Space quiz Flashcards
What is an Astronomical Unit
Astronomical Unit (AU) - distance from Earth to Sun
What is a light year
Lightyear - distance light travels in one year
- What is cosmology?
The study of the universe
- Who first discovered that our universe is expanding? What did he notice?
Edwin Hubble
Galaxies seemed to be flying further and further apart
- What does the expansion of the universe imply? What does this refer to at the time?
Everything should have started with the monumental explosion from an indefinitely hot, small point.
This is known as the “Big Bang”
- What happened after the Big Bang?
The universe cooled down to form stars and galaxies we see today.
- What is a particle accelerator?
A machine that smashed together subatomic particles at greater energies
- What is the Big Bang Theory? Summarize it.
It is an explanation of the early development of the Universe.
According to this theory the Universe expanded from an extremely small, extremely hot, and extremely dense state. Since then, it has expanded and become less dense and cooler.
- When did the Universe begin?
13.7 billion years ago
- What were the two major scientific discoveries that provide strong support for the Big Bang Theory?
Hubble’s discovery in the 1920s of a relationship between a galaxy’s distance from Earth and its speed; and the discovery in the 1960s of cosmic microwave background radiation
- What is the expanding universe?
Space between galaxies is increasing – they’re getting further apart as space itself expands
- What is Hubble’s Law?
The farther away objects are from Earth, the faster they are moving away from us.
- What is cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR)?
Leftover heat radiation from the Big Bang.
- Who discovered cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR)?
Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson
- According to the cosmologist, what may have caused the acceleration of the space expansion?
Dark energy