South Africa Flashcards
how was the population divided?
Asian: Indian
Most people are Africans however white people are in charge. No representation of the main section of society.
how did Apartheid rise?
Some believe it is a 20th century evolution
Other date origin to 17th century with attitudes of Dutch and British soldiers
Rhodes: “must find new lands” “obtain raw materials” “exploit the cheap slave labour” “dumping ground for the surplus goods produced in our factories”
what were influences on Apartheid?
Expansion of mining: diamonds, gold
Colonial Conquest: way to show power
The agency of individuals:
pre-colonisation, what were the groups that were there and who came?
San and Khoi- indigenous people
Zulu- A minor clan who came from south eastern SA
Bantu- Migrant people from central Africa
Griqua- mixed race
Boer- Dutch speaking migrants who gradually migrated inland from the cape
what happened in 1652?
Prior to this, Dutch had explored by people like Basco Di Game
Dutch Settlement by Jan van Reibeeck of the Dutch East India Company in 1952
what was the Dutch East India Company? when was it established? what power did they have?
Established in 1602
State General of Netherlands granted 21-year monopoly to carry out trade activities
First multinational company
First to issue stock
Could wage war, imprison, execute, negotiate treaties, strike its own coins, establish colonies
what were the impacts of colonial conquest? when did the Dutch and British come?
Dutch in 1652 and British in 1795
Similar to colonies like Australia
An underclass of farm workers and domestic servers was developed from native people
No decent wage and were used as slaves, imported from Angola, Mozambique, Madagascar and South East Asia
how were indigenous people and slaves treated?
Slaves were sold and stolen
don’t have much information of this
what was the case of Saarjie Baartman?
Born to Khosian family in East Cape
Orphaned in a commando raid
Name is diminutive of Sarah- familiarity or contempt
Her birth name is unknown
May have been a slave of Dutch farmer
Brother of Peter Cezar, Hendrik Cezar suggested going to England
Used to compare ‘normal’ European body to ‘abnormal’ bodies
Put on show in a freak show
what happened in 1867? how did this lead to racism? what were passes?
The discovery of diamonds and gold
Transformed society from an agrarian culture to an industrial economy
Quick spread of European colonisation
Established racist laws
Pass: identification papers for Africans with racial classification, including information if employment and history. If you go out of area, you have committed a crime.
what were the Boer Wars?
British fought to posses several free republics (Transvaal Republic and the Orange Free State)
They were successful and both republics were annexed
Resulted in the “union” (later republic) of South Africa
White power was prioritised over black human rights
what was the natives land act? when was it?what happened to indigenous people?
Natives Land Act 1913
93% of land to whites and then 87% in 1930
Prevented Africans (2/3 of population) to have land
Created reserves- forerunner of Bantustans and homelands
Life on rural reserves was harsh. Many had to migrate to have jobs in cities and mines- only way to pay colonial taxes and live
what was the impact of urbanisation?
People moves inwards to a central area
what was the 1930s legislation?
Amendments to the Masters and Servants Act legalises whipping
Repressive Legislation aimed at Indian and Coloured South Africans
The Herzog Bills (1936) further remove voting rights from the few Africans that had them
why was there apartheid?
Preserve white supremacy Separate and allow development or disappearance Preserve white values and culture Expand and control power Economic advancement Cheap labour Ethnic dislike
what factors causes apartheid?
what were economic factors of apartheid?
mines, farmed and factories depend on cheap labour
White pwned businesses supported political parties that adopted racist policies
Black domestic servants
People like women, children, sick and elderly were deemed unnecessary for the economy and put in homelands
what era was described as the petty apartheid?
1950s were described as the era of the ‘petty apartheid’
Nationalists passed many new racist laws similar to Jim Crow
Unequal social order
what was the 1953 reservation of Seperate Amenities Act?
public facilities were segregated eg. Post offices, beaches, stadiums, parks, toilets, cemeteries, buses and trains
what was the popular registration Act?
Required people were registered as four distinct racial groups: white, coloured, Bantu (black African), and other
Pillar of the Apartheid
Race was reflected by a number
Social rights, political rights, educational status were largely determined by the group they belonged to
An office for the face classification- oversaw classification process. Carried out using outer appearance, general acceptance and social standing.