Christianity and science Flashcards
scientific method
empirical approach: hypothesis arose out of evidence that came from experiments and observations
rationalist approach: use of reason needed to interpret the evidence
gaining knowledge:
deductive: theory to specific
premises are true, conclusion true
inductive: specific to the general
more evidence there is to suggest that the observations are correct the more likely it is that the theory will be true
inductive involves:
-observing and collecting evidence
- forming a hypothesis
- repeated tests and maybe modifications of the hypothesis
developing a theory that explains evidence and results
use of deduction to predict what should be the case and setting up tests to verify and falsify the theory
xtian responses to the rise of science
deism: belief that god ‘set things of’ (ie big bang) and then left the universe rot work according to the laws he created with it, but without influencing any further
- — rejected by lots because not compatible with doctrines that are commonly accepted
eg: incarnation, immanence of god, miracles etc
existentialism: no conflict between religion and science for xtian existentialists as the two disciplines are asking different questions about the world
concerned with meaning and purpose of life
faith = matter of personal commitment
“bible shows the way to heaven, not the way the heavens go”
Susan Jacoby
“science produces discoveries that challenge long held beliefs (not only religious ones) based on revelation rather than evidence”
“science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind”
pope francis:
“the big bang… does not contradict the intervention of the divine creator, but rather, requires it”
darwin theory of evolution
inductive reasoning:
natural selection: individuals better suited to an enviorment are this that survive to adulthood and reproduce, passing on genetic material
- over long periods of time characteristics of a species are modified to enable survival in that enviorment
eg finches in galapagos - leads to development of new species
-those less suited will die out and whole species will perish - survival of the fittest
- highly controversial
- science of genetics has supported his theory
Xtian responses
challenges because:
rejects idea that all living things been distinct creations
rejects idea of the essential seperateness of humanity from the animal world
suggests evolution fo a species was and is due to random nutation, removing any idea of purpose
19th century xtian responses
c of e ridiculed theory
eg Bishop Wilberforce asking Huxley whether his descent from monkey was through grandmother or grandfather
fundamentalists dismissed as going against word of god in bible thus human error
many lost xtian faith altogether because of the challenge posed by evolutionary to traditional views
liberal xtian welcomed it as had long rejected gen creation story
—- eg lux mundi (book) incorporated evolution on book about incarnation
current responses
young earth and old earth creationist reject theory completely, imcompatible with gen which is infallible word of god
old earth creationists accept in diluted form, but, humanity is the result of special creation why god. humans are not descended from apes
Michael Behe intelligent design rejects it on grounds of irreducible complexity
eg: bacterial flagellum would be unable to work if one part were removed, thus not evolved. dismissed the thoery on grounds of poor science
natural selection is way in which god works, evolution works by laws of nature and these laws derive from god
catholic teaching rejects creationism as harmful to both science and christianity they are compatible
karl rahner
theistic evolutionist
“humans made wholly by evolution and wholly by god”
Tim Keller
theistic evolutionist
“belief in evolution as a biological process is not the same as a belief in evolution as a world view”
big bang theory
universe expanded from a point of singularity
can determine this because galaxies are moving further away from each other
from this can date universe
13.8 billion years old
theory supported by 1964 discovery of cosmic background radiation and by the abundance of helium and hydrogen in the universe
deism response:
god set things off with the big bang and then left universe to work according to the laws that he created without further influence
‘god of gaps’
some christians attribute anything that science can’t explain to god
eg idea that directly caused the expansion of the singularity that led to the big bang
god shrinking due to scientific development (flew gardener john wisdom)
tillich: God is being itself rather than a being
means by which all things exist any ‘god’ found in the gaps would not be the god of classical theism
young earth creationists reject in all forms as incompatible with the 6 day creation story in gen 1
old earth creationists claim gen 1 is compatible with scientific theory
eg hebrew word for day can mean era rather than a 24 hour period
accepts big bang
mainstream xtian response
evidence for big bang is commonly accepted/ very strong
suggests that there was a beginning to the universe but demands an explanation for that, more likely to be god than chance
fine tuning argument
paul davies goldilocks enigma
universe just right for life?
claim that there is a god seems to many to be a claim that is based on evidence and as such can be treated the same as a scientific claim
science is compatible with christianity in that they are both ways of understanding reality
— specific claims about jesus, which make christianity what it is, cannot have a scientific basis but are based on belief
bible gives evidence for christian claims about jesus that can be rationally examined just as scientific theories can
- – scientific claims are empirically based, whereas claims about jesus are made on belief
- – scientific theories result of repeated experiment, claims about jc= series of events
religion and science are concerned with understanding and making sense of of experience
eg religious experiences require serious considerations
differences as seen in different religions are due to cultural conditioning, but nevertheless experiences of the same reality
— could lead to conclusion that the whole of christianity is simply culturally conditioned interpretation of religion and its claims cannot be compared or be assessed like scientific fact
idea od providence is at the heart of gods relationship with the world and mankind
god creates, cares for and sustains life for a purpose
does this in a way humans can’t detect
ie quantum level
explanation is needed for the intelligible universe
anthropic principle
requires explanation
cannot be treated as ‘just happy accidents’
ethical issues raised by science
in order to improve human species, should eugenic practices be introduced
should GM animals and crops be developed to benefit humans regardless of the potentially negative impact on animals and enviorment ?
develop greater understanding of effective treatments, is it morally acceptable for use genetically modified and patented mouse called the ‘oncomouse’?
possibilities offered by GE
- treatments for now incurable diseases eg alzheimers and cystic fibrosis
- possible for parents to select DNA od super intelligence or super fit- transhumans
- GM animals have produced a human protein in their milk that has been used to treat some people with lung disease
- GM crops could produce higher yield and be disease resistant to address problem of global hunger
RC and protestant responses:
general support for GM crops as reduce world hunger but concern fro reducing biodiversity
concern about GM animals in RC as could be seen as contrary to NML
concern about xenotransplantation because of transmittance of animal disease into humans
therapeutic GE generally encouraged as responsible use of god given skills, providing caution is taken
more concern about germline GE as if a mistake were made bad result would be passed down through generations
enhancement therapy rejected as creates super human beings
- no longer in image of god
- promote idolatry
- lead to children being viewed as a commodity
- result in 2 tier society based on wealth
Joseph fletcher GE:
not an advocate of anything goes approach
proper controls to prevent abuse and axploitation must be in place, viewed positively
rules and principles based on outdated and irrelevant biblical texts or religious dogma should be set aside
foresaw future time where over population and shortage of natural resources would necessitate GM of humans to enable them to live in different conditions of space