Speak Thai S2 Dialogue Flashcards
Maa-nó’b: Excuse me.
Can I request/have some water please?
Daa-raa: Yes, you can.
Maa-nó’b: Thank you very much.
Daa-raa: I’m glad. / It’s my pleasure. /You’re welcome.
Maa-nó’b: Kŏr~Tôd Krúb
Pŏ’m Kŏr Núm Dâi Măi?
Daa-raa: Dâi Kâ
Maa-nó’b: Kòrb~Koon Mâak Krúb
Daa-raa: Yin~Dee Kâ
The boss: You do/did/are doing a very good job.
I thank you so much, Mr Maanó’b.
Maa-nó’b: I am really glad. / I am very glad. / It’s my pleasure. /You’re very welcome.
The boss: Koon Maa-nó’b Tum Ngaan Dee Mâak Mâak
Pŏ’m Kòrb~Koon Koon Maa-nó’b Yàang~Mâak
Maa-nó’b: Pŏ’m Yin~Dee Yàang~ Sŭung Krúb
Daa-raa: Excuse me./Sorry
I drink this glass of water please.
Maa-nó’b: Yes, you can.
Daa-raa: Thanks.
Maa-nó’b: It’s all right.
Daa-raa: Tôd Jâ
Chŭn Dùeem Núm Gâew Née Nòi Ná
Maa-nó’b: Dâi
Daa-raa: Kòrb~Koon Jâ
Maa-nó’b: Mâi Bpe’n (À)-rai
Daa-raa: Excuse me, young man.
Can I drink this bottle of water?
Boy: Yes, you can.
Daa-raa: Thanks.
Boy: No problem.
Daa-raa: Tôd Jâ Nŭu
Nâa Dùeem Núm Kùad Née Nòi Dâi Măi?
Boy: Dâi Kúb
Daa-raa: Kòrb~Jai Jâ
Boy: Mâi Mee Bpun-hăa Kúb
Daa-raa: I apologize/am sorry that I do/did not do a good job. I apologize/am sorry that I am not doing a good job.
The boss: It’s alright.
Daa-raa: Chŭn Kŏr~Tôd Têe Chŭn Tum Ngaan Mâi Dee
The boss: Mâi Bpe’n (À)-rai Krúb
Daa-raa: Would/Do you like to eat some food with us as well?
Maanó’b: No, I feel courteous. (Do not want to cause trouble to you)
Daa-raa: You do not need to be courteous.
Please feel free (to have some food).
Daa-raa: It’s alright. /Don’t worry./ No worries.
Daa-raa: Koon Gin Kâaw Dŭay Gun Măi? Kâ
Maanó’b: Mâi (Lâ) Krúb
Pŏ’m Gre_ng~Jai Koon
Daa-raa: Koon Mâi Dtôrng Gre_ng~Jai Kâ
Dtaam Sà-baay Kâ
Maanó’b:Krúb, Kòrb~Koon Krúb
Daa-raa: Mâi Bpe’n (À)-rai
Maa-nó’b: Can you speak Thai language?
Tom: Yes, I can./ Yes, I can a little bit./ Yes, I can and very good./ No, I can’t.
Daa-raa: Do you like to listen to Thai music?
Maa-nó’b: Yes, I like./ No, I don’t like.
Daa-raa: What does/did your elder brother/sister do? / What is your elder brother/sister doing?
Maa-nó’b: My elder brother/sister wrote/was/is writing an email.
Maa-nó’b: (Koon) Pûud (Paa-săa) Thai Dâi Măi? Krúb
Tom: Dâi/ Dâi Níd~Nòi/ Dâi Gè_ng/ Mâi Dâ
Daa-raa: (Koon) Chôrb Fung Ple_ng Thai Măi? Ká
Maa-nó’b: Chôrb/ Mâi Chôrb
Daa-raa: Pêe (Kŏrng) Koon Tum (À)-rai? Ká
Maa-nó’b: Pêe (Kŏrng) Pŏ’m Kĕan Ee-me_w Krúb
Daa-raa: Would/Do you like to eat some food with
us as well?
Maanó’b: Yes, please. Thank you.
Daa-raa: It’s alright. / Don’t worry. / No worries.
What drink would you like to drink/have?
Maanó’b: Plain water please.
Daa-raa: Do you take/have ice?
Maanó’b: No, thanks.
Daa-raa: Is the food tasty/delicious?
