soul tarot Flashcards
the moon (master’s line: advanced soul work)
Pisces, shadow work, deep dive into the unconscious, the shadow realm, psychic & emotional experiences, deeply trust the darkness, it’s darkest before dawn, we are in the dark because we can trust it & handle it, it is safe to relax into the contraction, if we can relax, sink in & surrender to the void & darkness, we can receive downloads and open up to the next cycle of life, we may have to meet things from the past to heal them. we want to be careful of what actions we are making in this card and be sure we aren’t taking panicked action to “get away” from the pain of the contraction. this is the labor pains before the Sun (rebirth & clarity). dark night of the soul.
the moon RX
we might feel unable to relax & surrender into the void & darkness, we feel too panicked to settle in or we don’t think we can handle it. we may be feeling triggered. we also may have just gone through a deep moon period and are now ready to come out.
the sun (the master’s line: advanced soul work)
ruled by leo, massive rebirth, insight, clarity, answers, transformation, we are born anew. we just came from a period where everything was confusing and unclear, and now we have insight. connection with action, growth & clarity. we have come through the dark night and now the sun is coming up, we can see again. this card can be very confronting, if we aren’t used to the light and the shiny sun & illumination. some ppl find the sun very painful because they have a real hard time being in the light. it’s ok to trust the joy.
the sun RX
the nervous system is a little distrustful that all this light is going to keep shining, and that all this brightness is here.
The Sun reversed helps us know we can shift into a space where we can begin to trust that light, just that it might take some work.
Ruled by the sun, The Sun card is here as a beautiful symbol of rebirth, one that ushers us into a time of deep seeing, understanding and self sovereignty.
judgement (the master’s line: advanced soul work)
ruled by Pluto, deep shadow work, deep inner work about refining and exploring any judgements we have of self and others into compassion & love. symbolism of judgement day, a huge awakening and massive realizations about seeing our behavior and judgements of someone else are actually about us or that someone else behavior is actually abusive. can also show up when we need to really confront some decisions or situations so that we can level up and complete a huge cycle and move into the World card//integrate the lessons you have learned “if you know better, do better” // “there is no I” there is no one out there except you.
judgement RX
we can be so caught in our judgments and “right & wrong” we can’t see them, and can be unaware that we need to do some inner work on that. we may be unwilling to really integrate the lessons from our soul work and begin acting from a place of soul and growth. also, we may have just been through a huge portal of judgement work and are now ready to move out into a space of deep compassion & investigation and inquiry
the world (the master’s line: advanced soul work)
saturn. closure, the end of a chapter & cycle. integration of many hard lessons and HUGE soul growth. elimination of the old as lessons have been learned. pay attention to major life patterns, people, energies and situations that are ready to go for good so you can level up. we have learned everything we needed to learn for our soul’s growth and are ready to graduate. it’s a beautiful victory & celebration. it’s like finals week in college, just be sure everything is proofread and submitted for grading, and then pop your champagne.
the world RX
this usually comes up when we are wanting to be done with a soul lesson before we have actually fully learned it. Spirit doesn’t want us to rush through the end- it is worth it to take our time with the final touches and be thorough with our soul work bc after this- it’s over, we will never return to this lesson again. so let’s do it right the first time.
the chariot
ruled by cancer.
the hanged one
ruled by Neptune (planet of illusion, mystery & depth). we are moving from ego to soul in this card. this is deep surrender in order to get a new perspective and see things clearly. it’s like thrashing around in a pond and expecting to see through the muddy water- it’s not gonna happen. to see clearly we need to be still. it’s choosing evolution through discomfort. this card prepares us for the death card. we may move through the stages of grief.
the king of swords RX
we may be feeling extremely scared of truth-telling, but we need to kind of get over it and say what needs to be said. doesn’t matter how it will be received, that’s not the point. we need to express a truth. period. this is the fear of speaking up card. but speak even if your voice shakes. you will grow stronger from it. if someone doesn’t like your boundaries, they benefited from you having none.
queen of cups
double water. deep emotions & psychic realms. non-speaking, nonverbal, deeply feeling, completely psychic holder of mystery. this is an invitation to be so inner and so within the inner mystery that it’s almost otherworldly. we truly must listen to ourselves in this card. She is connected to her work in a very deep way, showing us what she is capable of creating, which she follows her heart and focuses on her intuitive process.
she is deeply aware of her inner world and inner senses- she is highly emotional and intuitive, dreamy, sensitive, loving and very available to herself for self care, tending to the soft and tender places. she is holding herself deep in the ocean.
