SP/ST Disease patterns Flashcards
very full after eating a small amount, rough time digesting, bloating/discomfort after eating
chronically dry lips, complexion lacks luster/vitality/not pink, difficulty gaining weight, lose weight easily, look emaciated/ wasted, bm/digestion sluggish
distinguish from incomplete, might be damp, loose stool, weak limbs, 5 center heat if yin xu, tongue red sparse in center, pulse weak & thready
SP Yin Xu - - tx: stregthen sp, nourish fluids & restore yin, give congee
HUNGRY all the time but can only do small meals, not enough moisture, feel full but NOT bloated, burning in ST, acid reflux, hiccoughs, swelling or pain in gums, some nausea, tongue - red sparse coat in center, pulse - thready, thin, weak, longer process
ST Yin Xu - - tx: clear heat, engender fluids & harmonize ST
________ governs movement &
transformation of grain & water, MANAGES the Blood
SP (Prevents leaking of blood; contains blood w/i the vessels; blood production)
_______ governs flesh & limbs
SP - impairment leads to mooshy limbs
The Spleen opens into the ______
mouth - - appetite/ taste discrimination – lips are affected and will look voluptuous, flacid or flabby.
Fatigue, lack of strength, Low voice/lazy speech, Low appetite, Ab distention, Loose stools, Pale tongue, scalloped edges, white coat, Weak, deficient pulse are S&S of…
SP Qi Vacuity (TX: Boost the Qi, tonify the SP
F: Si Jun Zi Tang
• Ren Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling,ZGC
SP 3, ST 36, CV 6, CV 12)
Bright white facial complexion
*Physical cold/cold limbs, Bland taste in mouth, No thirst, Ab distention, Low appetite, *Loose stools, *diarrhea, May have edema, May have clear thin vaginal discharge, Pale tongue, puffy, *white wet coat, Deep, slow, weak or forceless pulse are S&S of ….
SP Yang XU (TX: Warm the center, dispel cold, boost SP F: Li Zhong Wan
• Ren Shen, Gan Jiang, Fu Ling, GC
Moxa CV 8, ST 25, SP 15, UB 20, UB 23, DU 20)
Sagging distention in, ST/ab, Bearing-down sensation, Distention after eating, Enduring diarrhea, Prolapse of organs (rectum, stomach, uterus, hemorrhoids, etc.), May have edema/rheum build-up, Weak pulse, Pale, scalloped tongue are S&S of…
Center Qi Fall (TX: Fortify SP, boost center qi, upbear yang F: Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang • Ling Gui Zhi Gan Tang if rheum accum. SP 6, UB 20, UB 23, ST 36, DU 4 If prolapse - DU 20 If water-rheum - SP 9, CV 9)
Emaciation, Lack of strength, Low appetite, Ab distention, Dry lips & mouth, 5-center heat, Yellow urine, Dry, bound stools, Red tongue, little or no coat, Fine, rapid pulse are S&S of…
SP Yin XU (TX: Enrich SP, harmonize center
F: Zhong He Li Yin Tang, Ma Zi Ren Wan
SP 3, KD 3 (and/or SP 2, KD 2), ST 36, CV 4)
Poor appetite, Ab distention, Fatigue, tiredness Weakness of limbs, Pale, sallow complexion Poor Digestion, Loose stools Nausea, Tendency towards obesity, Feeling of heaviness, Sticky taste/sensation in mouth, Dull, frontal HA, Excessive vaginal discharge, Pale, scalloped, greasy tongue coat, *SOGGY pulse are S&S of…
F: Si Jun Zi Tang, plus Yi Yi Ren, Shi Pi Yin
CV 12, ST 36, SP 3, SP 6, UB 20, UB 21, SP 9, CV 9)
Fullness in epigastrium/ab, Fatigue, Heaviness of body, head Nausea, Poor appetite, no thirst, Edema, Loose stool/diarrhea, Cold sensation in epigastrium, Bland/sweet taste in mouth, slimy sensation, Scanty urination, Dull white complexion, Excessive white vaginal discharge, Pale tongue, sticky white coat, Pulse: *Slow, *slippery are S&S of…
COLD DAMP ENCUMBERING SPLEEN (duration of disease is important to determine)
All/any of the SP Qi vacuity S & S, Bruises, Blood spots under skin, Blood in urine, stools, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, Sallow complexion, SOB, Pale tongue, Fine pulse are S&S of…
F: Gui Pi Tang
SP 10, UB 17, SP 1 (moxa)
Bright yellow body & eyes, Bitter taste in mouth, Nausea, low appetite, Distention of ab, Heavy & fatigued limbs, Yellow urine, sloppy stools, Red tongue, greasy yellow coat, Rapid, slippery pulse are S&S of…
DAMP HEAT BREWING IN SPLEEN (TX: Clear heat, disinhibit damp
F: Yin Chen Hao Tang
GB 34, SP 9, SP 6, ST 44, LI 11)
Discomfort or dull pain in epigastrium, Pain worse after bowel movement, Pain better after eating & *with pressure, No appetite, *Preference for warm food/drinks, Vomiting of clear fluid, Loose stools, No thirst, Cold limbs, Fatigue, Pale, swollen tongue, Deep, weak pulse are S&S of…
STOMACH VACUITY COLD (TX: Warm middle burner, tonify SP/ST
ST 36, CV 12, UB 20, UB 21, CV 6 (moxa on ginger)
*Sudden onset of severe ab pain,
Feeling of cold, preferring warmth, Vomiting of clear fluid, Preference for warm fluids, Feeling worse after drinking cold, can vomit after
drinking cold, No thirst, Thick white coat, Deep, slow tight pulse are S&S of…
STOMACH REPLETION COLD (TX: Expel cold, warm ST, stimulate descending of ST Qi
F: Wu Zhu Yu Tang
PC 6, ST 21 (moxa), SP 4, CV 12, ST 34)