Maanó’b: Yes, It’s tasty/delicious.
Daa-raa: Koon Gin Kâaw Dŭay Gun Măi? Ká
Maanó’b: Gin Krúb
Kòrb~Koon Krúb
Daa-raa: Mâi Bpe’n (À)-rai
Koon Dùeem Núm (À)-rai? Ká
Maanó’b: Núm~Bplào Krúb
Daa-raa: Koon Ao Núm~Kăe’ng Măi? Ká
Maanó’b: Mâi Ao Krúb
Daa-raa: Gùb~Kâaw À-ròry (À-Ròi) Măi? Ká
Maanó’b: À-ròry (À-Ròi) Krúb
Mum washes/washed/is washing her face.
Dad have/had/is having a shower/bath.
He/She goes/went/is going home.
They come/came/are coming home.
We sit/sat/are sitting.
Miss/Mrs Daa-raa stands/stood/is standing.
Mr Maa-no’b has got up already.
Daa-raa went to bed already.
(Elder) Maa-no’b turn/turned/is turning the light on.
I/You close/closed. I/You am/is closing the door.
Daa-raa completed the job/work already.
Daa-raa finished eating already.
Maa-no’b finished the rice/food already.
The water has run out.
Mâe Lâang~Nâa
Pôr Àab~Núm
Kăo Bpai Bâan
Pûak~Kăo Maa Bâan
Rao Nûng
Koon Daa-raa Yueen
Koon Maa-nó’b Dtùeen Láew
Nórng Daa-raa Norn Láew
Pêe Maa-nó’b Bpèrd Fai
Nŭu Bpìd Bprà-dtuu
Nórng Daa-raa Sè’d Ngaan Láew
Nórng Daa-raa Gin Sè’d Láew
Pêe Maa-nó’b Gin Kâaw Mò’d Láew
Núm Mò’d
Maa-nó’b: What’s wrong with you?
Daa-raa: I have got a fever.
Maa-nó’b: What’s wrong with him/her?
Daa-raa: Nothing is wrong with him/her.
Maa-nó’b: What’s wrong with your mum?
Daa-raa: My mum has got heart disease.
Maa-nó’b: What’s wrong with your dad?
Daa-raa: My dad is angry with me.
Maa-nó’b: What’s wrong with the dog?
Daa-raa: The dog has got cancer.
Maa-nó’b: What’s wrong with the computer?
Daa-raa: Computer is broken.
Computer is not working.
Maa-nó’b: Koon Bpe’n (À)-rai?
Daa-raa: Chŭn Bpe’n Kâi
Maa-nó’b: Kăo Bpe’n (À)-rai?
Daa-raa: Kăo Mâi Bpe’n (À)-rai
Maa-nó’b: Mâe (Kŏrng) Koon Bpe’n (À)-rai?
Daa-raa: Mâe (Kŏrng) Chŭn Bpe’n Rôk~Hŭa-Jai
Maa-nó’b: Pôr (Kŏrng) Koon Bpe’n (À)-rai?
Daa-raa: Pôr (Kŏrng) Chŭn Gròd Chŭn
Maa-nó’b: Măa Bpe’n (À)-rai?
Daa-raa: Măa Bpe’n Rôk~Má-re’ng
Maa-nó’b: Korm-píw-dtêr Bpe’n (À)-rai?
Daa-raa: Korm-píw-dtêr Sĕar
Korm-píw-dtêr Mâi Tum Ngaan
Maa-nó’b: What is your nationality? /Where are you from?
Daa-raa: I am Thai.
Daa-raa: Who is she/he?
Maa-nó’b: She/he is my friend.
Maa-nó’b: It is your job.
Daa-raa: It is my dog.
Maa-nó’b: Koon Bpe’n Ko’n Bprà-tê_d (À)-rai?
Daa-raa: Chŭn Bpe’n Ko’n Tai
Daa-raa: Kăo Bpe’n Krai?
Maa-nó’b: Kăo Bpe’n Pûean (Kŏrng) Pŏ’m
Maa-nó’b: Mun Bpe’n Ngaan (Kŏrng) Koon
Daa-raa: Mun Bpe’n Măa (Kŏrng) Chŭn
Maa-nó’b: Is he/she a good person?
Daa-raa: My younger brother/sister is a good child.
Maa-nó’b: Dad is a kind and generous person.
Daa-raa: We are funny people.
Daa-raa: They are people with bad attitudes.