This archetype invites us into dedicated, quiet, solo time, allowing us to create from the heart and dive for treasures in the waters of our being.
8 of cups
this is the card of moving on, of leaving something behind. usually something we’ve worked hard for or on. despite our emotional connection and strong desire of wanting to make it work. it is just not in alignment anymore. it is time to step away in hopes of something better and more aligned, even if we don’t know what that something is. especially then. we honor the grief, and move away with gratitude, grace & love. we need to connect with a deep trust of ourselves and our path, and when we are being called to drop something, we must listen. let it be as easy a process as possible.
knight of pentacles
earth & air. this is a card of a very careful pace. we double check everything. we are preparing. we get everything ready and sorted before we take our first steps. we aim, assess and prepare. we are organized and focused. here is nothing impulsive or hasty about this energy. The rolling hills behind the knight signify a smooth journey, one that will unfold perfectly once the knight is ready.
nine of rods RX
this speaks of a time when our pace needs a little course correction. if we’ve been moving too fast, too quick with not enough rest, we are being called to slow down. we may need to ask for help. this card is also evidence of a life change in which we need to be assessing how we are nurturing & nourishing ourselves.
ace of swords RX
all aces are opportunities from Spirit to begin. an ace of swords has to do with brilliant ideas, revelations and downloads. in the reverse, we may need more information or support from others who have more clarity, info in order to execute the brilliant idea.
ten of pentacles
this card is an energy of harvest & abundance, of reaping the reward of a period of intense soul work. when we pull this card we are ready for a period of harvest that is coming, that will not only serve us but everyone around us. we are doing the work we are meant to do.
the tower
trusting what is cleared from our life. whatever is leaving, is not meant to come forward with us.
six of wands
Six of Wands invites us to enjoy the gifts of victory while they are present, practicing non-attachment around the larger journeys with our creative work. Whether we are in a period of feast or famine, success or “failure”, we are being reminded that it is all temporary. We cycle through both failure & success, and really these are just projections anyway. Also, if people are really hating on our shine it’s cool to just let them work out their own contraction. the 6 of wands is the ultimate shine your light card. it’s the ultimate let yourself be seen card. you are here to do this way bigger than your own ego’s limitations or anyone else’s. we would be wise to remember that success & victories must be celebrated appropriately, as they don’t last forever. we don’t need to attach our worth to any one victory or failure. It’s really just a matter of trying to be the best person we can be, riding the waves and not taking on too much, really just being with it as it stands. this is the aligned expansion, shine your light card. your destiny is greater than anyone else’s ego, even your own. shine your light and not give a fuck if other people like it or not.
this is the card of when we have moved through test after test and are now enjoying or about to be enjoying a new level of success. this card asks us to see where we are already blessed. increased success in terms of recognition, validation, respect, followers, etc. there will be more people “seeing you”.
ace of swords
“the fool of swords”. the magician/ mercury. We have brilliant ideas. We have massive inspiration. We want to create. We’re connected with something larger than ourselves, and we’re ready to bring it forward. Whenever we’re in Ace of Swords, it’s time to essentially reach up above us, grab that sword and bring it down into ourselves. We have a choice to take hold of that clarity of the mind, to be deeply connected with it and bring forward whatever wants to come forward through us.
