Special Relativity Flashcards
The Aether
- in the late 19th century it was though that a wave needed a medium to propagate through
- the medium though to support electromagnetic radiation was called the aether
The Michelson-Morley Experiment
-the experiment was designed to measure the velocity of the aether
The Michelson-Morley Experiment
- light from a source was directed horizontally towards an angled half silvered mirror
- half of the light reflected upwards and half passed straight through the mirror
- both of these beams of light travel towards fully silvered mirror a distance L away
The Michelson-Morley Experiment
Rest Frame
- assumes that the velocity of the ‘aether’ is 0
- both beams of light travel the same distance and at the end they are in phase
The Michelson-Morley Experiment
Moving Frame
- assumes that the light is moving through a medium, the aether, which itself is moving at a velocity, v
- this has no effect on the horizontal light beam as it is moving in the same direction as the aether
- this means that the vertical beam appears to travel further so is out of phase with the other beam at the end of the experiment
The Michelson-Morley Experiment
-the ratio between the time taken for the light to take the transverse path and the time taken to take the longitudinal is:
Tl / Tt = 1 / √(1 - (v/c)²)
-this was the prediction of the physics available at the time
-but after many attempts, no measured difference could be found
-they concluded that the aether does not exist
Fitzgerald-Lorentz Contraction
-Heaviside calculated that the electric field surrounding a spherical distribution of charge should cease to have spherical symmetry once the charge is in motion
-Fitzgerald suggested that this distorted charge cloud applied to macroscopic objects, the molecular field accounts for the Michelson-Morley result
-Fitzgerald proposes that the arm of the apparatus extended in the direction of motion is contracted by an amount proportional to
√(1 - (v/c)²)
Lorentz Transforms
First Equation - Distance
-suppose a distance x’ is measured in S’, the moving frame
-but in S, the stationary frame, the rule x’ is contracted to x’√(1 - (v/c)²)
-if the frame S’ has travelled a distance vt
-then the endpoint will be measured to be
x = x’√(1 - (v/c)²) + vt
Reference Frame
a set of coordinate systems at rest relative to each other is called a reference frame
The Galilean Transformations of Position
x = x' + vt y = y' z = z'
The Galilean Transforations of Velocity
Ux = Ux' + V Uy = Uy' Uz = Uz'
Inertial Reference Frames
reference frames that are not accelerating
Galilean / Newtonian Principle of Relativity
if we have two inertial reference frames moving with constant velocity relative to each other, there are no mechanics experiments that can tell us which is at rest and which is moving or if they both are moving
Electrodynamics - The Problem
- if you transform Maxwell’s equations using Galilean transforms then their form is different in different reference frames
- this implies that we can use electrical or optical experiments to determine the speed of the references frame
- Maxwell’s equations state that the velocity of light is a constant, even if the source is moving
- BUT, Galilean transforms predict that c is not constant, if we were moving at u, light would pass us at, c-u
Constant of the Speed pf Light
- all the laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frames
- Maxwell’s equations are true in all inertial reference frames
- Maxwell’s equations predict the speed of light in a vacuum is c
- therefore light travels at the same speed c in all inertial reference frames
The Two Postulates of Special Relativity
- no experiment can determine whether you are at rest or moving uniformly
- the speed of light is independent of the speed of the light source
Time Dilation
t = γt’
times passes slower for a moving object
γ = 1 / √(1 - (v/c)²)
two events that take place at different positions, (x1 and x2) but at the same time (t1=t2) as measured is some reference frame are said to be simultaneous, IN THAT REFERENCE FRAME
The Lorentz Transformations
x' = γ (x - vt) y' = y z' = z t' = γ (t - vx/c²)
The Lorentz Transformations
x = γ (x' + vt) y = y' z = z' t = γ (t' +vx'/c²)
What are the Lorentz Transformations?
- transformations that allow Maxwell’s equations to retain their form
- all physical laws should remain unchanged under the Lorentz transformations
Length Contraction
L = L’/γ
where L’ is the length measured in the rest frame of the object
How do you find the time dilation formula?
using the time transformation when the distance is zero