Financial Reporting - For Profit II Flashcards
How is depreciation and amortization reported on a statement of cash flows?
Depreciation and amortization are additions to net income on the operating section of the statement of cash flows.
Depreciation and amortization are added to net income because these non-cash transaction expenses reduce net income on the income statement
Per SFAC 8, what items should consider note disclosure?
- Past and current events that could have an impact on a company’s cash flows
- Information about the reporting entity
- Financial statement line item explantions
What are the criteria for “vulnerability to concentrations?”
- Concentrations exist at the date in the financial statements
- Concentration make the entity vulnerable to the risk of a severe impact in the near term
- Reasonable possibility the event may occur in the near term
Are contingent gains disclosed in the notes to the financial statements?
Gains are disclosed in the notes but are not accrued in the financial statements
Are contingent losses disclosed int he notes to the financial statement?
Losses are disclosed in the notes and accrued in the financial statements. The accrual is the most likely estimate of the outcome or the lowest amount in a range of estimated outcomes
What is the risk of accounting estimates?
Estimated assets are overstated and estimated liabilities are understated
How are maturing bonds classified on a balance sheet?
Non-current or long-term even if maturing in less than one year