Sources of geopolitical power Flashcards
Global TV news tend to be dominated by which countries?
USA, China and EU countries.
What are emerging powers?
Emerging powers are countries whose power is increasing; they usually have some strengths but also weaknesses in some areas in comparison with a superpower.
What does the term ‘geopolitical’ refer to?
Geopolitical refers to the influence of geographical factors (economy, population size, military strength) on the actions of countries towards others: their foreign policy, agreements and alliances and conflicts.
What is a superpower?
A superpower is a country that can project its power and ideas globally, and influence other countries using its economic, political, military and cultural strengths.
What is the hierarchy of power from smallest to biggest?
Regional power, Emerging power, Superpower, Hyper-power
What are the six sources of power?
Economic, political, military, cultural, demographic, natural resources.
How does economic power help countries to be powerful?
A large total GDP gives countries the wealth needed to be a global player
How does political power help countries to be powerful?
Leading, rather than following, within global organisations such as the UN, IMF and WTO
How does military power help countries to be powerful?
Nuclear weapons, a large navy and airforce are required to threaten or force a country’s will on others.
How does cultural power help countries to be powerful?
Having ideas, art, music, food and fashion that other people find appealing is a source of power.
How does demographic power help countries to be powerful?
Power requires people, to support a large economy and the military.
How do natural resources help countries to be powerful?
Fossil fuels, land for farming, mineral wealth and water resources increase self-sufficiency.
What is hard power?
Using military and economic influence (trade deals, sanctions) to force another country to act in a particular way.
What is soft power?
More subtle persuasion of countries to act in particular ways, on the basis that the persuader is respected and appealing. Includes political persuasion (diplomacy) and cultural influence.
What are sanctions?
Sanctions are penalties applied by one country (or international organisation such as the UN) to another, such as the refusal to trade with them, refusing foreign travel or banning them from taking part in international sport.
What is smart power mean?
Smart power means a combination of threat and persuasion: a ‘carrot and stick’ approach to a country getting its own way.
Top three powers for total GDP
Top three powers for population
Top three powers for active nuclear warheads
Top three powers for percentage of the world’s 2000 largest TNC’s
What are the criticisms of the use of hard power?
It can get results but is expensive and risky.
Others may view military action as unnecessary or illegal, so the aggressor may lose allies and moral authority.
What is the limitation of using soft power?
Soft power relies on a country having respected culture, values and politics, which may be enough to persuade some countries but not others.
What is the positive of using soft power?
Soft power, applied well, is low cost and, because it is about creating alliances and friendly relations, may spread to other countries.
Example of an international ranking of soft power
Monocle magazine
Who is usually top of the international rankings of soft power?
USA, UK, France and German i.e. Western, liberal democracies.
What type of force and power have been used in the past for achieving and maintain power?
Military force and hard power were the common mechanisms.
What theory did the British geographer, Halford Mackinder produce?
Heartland Theory
In what way was the Heartland theory influential?
It persuaded the USA, UK and other European countries that Russia needed to be ‘contained’, i.e. prevented from spreading outward by taking over new areas close by.
It reinforced that idea that control of physical resources (land, mineral wealth) was important.
By the twenty first century, which did the ideas presented in the Heartland theory become old fashioned?
Modern military technology can hit deep inside another country’s territory - size is no protection.
Physical resources are traded internationally; less need to have them domestically.
War and conflict are generally seen as abnormal these days.
In what ways does hard power still exist (USA and Russia)?
In 1991 and 2003 the USA and its allies invaded Iraq, partly to secure oil supplies.
Russia invaded Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2014, claiming to be protecting ethnic Russians.
Who did Russia invade in 2008?
Who did Russia invade in 2014?
Crimea, Ukraine
Who did the USA invade in 1991 and 2003?
In the Heartland theory, what does the world island contain?
The most of the world’s natural resources
In the Heartland theory, why is the heartland hard to invade?
Physical barriers in the way
What does the term ‘Geo-strategic’ refer to?
Geo-strategic refers to the policies of a country in terms of securing the resources it needs, both within its territory and globally.