the devil RX
the reversal of the devil happens when we are moving through an expansion, experiencing joy, success, contentment, anything “expanded” rather than crunchy, and the brain starts to get a little scared. it’s the good stuff outside of the comfort zone. so, in order for the brain to cope, it invites us into our old patterns (of what’s familiar), so we might want to call an ex, desperately want to do drugs, impulsively spend (this is a big moon sign thing), and it might not be working. but, if we name what is going on we have power over it. we can refuse to participate in old patterns & behaviors just because the brain is uncomfortable in expansion. just know that the brain is trying its old tricks, anything that “slows us down”, and moves us back into contraction (which the brain likes because it’s familiar). we always have the option to refuse these invitations, especially when we name what the brain is doing.
the hermit RX
the Hermit comes to us reversed when we want to move things faster, and we may be feeling quite impatient. the medicine here is to slow down, everything is happening at the right pace. we need to deeply pause, if we are resisting slowness. we are being asked to go one step at a time, light driving at night. and we are being asked to focus, if we are getting hurried or busied by distractions. the next step is clear, and the next step is all you need to know. you can drive the whole journey only seeing a few steps ahead, if you trust the path. you don’t need to see the end to begin.
ten of cups RX
it’s time to try new things. especially what doesn’t look pretty on the outside. if we’ve been in a period of tasting a lot of delicious looking fruit that tastes like shit, it’s time to look elsewhere. we need to shift our perspective on what we want and how to get it, we need to try new avenues and new methods.
the wheel of fortune
ruled by jupiter, the planet of luck, success, growth & expansion. the wheel of fortune shows us that something really beautiful is coming. huge and profound change is coming. and because we can’t see it yet, we need to commit to be present, in the here & now so that we can create the most aligned future possible. this is how jupiter can work best on our behalf, when we are present. jupiter wants to bless us, but the sacrifice for the blessing is presence. The more present we are, the more detached we are to the outcome of the wheel, ironically, the more positive the turn will be.
The Wheel of Fortune is incredible ego releasing. Only through presence are we available for an aligned future.
The Hermit brings us into a space of stillness so we can prepare for this initiation into presence.
ace of wands
the ace of wands is like the fool of wands. its a huge burst of fire energy. it’s like a creature hatching out of an egg, a caterpillar emerging as a butterfly, the starting of a car. it is the opportunity to offer a deeply creative project, idea, solution from the core of our being & from Spirit.
five of cups
in this card, we are moving through grief about something that is lost. something that hurts. all we can see is what is not working, what has been lost, what we must let go of. we can be very emotionally attached to the thing and this can be very painful (depending). the medicine is to know that there is an upgrade available, we just can’t see it yet.
the sun RX
we don’t trust the shine. the cosmos is giving us illumination, shine, light, answers, clarity, opportunities, and we are having a hard time trusting in that light, especially if we are used to the darkness. the sun can be very confronting.
ace of cups
diving into an overflowing cup of self love, open heart.
the lovers
seeing yourself in another.
8 of swords
fear of the unknown. limiting beliefs. victim hood mentality. all the thoughts &beliefs that make you want to hide & give up. mental blocks, blindspots, coping mechanisms that are no longer helpful, inherited trauma, negative self-talk, anxiety loops feeling disempowered. it’s time to stand in your power in this card.
connection between the devil & the lovers
duality, there’s two, both mirrors- one a mirror showed to us by an archangel, and one by the devil which to me indicates that when we pull the devil, we are seeing our shadow or interacting with the shadow with another, in a relationship- we are seeing it or being it. we are being asked to embrace the scary parts of ourselves, there is nothing to fear. we are being asked to look at the ways in which we change ourselves to be more liked by others (the giving away our power). the lovers shows us our beauty. the archangel shows us our lovability, our light, beauty, worthiness. the devil card has us interacting with the parts of self that we are chained to, our shadow self, that is committed to be unhealed and in pain.
six of pentacles
curing scarcity thinking by acting from a place of generosity & sharing. each person is taken care of by generous sharing and passing of the pentacle, each person will be fed.
four of pentacles
boundaries over the body and bank, hoarding out of fear of not having enough
two of pentacles
balancing priorities, dropping anything that isnt a true priority, juggling act,
three of pentacles
the communism card, sharing our gifts with the world, collaboration, everyone doing their soul work together in a group
our bodies/health, work, finances & home. land-based magic, sex magic, deities of rocks, flowers, plants, soil,earth and fertility and death. the soil. the garden.
