Spanish from Scratch Workbook: Lección 25 Flashcards
Excuse or forgive me with people you know.
Excuse or forgive me as a formal apology or when you don’t know the person.
Discúlpame por…
Sorry for… When you want to give a reason
of your apology.
My apologies when talking to friends and family.
My apologies this as a formal apology or when you don’t know the person.
Forgiveness neutral form of saying “sorry”.
Forgive me to ask someone to really forgive you.
Lo lamento.
I’m deeply sorry. It’s used when you’re deeply sorry to someone, or to show a deeper feeling.
Lo lamento mucho.
I’m deeply sorry.
Lo siento.
I’m sorry.
Con permiso.
Excuse me.
Disculpa, ¿qué hora es?
Excuse me, what time is it?
Lo siento, hoy no hubo tacos.
I’m sorry, no tacos today.
Es una situación muy triste.
It is a very sad situation.
Perdón! Se me olvidó comprar las tortillas.
Sorry! I forgot to buy the tortillas.
Perdón por haber llegado tarde.
I’m sorry for being late.
Con permiso, ¿podría hablarle en privado?
Excuse me, could I talk to you in private?
¿Me perdonas?
Can you forgive me?
Acepto tu disculpa
I accept your apology.
¿Me perdonas por haberte gritado?
Would you forgive me for yelling at you?
No debí haber usado tu coche, ¿me perdonas?
I shouldn’t have used your car, would you forgive me?