Sources Of The Constitution Of India Flashcards
The Idea of rule of law
Law making procedure
British Constitution
System of “Parliamentary form of government” Borrowed from which Constitution?
British Constitution
Fundamental duties
Idea of Liberty, Equality & Fraternity
Constitution of France
Concurrent List,
Language of the preamble,
Joint Sitting in the parliament
Provision regarding trade, commerce & intercourse
Australian Constitution
Procedure of constitutional Amendment
South African Constitution
Art 368
A Quasi Federal form of Govt
Idea of residual powers
Appointed of state governors
Canadian Constitution
Methods of Election of President
Ireland ( Irish Constitution)
Nomination of members in Rajya Sabha
Ireland (Irish Constitution)
Written Constitution, Preamble, post of vice president
United States Constitution
Power of Judicial review and independence judiciary
United States Constitution
First past the post system
( candidates or party is selected by simple majority)
British Constitution
Single citizenship, Bicameralism
British Constitution
Procedure Established by the law
Japanese Constitution
Suspension of fundamental rights during emergency
Weimar Constitution of Germany
Post of Vice President
United States Constitution
“Joint Sitting” source
Precided by?
Australian Constitution
108 article
Called by president
Precided by Speaker of Lok sabha