Space Flashcards
Life cycle of stars
Nebula Protostar T. Tauri type star Main sequence star Red giant star Cepheid Star White dwarf star
Massive stars end their lives with a supernova, then they become a neutron star or a black hole.
New star born out of clouds of gas and dust
Dense center, heat is trapped, which forms a protostar
T. Tauri type star
When a protostar becomes hot enough for nuclear fusions to occur
-the rest of the cloud is blown away
Main sequence star
When a star is in its stable period of its life
Red giant star
Hydrogen is all used up
The center is very hot so the star expands
Th surface cools and turns red
Cepheid star
Helium fuses to form carbon
The star keeps shrinking and expanding
-star loses outer layers
White dwarf star
Outer layers are unstable and puff away into a planetary nebula
Inner layers do not have enough energy, so they collapse to form a white dwarf star
Neutron stars
A massive star collapses
The collapse is very violent that protons and electrons in atoms are forced together to form neutrons
Fast spinning neutron star
Flashes a signal Earthward as it spins
1967- British astronomers Jocelyn Bell and Antony Hewish
The explosion massive stars have at the end of their lives
It looks like a new star from Earth
- nova means new
Black Hole
Has singularity (a point of indefinite density) at the center Nothing, not even light, can escape from its densty
What are th spectral types of stars?
O, B, A, F, G, K, M
Old Bob Always Favors Green Ketchup More
What ar the main two gases inside stars (like our sun)?
Hydrogen and Helium
Nuclear Fusion
Hydrogen atoms combine to form helium
- mass is lost, energy is released
Red Shift
Light from a galaxy moving away from us will be towards the red end of the spectrum
Order of our solar system
Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles!
How was the universe created?
The Big Bang