Sources Flashcards
The statement is accurate as in source x it shows/says “quote evidence”. This is supported by source x which shows/says “quote evidence”. Therefore (explain your point and evaluate) Furthermore the statement is accurate as source x shows/says “evidence”. This is backed up by source x which shows “evidence”
Overall, this statement is (largely, partly, slightly) accurate as (summarise key points) Give both sides but come down on one.
One conclusion that can be made about (Copy bullet point) is that “conclusion in own words” I know this as in Source x it says (evidence) This is backed up bu source x when it says (evidence) This shows… Overall this clearly shows… x3
Overall it can be seen from sources 1-3 that (make conclusion) Source x shows (evidence to back conclusion) This is supported by Source x when it says (evidence) Therefore repeat conclusion.
Source A is reliable as it shows (evaluation) however it is not fully reliable because (evaluation) x3
Source x is more reliable than source x as (reason). [evidence from more than one source to back this up] and this means that source y is also likely to be more reliable than source z because (reason) [evidence from more than one source to back this up]. Therefore, source x is the most reliable.