Two types of deafness
Conduction deafness and sensorineural
A temporary or permanent deafness which is a disease of external and the middle ear
Conduction deafness
Degeneration or damage to receptor cells to cochlear nerve or neurons of auditory cortex due to old age extended listening to excessively loud sounds intake of ototoxic drugs
Sensorineural deafness
It is a test where base of vibrating tunic fork is applied to the forehead in the midline
Weber’s Test
3 types of Weber’s Test
_ - sound - midline
_ - sound louder in the affected ear
_- sound louder in the normal ear
It is a test where a base of tuning fork is place over the mastoid process of the skull
Rinne’s Test
Rinne’s Test
Normal - ____ > ______
Air conduction -> bone conduction
Rinne’s Test
Conduction deafness -> ____ -> _____
Bone Conduction -> air conduction
Rinne’s Test
Both are diminished but air conduction remains better than bone conduction
Sensorineural deafness
It maintains the body balance
Coordinates eye head and body movements and permits the eyes to remain fixed on a point in space as the head moves
Vestibular apparatus
For angular acceleration which is found in the dilitations of semicircular ducts called ampulla
Crista ampullaris
Contains gelatinous substance called cupula
Crista ampullaris
It is found inside the vestibule and stimulated by linear acceleration
What is the gelatinous substance contained in macula containing otoconia which are calcium carbonate crystals
Otolithic membrane
Mediated largely by the semicircular canals and can detect motion of head in space
Dynamic function
Mediated mostly by the utricle and allows detection of the position of the head in relation to gravity also important in control of posture
Static functions
Largest membranous component of the vestibular system
It is spherical and smaller which communicates with the cochlear duct through the short narrow ductus reuniens and with the utricle through the utriculo-saccular duct
It is a tubular evagination of the utriculo-saccular duct and it terminates as a blind expansion called endolymphatic sac
Endolymphatic duct
Taste receptors
Taste buds
Most are localized in the tongue and few are found on the soft palate inner surface of the cheeks and walls of the oropharynx
Taste buds
It is composed of many sensory gustatory cells that are encapsulated by supporting cells
Cylindrical taste bud
Opening in the taste buds where the gustatory hears pass through
Taste pore
Doors health service of tongue is covered with small peg-like projections
Taste pore
Papillae is composed of four parts
Full name of professor in Anaphysio
Doctor Pedro E. Ampil MD, FPSA, FIAMS