Space maintainers I Flashcards
How does tooth loss change the balance in the arch? (2)
- Changes in the spaces
* In very short time: weeks- 6 months
Tooth loss, the time that takes to lose space depends on…? (4)
- Dental development
- Phase of mixed dentition
- The tooth that is lost
- The moment of tooth loss
The effects of the premature tooth loss will vary depending on some factors such as: (6)
• Tooth that has been lost • Number of teeth lost • Moment of the loss • If the 1st permanent molar (1M) has already erupted or not • If the 1M has intercuspidation or not • Presence of habits •Mesial force of the posterior teeth while they erupt •Non-treated interproximal caries, fractures or premature loss of the primary tooth •Agenesis •Ankylosis •Ectopic eruption of 1M •Dental malpositions •Ostodental discrepancy
What are the causes of loss of space? (5)
- Mesial force of the posterior teeth while they erupt
- Non-treated interproximal caries, fractures or
loss of primary tooth - Agenesis
- Ankylosis
- Ectopic eruption of the first permanent molars
Loss of space: mesial force of the posterior teeth while they erupt? (4)
•Mesial drift tendency
•Upper teeth> Lower teeth
•It happens when the tooth is lost, disappearing the
contact point
•The posterior tooth drifts towards the space, loosing
space and arch length
Loss of space: Non-treated interproximal caries, fractures or loss of primary tooth? (4)
- Mostly lower canines and primary molars
- There is a loss of mesio-distal diameter
- The 1M migrates towards mesial
- There is space loss
Loss of space: Agenesis? (5)
•Less frequent in primary dentition than in permanent dentition.
•The most frequent are the agenesis of: 2nd lower premolar, upper
lateral incisor, 2nd upper premolar, lower lateral incisor
•54% of the cases do not have occlusal alterations
•16% of the cases need an orthodontic treatment
•30% of the cases are resolved by doing extraction of the
primary tooth and closing the space
What is Ankylosis?
Anatomical fusion between the
alveolar bone and the dental cement
Loss of space: Ankylosis? (3)
• It interrupts the tooth eruption •The tooth looses contact with adjacent and antagonistic teeth •Clinic managment: Similar to premature loss of primary teeth
Loss of space: Ectopic eruption of the first permanent molars? (2)
- Atypical and premature reabsorption of the distal
root of the second primary molar. - There is a mesial inclination of the permanent
molar, producing space loss
Factors that reduce the space loss or the osteodental discrepancy? (7)
There are physiological spaces in the primary dentition that may buffer both: •Anterior diastemas •Eruption towards labial of the upper incisors •Primate space •Leeway space of Nance •0,9mm upper hemiarch •1,7mm lower hemiarch teeth
When a tooth is totally or partially lost it is necessary to…
preserve the space
The best way to maintain
the space is …?
to keep the primary molars until they exfoliate naturally
Space maintainers may recuperate…
the space that once existed, but will never create more space than once existed
We will discard the use of space maintainers in those situation where …
there is great osteodental
discrepancy as there will not be enough space even though we keep the space we have
We have to distinguish between the necessity of early treatment or wait for … (2)
- The malocclusion to consolidate
- Do not do unnecessary efforts when the solution to
the problem is only partial
We will use space maintainers when the arch length is …
Enough for the permanent teeth to erupt but because of the factors already seen there has been a loss of length
Clinical study of space loss? (7)
- Occlusal relationship
- Phase of dentition
- Tooth germ stage of development
- Sectors where the tooth loss has happened
- Arch affected
- Amount of space lost
- Osteodental discrepancy
Clinical study of space loss: Occlusal relationship - What happens when there is a loss of a 2nd primary molar? (2)
- there will be an alteration of the occlusion on the side of the loss
- Because of this we must evaluate the occlusion on the contralateral side and at the
canine level.
Clinical study of space loss: Occlusal relationship - What happens with the upper 1st molar? (2)
- will suffer a mesio-lingual rotation on its palatal root, becoming more prominent the distobuccal cusp
- We determine the level of rotation drawing a line that goes from the DB to ML cusps
of the molar. It should end distal to the canine.
Clinical study of space loss: Occlusal relationship - We will have recuperation of the space by…?
Desrotating the molars and making a distal movement
Clinical study of space loss: Phase of dentition? (3)
Mixed dentition or early permanent dentition.
• Retention of the othodontic appliance
• Long time of retention
Clinical study of space loss: Tooth germ stage of development? (4)
•It will give us an idea of the time is going to take for the
permanent tooth to erupt
•The clinic emergency happens when 2/3 of the root has developed
•There will be a premature emergency if there has been a big bone
•1mm of bone covering the tooth —6 months to erupt
Clinical study of space loss: Sectors where the tooth loss has happened: Incisors? (2)
- It does not produce space loss
- There are functional and esthetic problems
Clinical study of space loss: Sectors where the tooth loss has happened: Canines? (2)
- Reduction of arch length caused by incisors and 1st
premolar. - We will recuperate the space by vestibulazing the
Clinical study of space loss: Sectors where the tooth loss has happened: Molars? (2)
- Reduction of arch length
- The space will be recuperated by desrotating,
straightening distalizating the 1M as long as the 2M
has not erupted yet
Clinical study of space loss: Arch affected?
- Upper 1M: Desrotation or distalization
- Lower 1M: Straightening or distillation
Clinical study of space loss: Amount of space lost? (2)
• <2/3 of the space necessary for the permanent
tooth to erupt: Distalazation, straightening or
• >2/3 of the space necessary for the permanent
tooth to erupt: Orthodontic treatment.
Clinical study of space loss: Osteodental discrepancy? (2)
- Space-Tooth size
- Is it enough just by maintaining the space or do
we have to create more space?
What is a space maintainer?
Series of appliances specifically designed to
preserve the space a tooth has left