two of swords
inner knowing, the sister of the high priestess, learning boundaries, solitude, peace & quiet to hear inner guidance, quiet mastery, retreat, trips to the inner world for clarity
four of swords
forced rest. stillness, meditation & mindfulness practices. mental boundaries, retreat, recovery. taking time out to prevent burnout, respecting the body and mind’s rhythm and cycle of rest and work.
the swords
suit of air, thought,intellectual, wishes, boundaries, mental health, anxiety, communication, beliefs, words, thought patterns, counseling, CLARITY, HIGHER PERSPECTIVE< flight, breath, new ideas, logic, curiosity, speech, writing, conversations, balance, diplomacy, knowledge, Truth
king of wands (elder)
a person of double fire, immense vision and execution, one of warmth, generosity, magic and leadership.
page of wands (seeker or initiate)
a questioner, explorer of their own sacred fire and when to leap and take aligned action, earth and fire, a free spirit, ready for adventure, ready to leap, ready to try something new and tend to their sacred fire whether it be a candle flame or a bonfire. they are highly creative, and trust themselves totally. they are without shame and bring warmth and curiousity with them everywhere.
king of swords (elder)
has communication, knowledge, clarity and insight that others need to hear. the sword of truth
nine of pentacles
solitary creative period, interacting with nature and god’s creations. she’s created space for her creative knowing and intuitive pursuits to be birthed through her. she is enjoying the rewards of working on her creative, intuitive, and artistic endevours
seven of pentacles
don’t rush or push the timing to be faster than it already is. things are ripening, but don’t try to pick the fruit before it’s ready. don’t rush the birth before the baby is done growing!! seven of pentacles asks us to caretake our feelings of impatience and keep ourselves busy knowing it’s coming in divine timing. wait for the right timing. the last part of inner growth before the birth//end product.
queen of cups (shapers & holders of double water)
double water. she is deeply aware of her inner world and inner senses- she is highly emotional and intuitive, dreamy, sensitive, loving and very available to herself for self care, tending to the soft and tender places. she is holding herself deep in the ocean.
ten of swords
extreme mental anguish. high levels of stress & anxiety. we have gone as far as we can with a certain mental pattern and we must do different. “there is nowhere else to go with it”. it’s time to seek counseling, affirmations, a healer, meditation practice, more exercise, loving self talk, etc. an end to a difficult way of doing things- and mental intensity/ anguish. look at the ways you have stopped yourself from moving forward or the ways others are holding you back. a release of energy must happen. it’s time to let go, release, make a list of all the things you are ready to let go of and let yourself be carried into a new direction. it’s time to stop fighting the current, and flow with the waters of life. it’s time for a transfomration, it’s time for a new phase of life. You’ve
done all that you can do in this current stage you’re in and now you’ve got to return to the
planning stage to figure out your next goal, your next endeavor, or consider what other
aspirations you have that you ought to pursue. There is going to be the need to detach
from some things that you feel emotionally attached to. This is about moving on and
looking forward to the light at the other end of the tunnel. This is not cessation; this is a
new beginning. That light portends a new adventure in your life, one that promises much
greater prospects than what you have now!
knight of swords (mover of air)
double air. fast. like a huge gust of wind. we are being asked to move very quickly. it won’t be forever, but just for a time. we are being asked to caretake ourselves to the best of our ability.
nine of swords
anxiety, terror, nighmares, PTSD, tormenting thoughts, paranoia, depression, anguish. ask for help when you can. be gentle with yourself. go to a counsler, healer, take your meds, come back to your practices and rituals, meditation (non traditional if that works better) anchoring thoughts
seven of swords
feeling like you have to strategize to make sure you have enough- but you already have enough and everything you need. everyone for themselves mentality. scarcity mindset. competitiveness. brain chemistry trying to convince us why we don’t have enough when we enough exactly as we are.
