sound and light review Flashcards
what classifications does a sound wave fall under
mechanical, longitudinal
sound waves are produced by an object_______
the factors that affect speed of sound, and how they affect speed
1-temperature: the higher the temperatuere the faster the speed of sound
2-density: the denser the material the faster the speed of sound (unless stiffness is greater)
3-stiffness- the stiffer the material the faster the speed of sound
definition of pitch
the highness or lowness of a sound
high-pitched sounds are created by waves with what type of frequency
high frequency
low-pitched sounds are cerated by waves with what type of frequency
low frequency
1 Hertz (hz) =
1 wave per second
below 20 hz
above 20,000 hz
most humans hear between
20-20000 hz
what determines how loud a sound is
the amount of energy that is put into it
intensity definition
the amount of energy that is put into a sound wave
decibel (dB)
unit used to measure sound volume
would you expect amplitude to increase or deacrese with energy level
what might this mean for a sound wave that is involved in constructive interference
it doubles in intensity
why do sounds fade
because energy runs out
as an object sending out sound waves gets closer it catches up to the sound waves it it sending out increasing the frequency which also increases the _______
when the object pulls past the waves begin to get farther and farther apart causing a…
deacrese in pitch
doppler effect definition
the percived change in pitch when an object making a sound moves past a listener
sound quality definition
the quality of every object producing its own sound
why do different instaments sound difference even when they play the same note
the overtone
sound quality is created by what type of waves
overtone + fundimental tone
the note being played is called the _______
fundimental tone
the additional higher frequency pitches are called ________
from low to high frequency the different types of waves on the EM spectrum are
radio, micro, infared, visible, ultraviolet, x-rays, gamma
definition of transmission
the movement of EM waves through matter
definition of reflection
the bouncing back of a wave after hitting an object
defintion of absorbtion
the disipearing of a wave into an object
defintion of transparent
almost all light is passed through and the image on the other side is not obsqured
defintion of translucent
some light passes through but the image is blury
defintion of opaque
no light passes through, either absorbed or reflected
defintion of scattering
spreading out of a wave because particles are either reflecting or absorbing
cause of scattering
haze, dust, fog, dirt in water
the sky is blue during the day and red at sunset because
blue and violet light scatter first making the sky appeat that color
primary color
three colors that can combine to make any other color
secondary color
the colors produced when two primary colors are combined eaqualy
complemetary color
any two colors that can combine to produce white ligth or black pigment
a material the can change the color of something
a red object appears red because…
an object is percived the color of light reflected back to your eye
the percived color of an object can be changed by changing the….
light sorce
plane mirror
it is flat and the image is normal
concave mirror
caves in, makes an upsidedown image
convex mirror
goes outward, makes a smaller image
concave lens
a lens that curves inward, makes the image appear smaller
convex lens
a lens the curves outward, makes the image upsidedown