Special Tests: Pathology to Test Flashcards
Anterior Shoulder dislocation/instability
Anterior apprehension, relocation, surprise
Load and shift
Posterior capsule length
Biceps tendon pathology
Ludington’s test
Speed’s test
Yergason’s test
Shoulder impingement
Hawkins-Kennedy impingement test Neer impingement test Supraspinatus test (empty can) Painful arc test Modified SAT Posterior capsule length Posterior internal impingement
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Adson maneuver Allen test Costoclavicular syndrome test Roos test Wright test (hyperabduction test)
Elbow ligamentous instability
Varus stress test
Valgus stress test
Elbow lateral Epicondylitis
Cozen’s test
Lateral epicondylitis test
Mill’s test
Elbow medial epicondylitis
Medial epicondylitis test
Golfer’s elbow test
ulnar nerve compression or compromise
Tinel’s at elbow
Elbow flexion test
Pressure provocation for elbow
Froment’s sign
Wrist/ hand ligamentous instability
Ulnar collateral ligament instability test
Wrist/ hand vascular insufficiency
Allen test
Capillary refill test
Wrist/ hand contracture/ tightness
Bunnel-Littler test
Tight retinacular ligament test
Carpal tunnel
Phalen’s test
Tinel’s sign
Reverse phalens
Carpal compression test
De Quervain’s disease
Finkelstein’s test
DJD in carpometacarpal joint
Grind test
Dislocated lunate
Murphy sign
Hip flexion contracture
Ely’s test
Thomas Test
TFL contracture
Ober’s test
Piriformis tightness or sciatic compression
Piriformis test
Hamstring tightness
Tripod sign
90-90 straight leg raise
Pediatric hip dislocation
Barlow’s test
Ortolani’s test
Hip anteversion
Craig’s test
Hip joint pathologies
Patrick’s test (FABER)
Quadrant scouring test
Glute med weakness
Trendelenburg test
ACL instability
Anterior drawer
Anterolateral rotary instability of the knee
Lateral pivot shift test
Slocum test
PCL tear
Posterior drawer
Posterior sag sign
Reverse Lachman
MCL, PCL, posterior oblique ligament damage
Valgus stress test
LCL, PCL, arcuate complex, Posterolateral capsule damage
Varus stress test
Meniscal pathology
Apley's compression test Bounce home test McMurray test Apley's distraction Thessaly
Knee swelling
Brush test
Patellar tap test
Patellofemoral dysfunction
Clarke’s sign
Knee plica
Hughston’s plica test
IT band friction syndrome
Noble compression test
Patella subluxation or dislocation
Patellar apprehension test
ATFL sprain
Anterior drawer test
Talar tilt
Calcaneofibular ligament sprain
Talar tilt
Achilles’ tendon
Thompson test
Royal London
Painful arc
Tibial rotation
Tibial torsion test
Leg length discrepancy
True leg length discrepancy test
Cervical nerve root compression (radiculopathy)
Foraminal compression test (Spurling's) Cervical distraction Shoulder abduction Valsalva test L'Hermitte's sign
Vertebral artery compression
Vertebral artery test
SI dysfunction
Sacroiliac joint stress test Sitting flexion test Standing flexion test Gillet test Ipsilateral anterior rotation test Gaenslen's test Supine to sit test Goldthwait's test
TMJ special tests
TMJ compression
Cervical myelopathy
Hoffmann’s sign
AC joint pathology
AC palpation
Posterior shoulder instability
Apprehension test for posterior dislocation
Load and shift test
Jerk test
Inferior/multidirectional shoulder instability
Sulcus sign
SLAP lesion
Active compression
Biceps load test II (Yergason’s)
Posterior rotator cuff pathology
ER lag
Drop arm test
Empty can test
Full can test
Anterior rotator cuff test
IR lag
IR and ER shoulder pathology
Apley’s scratch test
Sciatic nerve pathology
Crossed SLR
Femoral nerve pathology
Prone knee flexion test
UMN involvement
Plantar fasciitis
Pes planus
Navicular drop
Feiss line
Talar bulge
Too many toes
Upper limb tension tests
Ulnar, median, radial
Glenoid labral tear
Clunk test
TFCC pathology
Supination lift test