Special Purpose Frameworks Flashcards
What is special purpose frameworks?
Other Comprehensive Basis of Accounting other than GAAP in preparing financial statements
What are some of the appropriate special purpose frameworks?
- Tax basis of accounting
- Cash basis of accounting
- Modified cash basis of accounting
- Regulatory basis of accounting
- Contractual basis of accounting
What is the tax basis of accounting?
Basis of accounting used to file taxes
What is the cash basis of accounting?
Basis of accounting that records cash receipt and cash disbursements. Income and expenses are not accrued
What is the modified cash basis of accounting?
A combination of cash and accrual basis of accouting allowing for the accrual of taxes and depreication of fixed assets
What is the regulatory basis of accounting?
Basis of accounting used to comply with regulatory agencies
What is the contractual basis of accounting
Basis of accounting used to compy with a contract agreement between the entitry and one or more third parities
How is accrual to cash basis of accounting computed?
Accrual net income
+/- assets accounts (opposite of the YoY change)
+/- liability accounts (same as the YoY change)
= Cash net income
What is modified cash basis of accounting?
Hybrid accounting method consisting of the cash basis and accrual basis
Modified cash basis provides more information to users than cash basis without the complexities of GAAP