Special Deductions Flashcards
The 15 special deductions following the rhyme ‘back cadef 7 alphabet O W’ are:
S11(bA) Pre-production interest S11(c) Legal expenses S11(cA) Restraint of trade S11(d) Repairs S11(e) Wear & tear S11(f) Commencement of lease and lease premiums S11(g) Leasehold improvements S11(h) Relief for the lessor S11(i) Bad debt S11(j) Doubtful debt S11(k) Pension funds S11(l) Contributions by employers to funds S11(m) Annuities paid to employees S11(o) Disposal of assets S11(w) Key-man policies
S11(g): Leasehold improvements: The lessor is NOT entitled to use the asset until…
…the lease ends
S11(g): Leasehold improvements: The lessor includes…
…an amount in gross income in year the right accrues (can apply for relief - typically only included the year improvements are completed!)
…stipulate an amount or fair and reasonable value
S11(g): Leasehold improvements: the lessee can deduct costs annually calculated as follows:
Cost / years (max: 25) x apportionment
Commences when improvements are completed!
S11(g): Leasehold improvements: if the lease is terminated early…
…the balance may be deducted!
S11(g): Leasehold improvements: the term of the lease must at least be…
…for 20 years!
Ignore the renewal period!
S11(g): Leasehold improvements: In determining the amount and actual vs. stipulated…
Actual < stipulated: Actual for both lessee & lessor
Actual > stipulated: stipulated for both!
S18A: Deductible donations:
Limited to 10% of taxable income
Made to PBO’s
Exclude lump sum benefits from taxable income when calculating taxable income!
S11(o): Disposal of assets:
Claimable on all assets EXCEPT buildings (scrapping allowance)
MUST be disposed of
not for assets with useful lives of 10 years or more
Actual costs + costs of moving
Amount by which cost exceeds allowances + deductions + proceeds!
S11(l): Contributions by employers:
10% of approved remuneration (SARS allows up to 20%)
S11(i): Bad debt:
1) Show you have ceased active recovery collection OR handed it over to attorneys or debt collectors
2) Written the debt off in your books
S11(f): Lease premiums:
Paid in addition to or in lieu of rent
Lessee may deduct the premium (if it is income to the lessor)
1. Used by lessee in production of income
2. Allowance commences in year premium is paid
3. Consider renewal periods
4. If the lease ends early, the balance is NOT deductible
5. The lessor is taxed in the year the premium accrues
S11(f): Lease premiums: Paid in annual installments calculated as follows:
Total premium / years (max: 25) x apportionment
Consider renewal periods!
S11(f): Commencement of lease:
Unless the lease premium is paid = no infomercial tax implications!
Full lease premium is included in lessor’s gross income
Lessee writes premium off over the lease period
(VAT: Finance lease: at commencement)
(VAT: operating lease: on each rental payment)
S11(d): Repairs:
- There must be damage or deterioration
- Intention of taxpayer must be to restore asset to its original condition
( does NOT result in an improvement!)
S11(cA): Restraint of trade: Payments shall not exceed…
…the lesser of:
- The amount / years of restraint OR
- 1/3 of the amount
S11(h): Relief for the lessor:
A deduction equal to the difference between:
- The amount of improvements in gross income &
- Improvements discounted at 6% over the period of the lease (excluding renewals!)
Special deductions and deductions are covered by sections:
S11 to 19: Deductions
S23B: double deductions prevented!
S11(c): Legal expenses: To qualify, costs must be…
- Actually incurred
- Any action, claim, dispute or action of law
- Incurred in the course of carrying on a trade
- Not of a capital nature (i.e. eliminating competition)
S11(m): Annuities to former employees:
- Retired on grounds of old age, ill health or infirmity
- Person was dependent on employee immediately prior to their death
- Former partner retired on grounds of old age, ill health or infirmity:
A. Partner for at least 5 years
B. Amount is reasonable (services)
C. Amount is reasonable (profit earned)
D. Not in lieu of other interests (goodwill)
E. Genuine annuity
S11(e): Wear & tear allowance:
Does NOT apply to buildings, ships or aircraft (12C) (permanent nature)
Take into account s11(d) Repairs in determining S11(e) allowance
Value is increased by moving costs
Installment credit agreements: seller cannot claim / buyer can claim until final payment
Not for assets written off over 3 years
Assets brought into use after 1 March 2009
MUST be apportioned!
Based on cost less residual value
< R7000: write off in full in first year