Special Senses C 14 Flashcards
Somatic nervous system
Is responsible for our conscious perception of the environment and for our voluntary responses to the perception by means of skeletal muscles
Is a receptor that is located nearest stimulus in the external environment
Is one that interprets stimuli from internal organs and tissues
Is a receptor located near moving part of the body such as a muscle that interprets the positions of tissues as they move
Free nerve ending
With dendrites in bedded in tissue that would receive a sensation
Encapsulated ending
In which the sensory nerve endings are in capsulated and connective tissue that enhances their Sensitivity
Receptor cell
Which has the state structural components to interpret a specific type of
Photo receptor
The cells in the retina that respond to light stimuli are example of a specialized receptor
Chemical stimuli can be interpreted by chemo receptor that interprets chemical stimuli such as an objects taste or smell
Osmo receptors
Respond to salute concentrations of body fluids
Additionally pain is primarily chemical sense that interprets the presence of chemical some tissue damage or similar intense tonight through a nociceptor
Physical stimuli such as pressure and vibration as well as the sensation of sound and body position balance are interpreted through a mechanoreceptor
Another physical stimulus that has its own type of receptors temperature which is sent through a thermoreceptor that is either sensitive to temperature is above heat or Cold normal normal
General sense
Is one that is distributed throughout the body and has a receptor cells within the structures of other organs
Special cents
Is one that has a specific organ devoted to it namely the eye inner ear tongue or nose