Special Flashcards
Sense of smell
Olfactory epithelium
The region where a factor receptor neurons are located within the superior nasal cavity
Structures of the ear on the lateral aspect of the head transduction of sound waves into a narrow signal
External ear
Auricle, ear canal, tympanic membrane
Middle ear
Consist of a space bound by three small bones called the articles which are called MALLEUS, INCUS, STAPES which are Latin names that roughly translate to HAMMER, ANVIL, STIRRUP
Inner ear
Where the sound waves will be transduced into a neural signal
Two separate regions of the inner ear
Cochlea and vestibule which are responsible for hearing and balance
Spiral ganglia
Sensory neurons in the inner ear
Oval window
Located at the beginning of a fluid filled tube within the cochlea called the scales vestibuli
Cochlear duct
The central cavity of the cochlea that contains the sound transducing neurons