Special Tests Flashcards
What are the special tests for shoulder impingement?
Hawkins, Neer, Horizontal ADD, Jobe’s, Speed’s
What are the special tests for rotator cuff tear?
Drop arm, ER lag sign (0 and 90 deg), belly press (subscap)
What are the special tests for shoulder instability?
Apprehension test, relocation test, anterior release, load and shift (anterior/posterior), and sulcus sign
What are the special tests for superior labral tear? (ABCD)
Anterior slide, Biceps load II, Crank test, Dynamic shear
What are the special tests for meniscus tears?
McMurray’s, Apley’s compression, Thessaly’s test, and Ege’s test
What are the special tests for patellofemoral pain?
Patellar apprehension test, patellofemoral compression test, quality of movement (lateral step down/up), and medial glide during multi-angle isometric contraction
What are the special tests for ligamentous injuries of the knee?
Anterior drawer, Lachman’s, Posterior drawer test, Valgus test, Varus test, Anteromedial drawer test, Anterolateral drawer test
What special test is used when suspecting FAI Syndrome?
Anterior hip impingement test (AKA FADIR)
What scale is used for generalized joint laxity?
Beighton’s Scale
What are special tests for hip instability?
Dial test and Long axis distraction test
What are special tests used for labral pathology?
FABER and Log roll test
What special test is for iliopsoas tightness?
Thomas test
What special test is for lateral hip tightness?
Ober’s test
What special test is for examining femoral anteversion?
Craig’s test
List all of the hip interarticular special tests:
Hip Scour Test
Anterior Impingement Test (FADIR)
Patrick’s Test (FABER)
Log Roll Test
Stitchfield/Resisted SLR/Resisted Hip Flexion Test
What special test helps determine ligamentous injury of the ankle?
Anterior Drawer test of the ankle
What is the special test for transverse ligament integrity? (hint: transverse ligament is what stabilizes the atlanto-axial joint)
Sharp Purser
What is the special test for carpal tunnel syndrome?
Tinel’s Test