Sources Of Stress Flashcards
What are the two things that cause stress?
- Life changes
2. Daily hassles
What are life changes measured by?
- social readjustment rating scale
What is the research into the SRRS?
- used 5,000 medical records and found 43 that linked a life changing event to illness.
- developed a unit called life changing unit (LCU) for every life changing event- the more stressful the more units the change would be worth.
- used judges to apply suitable units to each life change
- believe if your score on the SRRS is 300+ you are 80% more likely to become ill.
Name research looking into sources of stress.
- research found that children with cancer cane from families with a high LCU score which equals stress, vulnerability equalling stress
Give evaluation for life changes and SRRS.
❌ SRRS is subjective, not a scientific measurement it’s based on opinion. Although gives a score for people to help manage stress better.
❌ life changes are not cause and effect it isn’t correlational - not proved they are directly linked to illness
What is a daily hassle?
- a temporary stress much smaller than a life change. - more frequent
- ie traffic, friends, homework
What two scales were developed by Kranner?
- hassles scale
- uplift scale
Explain kranner’s research.
- used 100 men and women over a 12 month period.
- found that daily hassles were a better predictor of illness than life changing, because more annoying tasks must be complete off the back of a big life change
- affects of uplifts was unclear.
Name evaluation for daily hassles.
❌ doesn’t discuss individual differences - not everyone is iterates the same by each hassle.
✅ a lot of supporting research to suggest daily hassles cause stress
✅ allows practical applications - stress management because of the research.
What can work place stress lead too?
- poorer health
- lower productivity and performance
- higher absenteeism
- more accidents in workplace
What is the economic negative of workplace stress?
- if more people are stress less will be able to come in due to illness, less work will be completed and the quality of work will be worse.
What creates stress at work?
- workload
- control
- environment
- prediction
- role conflict
Why is stress caused by the workload?
- the more tasks/ objectives to do in a set time = more stress
- heavier workload = heavier stress
What does control contribute to stress at work?
- having Little control over your Job role can cause stress.
- more control = less stress
- correlational evidence to back this up
Name research into workplace stress.
- johansson
- compared urine samples of 14 finishers at a saw mill to 10 cleaners, for the levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline. Also compared days absent from work
- finishers were the ones who allowed everyone to go home so it was a high stress job
- found finishers were absent more and had more adrenaline/noradrenaline in their urine.
Name evaluation for work place stress.
-✅ scientific, in research, objective in the way they measure urine samples for ad+nor.
✅ high ecological validity - based on real work. Not an made up experiment
❌ the use of interviews and questionnaire’s are subjective and don’t concur any scientific data other than opinion
What are physiological ways of testing stress?
- Urine samples - testing for adrenaline/not adrenaline
- Blood samples - number of white blood cells +leukocyte cells
- Blood pressure/heart rate
What are the non physiological ways of testing stress?
SRRS - life changing units
Number of absentee
- illness interviews
What is the skin conductive response (SCR)?
- galvanic skin response
- measures electrical conductivity in the skin.
- measure sweat levels- linked to stress
- measure when stressed and not stressed to be compared
- takes around 30 minuets to create a baseline score.
What is a main problem with the SCR?
❌ environmental issues - if it is hot you are more likely to sweat naturally and not because of sweat, the SCR doesn’t know this creating inaccurate results.
What is the research into the SCR?
- used music to stimulate emotions.
- fear, happiness, sadness, peacefulness
- found levels on SCR polygraph highest with fear and happiness.
❌ SCR can’t differentiate different emotions. Can only measure stress.
Name evaluation for SCR?
✅ practical applications - lead to manufactory devices - biofeedback continuous - participant unaware so reflects real life stress
✅ cheap to make - benefit to economy less people off work