SPACE Flashcards
what is red shift?
red shift is the stretching of light wavelengths, which makes objects in space seem to be shifted towards the red end of the visible colour spectrum.
Explain the lifecycle of stars?
All stars start out as a stellar nebula, which is a large cloud of dust and gas. over time the hydrogen in the stellar nebula is pulled together by gravity, spin faster and faster while heating up. This becomes a protostar .the Protostar reaches a temperature of 15 000 000 when nuclear fusion can occur. During this period the star contracts, glowing brightly, becoming stable. it is now a main sequence star, remaining this way for million to billion of years . depending on the stars mass, it will go
why do stars following different pathways
because of their mass
why is red shift evidence to the Big Bang Theory?
as it demonstrates the the universe is expanding, as most galaxies are being red shifted, meaning that is we rewided time the universe would of originated from a single point this being the big bang
steady state vs. big bang theory?
- the universe has always existed and will always exist
- has no explanation for the CMB radiation
- red shift supports this theory
- objects such as stars and galaxies have a fixed position and do not move as the universe expands
- universe is expanding and creating new mass to keep at a constant density
- universe is around 14 billion years old
- red shift supports this
- CMB radiation is the ‘echo’ of residue from the big bang
- the universe is expanding, and objects further away are moving at a faster rate
- the universe may keep expanding and cooling, or it may stop expanding into a big ‘crunch’
what is blue shift?
blue shift occurs when the wavelength of the light source is shortened, moving towards the viewer. this happens usually in the same galaxy.