Maa-nó’b: Kăo (Bpe’n Ko’n) Dee Măi?
Daa-raa: Nórng (Kŏrng) Chŭn (Bpe’n Dè’k) Dee
Maa-nó’b: Pôr (Bpe’n Ko’n) Jai~Dee
Daa-raa: Rao (Bpe’n Ko’n) Dtà-Lò’k
Daa-raa: Pûak~Kăo (Bpe’n Ko’n) Ní-Săi Mâi Dee
We are doctors.
They are police.
He is an actor. / She is an actress.
My mum is a leading actress/heroine.
He/She is the boss/employer.
Rao Bpe’n MŎr
Pûak~Kăo Bpe’n Dtum~Rùad
Kăo Bpe’n Daa-Raa
Mâe (Kŏrng) Chŭn Bpe’n Naang~È_k
Kăo Bpe’n Jâo~Naay
Vegetables are healthy food.
It is a good thing.
Tomyam is the food (that/which) I like.
Pùk Bpe’n (Aa-hăan Têe Mee) Bprà-yô’d
Mun Bpe’n Sìng Dee
Dtô’m~Yum Bpe’n Aa-haan Têe PŎ’m Chôrb
Who are you?
I am a doctor.
We are funny people.
What is this?
They are pencils.
It is a fish.
Koon Kuee Krai?
Pŏ’m/Chŭn Kuee MŎr
Rao Kuee Ko’n Dtà-Lò’k
Nêe (Kuee) (À)-rai?
Pûak~Née Kuee Din-sŏr
Mun Kuee Bplaa
Where are you? / Where do you live?
I am here.
Dad is at home.
Mom is not at home.
His parents live in London.
Where is the pen?
The book is at/on the table.
Fish is in water.
Koon Yùu (Têe)~Năi?
Pŏ’m/Chŭn Yùu (Têe)~Nêe
Pôr Yùu Têe Bâan
Mâe Mâi Yùu Têe Bâan
Pôr~Mâe (Kŏrng) Kăo Yùu Têe Ung-grìd
Bpàak-gaa Yùu (Têe)~Năi?
Nŭng-sŭee Yùu Têe Dtó’
Bplaa Yùu Nai Núm
He/She is currently working.
It is in a bad state.
Kăo Yùu Rá-wàang Gaan~Tum Ngaan
Mun Yùu Nai Sà-pâab Mâi Dee
I am not Thai.
We are not doctors.
We are not funny (people).
This is not what? / What is this not?
It is not a pencil.
It is not fish.
Chŭn Mâi~Châi Ko’n Tai
Rao Mâi~Châi MŎr
Rao Mâi~(Châi Ko’n) Dtà-Lò’k
Nêe Mâi~Châi À-rai?
Mun Mâi~Châi Din-sŏr
Mun Mâi~Châi Bplaa
Q1: What do/did/are you do/make/making?
A: I make/made/am making coffee.
I make/made/am making tea.
I do/did/am doing some work.
Q2: Would/Do you like to make some food?
A: Yes, I’d like (to make some food). / Yes.
Q3: What does he/she like to do?
A: He/She likes to do housework.
S4: My younger brother/sister does/did/is doing
S5: We make/made/are making the report/written record.
S6: My dad works at car manufacturer.
S7: My younger brother/sister makes/made/is
making a problem(s).
S8: My brother/sister makes/made/is making trouble.
S9: We do good (things).
Q1: (Koon) Tum (À)-rai?
A: Chŭn Tum Gaa-fae
Chŭn Tum Núm~Chaa
Chŭn Tum Ngaan
Q2: Koon Yàak Tum Gùb~Kâaw Măi?
A: (Chŭn) Yàak Tum (Gùb~Kâaw)
Q3: Kăo Chôrb Tum (À)-rai?
A: Kăo Chôrb Tum Ngaan~Bâan
S4: Nórng (Kŏrng) Chŭn Tum Gaan~Bâan
S5: Rao Tum Raay~Ngaan
S6: Pôr (Kŏrng) Pŏ’m Tum Ngaan Têe Bor-rì-sùd Tum Ró’d
S7: Nórng (Kŏrng) Chŭn Tum Bpun-hăa
S8: Pêe (Kŏrng) Pŏ’m Tum Rûeang
S9: Rao Tum Dee
S1: My dad is/was happy/pleased/delighted.
S2: My mum is/was sad/sad.
