Spanish Crime Evaluations Flashcards
Calm down please
Calmese por favor
I am going to help you
Yo le voy a ayudar
Were you / did they
A usted ?
Le robaron?
Le atacaron
La violaron
Le dispararon
Steal your car?
Le robaron su carro?
Steal from your home? (Burglary)
Le robaron en su casa?
Le vandalizaron?
How long ago?
Hace cuanto?
Are you injured? Where?
Esta lastimado? Donde?
What Weapon was used? Gun? Knife?
Que arma usaron? Pistola? Cuchillo?
Did they have a car?
Tenian carro?
What is the License plate number?
Que es el numero de la placa
What direction were they going?
Que direccion iban?
How many are there?
Cuantos eran?
Male or female?
Hombre o mujer?
What ages?
Que edad? (Que edades?)
What race or skin color?
Que raza o de que color de piel?
How tall?
Que estatura?
Thin, medium or heavy?
Delgado, mediano o gordo?
Hair color?
Que color de pelo?
Short, medium or long?
Corto,mediano, o largo?
Did he/she have facial hair?
Tenia pelo de la cara?
Beard or mustache?
Barba o bigote?
Eye color?
Que color de ojos?
What clothing?
Que ropa?
What color pants?
Que color de pantalones?
What color shirt?
Que color de camisa?
What color jacket?
Que color de chaqueta?
Did he/she have tattoos or scars?
Tenia tatuajes o cicatrices
What was your loss?
Que fue lo que perdio?