
We keep the (ν) in the case of the Accusative Feminine Singular τη(ν) when the next word begins with anyone of these letters…
κ,π, τ, ξ, ψ,
μπ, ντ, γκ, τσ, τζ or a vowel
When the next word Begins with any of these 5 letters we drop the ν
We just dropped the νew Δelta And ζeta took the βeta and made her own γamma ρow
δ, ζ , β, γ, ρ,
The preposition σε (in) + the definite article.
When they follow each other they always…
Contract to form a new word
σε+ του (masc and neut /gen/sing)
στου - meaning into /at
Throw the carrots INTO the “στου!“
σε+ της (fem/gen/sing) CONTRACT TO MAKE…
στης- meaning: to the, in, at
στης( Stac(ie) Went TO THE store
σε + τον (masc /Acc/sing) CONTRACT TO MAKE…
στον meaning: to the, in, at
σε +τη (Fem /Acc/sing) CONTRACT TO MAKE…
στη (steh) meaning : to
σε + το (Neuter /Acc/sing) CONTRACT TO MAKE…
στο (stoh) meaning: to the, in the, at the
σε+των (M/F/N /GEN/Plural) CONTRACT TO MAKE…
(stone) → στων - meaning at the, to the
σε+τους (Masc/ ACC/Plural) CONTRACT TO MAKE…
(stooce ) → στους meaning: to, in the, at the
σε +τις (Fem/ ACC/Plural) CONTRACT TO MAKE…
στις (steece) meaning: to the, in the at the,