S3: He/She laughs/laughed/is laughing.
S4: I’m tired.
S1: Pôr (Kŏrng) Chŭn Dee~Jai
S2: Mâe (Kŏrng) Pŏ’m Sĕar~Jai
S3: Kăo Kŭm
S4: Pŏ’m Nùeay
I give you homework.
I give you (something).
I do homework for you.
He/She does the work for me.
Pŏ’m/Chŭn I Hâi Gaan~Bâan Koon
Pŏ’m/Chŭn I Hâi Koon
Pŏ’m/Chŭn I Tum Gaan~Bâan Hâi Koon
Kăo He/She Tum Ngaan Hâi Pŏ’m/Chŭn
S1: My dad is/was happy/pleased/delighted.
S2: I make/made my dad happy.
S3: My mum is/was sad.
S4: I make/made my mum sad.
S5: He/She laughs/laughed/is laughing.
S6: We make/made/are making him/her laugh.
S7: I work/worked/am working.
S8: You do the job/work to be good.
S9: You do the job/work to be good.
S10: You do/make it good.
S11: My younger sister/brother likes to do housework for mum.
S12: My younger sister/brother make/made/is making problem(s) for me.
S1: Pôr (Kŏrng) Chŭn Dee~Jai
S2: Chŭn Tum~Hâi Pôr (Kŏrng) Chŭn Dee~Jai
S3: Mâe (Kŏrng) Pŏ’m Sĕar~Jai
S4: Pŏ’m Tum~Hâi Mâe (Kŏrng) Pŏ’m Sĕar~Jai
S5: Kăo Kŭm
S6: Rao Tum ~Hâi Kăo Kŭm
S7: Pŏ’m Tum Ngaan
S8: (Koon) Tum Ngaan Hâi Dee Ná
S9: (Koon) Tum Ngaan Hâi Dee Ná Kâ
S10: (Koon) Tum~Hâi Dee Ná
S11: Nórng (Kŏrng) Pŏ’m Chôrb Tum Ngaan~Bâan Hâi Mâe
S12: Nórng (Kŏrng) Chŭn Tum Bpun-hăa Hâi Chŭn
Q1: Do/Did you have/possess coffee?
A: Yes, I have/had.
I do/did not have coffee.
Q2: What job/work do/did you have?
A: I have/had teaching job/work.
Q3: Do/Did you have/own a house?
A: Yes, I have/had.
S4: This glass contains water.
S5: This book consists of ten chapters.
S6: Is there some water in the glass?
S7: Is there someone in the house?
Q1: (Koon) Mee Gaa-fae Măi?
A: (Chŭn) Mee (Gaa-fae)
(Chŭn) Mâi Mee (Gaa-fae)
Q2: (Koon) Mee Ngaan (À)-rai?
A: Chŭn Mee Ngaan~Sŏrn
Q3: (Koon) Mee Bâan Măi?
A: (Chŭn) Mee (Bâan)
(Chŭn) Mâi Mee (Bâan)
S4: Gâew Mee Núm
S5: Nŭng~Sŭee Lê_m Nêe Mee Sìb Bò’d
S6: Mee Núm Nai Gâew Măi?
S7: Mee Ko’n Nai Bâan Măi?
Q1: Did you get the coffee?
A: Yes I did./ No, I didn’t.
Q2: What job/work do/did you get?
A: I got/obtain teaching job/work.
Q3: Do/Did you get/got a/the computer?
A: Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.
Q4: How many pens do/did you get?
A: I got/obtain eight pens.
Q5: How many fish do/did you get?
A: I got/obtain seven fish.
Q1: (Koon) Dâi Gaa-fae Măi?
A: (Chŭn) Dâi (Gaa-fae)/ (Chŭn) Mâi Dâi (Gaa-fae)
Q2: (Koon) Dâi Ngaan (À)-rai?
A: Chŭn Dâi Ngaan~Sŏrn
Q3: (Koon) Dâi Kom-píw-dtêr Măi?
A: (Chŭn) Dâi (Kom-píw-dtêr)/(Chŭn) Mâi Dâi (Kom-píw-dtêr)
Q4: (Koon) Dâi Bpàak-gaa Gèe? Dâam
A: Chŭn Dâi Bpàak-gaa Bpàed Dâam
Q5: (Koon) Dâi Bplaa Gèe? Dtua
A: Pŏ’m Dâi Bplaa Jè’d Dtua