Sources of wisdom and authority Flashcards
Nature and authority of bible:
fundamentalist view: bible is infallible word of God contains no mistakes of any kind authors were directly inspired by God contradictions due to limitations of human intellect (ie not real contradictions) account of bible is true
Young earth creationists
creation occurred 6000 years ago (using bible geneology)
Literalists understanding of the text
creation was literally in 6 days
creation of every specie was a separate act of creation (ie not evolution)
scientific theories rejected as limited and mistaken human intelligence
fossil evidence planted by God to make earth look old and to test faith
Old earth creationist
accept universe 13.8 billion years old
not literalist
creation was in six states/epochs
acceptance of darwin evolution
humans are a special creation (ie separate from animals)
Genesis 1 ans science compatible:
– ‘let there be light’ refers to big bang
– ‘six days’ matches 6 stages of evolution of cosmos
bible is inspired by god but written by humans
the whole bible is the word of god versus just individual passages and phrases
accounts of salvation=without error
accounts of individual authors=products of time and culture and need to be understood in that context
Genesis 1; not factual or scientific author used to convey truths about the nature of God as creator and the nature of humanity and created world
guidance in interpreting scripture comes from apostolic tradition and magisterium as well as conscience and reason.
2 Timothy 3:16
“all scripture is God-breathes and is useful for teaching…”
Neo-orthodox Karl Barth
not the word of god but contains the word of god
way through which humans may experience God, realising their need for forgiveness and divine mercy shown through JC
is not inerrant in respect to science, history and religion writers=products of their time and subject to limited intellect
ranging views:
- those who wrote texts guided by God
- bible is entirely a human document, consisting of what writers believed was gods purpose
- individual authors = wrote as product of time and culture
- bible is not inspired but it may be inspiring to individuals (JC statement in Matthew 26:52 those who draw sword will die by sword may inspire pacifism)
- sea of faith network: faith is a purely human creation, bible= no authority other than what individual may choose to give it.
theology cannot be study of god himself but should rather be understood as ‘the study of human experience of god’ in different ways and throughout different cultures.
Authority of the church:
Martin Luther:
Sola Scriptura: bible only source of religious authority
bible gives standard measurement of deciding truth of church teachings
no bible = no church
salvation comes through faith alone not through institutions of the church (all xtians can access god through prayer)
belief is known as ‘priesthood of all believers’– “you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood” 1 Peter 2:9
Baptist church:
combine sola scriptura (special revelation) with general revelation (use of reason and conscience)
NT takes priority over OT and is inspired word of god provides standard by which all other teachings should be assessed
rejects authority of church as in institution
Gospel passed on is two ways:
written form:
by apostles and other inspired religious teachers
once bible gained fixed form cannot be added to or anything removed
Oral form (eventually written down):
apostolic tradition
always in agreement with what is stated in bible but may contain truths not mentioned in bible
living form of truth that is added to by new insights
passing on and interpretation overseen by magisterium
magisterium: recieves authority from god to give an interpretation of both tradition and bible that is authentic thus must be obeyed
Authority of JC:
JC authority as Gods authority
traditional view as stated in nicene creed
according to gospel JC claimed to have divine authority
authority seen in:
titles used by JC eg son of god, messiah (anointed one)
Matthew 28:18
“all authority in heaven and earth has been given to me”
JC divine authority seen in teachings
according to Mark:
those who heard JC speak were amazed by what he said and manner in which he taught
JC taught in new, direct and original way, and those who believed him were convinced his authority came from god
Mark 1:22
“the people were amazed at his teachings, because he taught them as one who had authority”
JC divine authority seen in his healing
healing centurion soldier:
centurion recognised absolute authority of JC over healing, comparing to authority over soldiers under him
eg one word enough for instant obedience
one word wrought for healing to take place
JC had unique authority
Luke 7:6-8
“say the word and my servant will be healed”