Sound System Flashcards
The abstract categories that organize the sound system of a language.
A graphic representation of the frequency distribution of the complex jumble of sound waves that give the hearing impression of speech sounds.
A physical realization of a speech sound like the voiceless of the voice alveolar approximate.
Narrow Transcription
Captures as many aspects of a specific pronunciation as possible and ignores as few details as possible.
The different positions in which a speech sound can or cannot occur in words of a lanuage.
Complimentary Distribution
Two sounds which are distributed in such a way that one can only occur where the other cannot.
Minimal Pairs
Is a pair of words which differ in only one sound, but differ in meaning.
Any of the perceptually distinct units of sound in a specified language that distinguish one word from another.
Free Variation
Speakers can choose which allophone they use.
Refers to the fact that in a particular context, a contrast between phonemes become invisible.
Final Devoicing
A systematic phonological process occurring in languages such as German, Dutch, Polish, and Russian, among others.
Pronounce (a speech sound) with the back of the tongue near the soft palate.
T/D Flapping
Stressed and an unstressed vowel.
Varieties of English are those in which r-sounds can occur in word-final position.
Not pronouncing the written letter “r” unless it is followed by a vowel.