Spanish Words/Phrases 4 Flashcards
The bus is DELAYED.
El autobús llega ATRASADO | RETRASADO.
atrasado & retrasado = late, behind (schedule), slow, “backward”
a = overdue|oustanding|in arrears
I have been DEFEATED - 2
The milk is EXPIRED - 2
La leche está MALA|VENCIDA
d = despondent
v = expired, out of date, due (finance), giving way to (sagging), a person who lost
Put the luggage in the overhead COMPARTMENT.
Their BEHAVIOR was very professional.
Pon el equipaje en el COMPARTIMIENTO superior.
Su COMPORTAMIENTO fue muy profesional.
Stop of losing [the] time!
Don’t lose [the] time!
losing = ‘wasting’
¡Deja de perder el tiempo!
No pierdas el tiempo.
To evaluate | assess
They evaluate my performance
Ellos evalúan mi desempeño
I achieved to come out triumphant.
Everything that-which I achieved|overcame.
Logré salir triufante.
Todo lo que logré|superé.
Something NOVEL
Don’t expect too much. it is a LOST CAUSE. - 2
No esperes demasiado.
The rain caused a LANDSLIDE. - 2
La lluvia causó un || DERRUMBE | DESLIZAMIENTO DE TIERRA. ||
the major quantity of buildings for quantity of persons
the major quantity of buildings per capita
most buildings by number of people
most buildings per capita
la mayor cantidad de edificios por cantidad de personas
la mayor cantidad de edificios per capita
the beach is forty minutes (away)
it is far away
la playa está a cuarenta minutos (collquial)
está muy lejos
(in the past, something) was 20 minutes (long)
era de 20 minutos
it is on the other side of the lake
está al otro lado del lago
We need to DO AN X-RAY of your leg to see if there is a fracture.
To prevent terror attacks, the security in the airports to-them does X-RAYS to all passengers of outbound.
Necesitamos HACER UNA RADIOGRAFÍA de tu pierna para ver si hay una fractura.
Para evitar los ataques terroristas, la seguridad en los aeropuertos les HACE RADIOGRAFÍAS A todos los pasajeros de ida.
el rayo x = the waves, rad/planca = the film
hacer una ra… = radiografiar
Many investors took advantage of the BOOM in the construction industry.
Muchos inversionistas aprovecharon el AUGE de la industria de la construcción.