queen of swords (shapers of air)
this queen is self-made and a badass. She earned
her crown and the sword in her hand through hard
work, resilience, quick wit and developing firm
boundaries. She may not come off warm and fuzzy
but she’s a warrior. She comes from a hard past,
she has lost people, experienced pain, regret,
perhaps even abuse and loneliness…but she
survived. Choosing to heal is a huge part of the
strength and power of this Queen.
ace of pentacles
an initiation, a gift from Spirit, in the earth based realm, a physical manifestation of a gift- money, inheritance, a baby, good health, a job offer, Your task is to move out of your own way and release the blocks that you have towards personal abundance, success, wealth and health,in order to receive you have to believe you are worthy of having it. the soil is extra fertile for planting your intentions, so spend time considering what you want/need and how you would feel once you had it. then write them down and bury them in the earth. watch them grow.
the empress
divine feminine energy, the goddess, the mother, the nurturer and caretaker of self and then others. the empress is the card of receiving. receiving care from ourselves and others and Spirit. the empress asks us to soften our resistance and flow with the energy in our lives. the empress welcomes her manifestations, she is loving towards them. she has no resistance. she is ruled by venus, the planet of luxury, comfort, beauty, values, and love. this card asks us to drop in to those things- and let ourselves be pampered. this can be a very creative time- so be thinking about what wants to be birthed through your creative genius. Focus on self-care & healing blockages that can pertain to emotional traumas and your sexuality. they represent and rather perceive themselves as abundant and master manifesters. Empress reminds us that this world is abundantly filled
the emperor
ruled by mars & aries. leadership. no more playing it small or playing it safe. time to step up and into your power. you can’t help anyone by playing it small. time to believe in yourself 110%. trust in Divine 100%. a block buster, go getter, self starter, let’s get this Bag with my name on it energy. claiming what’s yours. badass fearless fire starter. an iniation into reclaiming your power. lose the safety net. drop the excuses and the lack mindset. be powerful in a way that harms none and serves all. building a strong foundation for your life. it’s a combo of leaping into new (the fool), faith, trust and belief, and the magician- focused creation and intention. LEADERSHIP. you are fully capable of overcoming all odds and making it happen. the challenges are what make you into the person you need to be in order to have the thing. aries blood fire magic and medicine “I AM”. Shrinking yourself to be accpeted and to be loved. Stand UP, SHINE BIG AND BRIGHT AND BE YOU. YOU ARE YOUR PURPOSE. rudolph’s nose(with the charcoal on it)
the star
deep water blessing. tears. intuition. emotions. deep healing of the nervous system. softer, receptive, listening energy. deep internal listening to my channel,myself, my guides. it’s like a water cleanse, a purge, a dexofication. do anything that brings you deep renewal (yoga, meditation, chanting, exercise, nourshing of the vessel, running, reading, etc). let yourself be blessed by this card.
page of cups (student (earth) of healing (water)
the card of Magic and imagination, which for most of us might not seem that close or that tangible, page of cups is the sacred being that gets us there.
Page of Cups invites us to open our connections with the unseen realms that have animals, fairies, flowers, ancestors and plants to explore magic, imagination and play.
king of cups (elder/teacher/leader of water (healing))
mars & water- the healer’s healer. holding space for others. healing others.readiness to serve and heal.
the magician
harnessing your power, utilizing your resources, charging up your life with energy and intention, making things happen, outward directed focus, goals,prayers, intentions, checking in with all the elements and utilizing them in a balanced way, major magic, creation and manifestation , you got the juice ! “i WILL be prosperous” I WILL BE SUCCESSFUL JUST YOU WAIT AND SEE. Claiming what’s yours. co-creation with Spirit! working your personal magic and your personal power to make your dreams come true. do the damn thing! The Magician reminds you that you have everything that you need to be successful & fruitful at your fingertips… you just need to know HOW to work your tools to manifest and to bring in abundance even further… & have the guts to OWN & WORK your magic! the powers that be are working from above through YOU, through your channel, through your creative knowing. it is your sacred DUTY to bring forth what you get from your channel and bring it through you. the beginning, the point in your life where you instinctively rise up and know that you are and have been empowered. Your choices and vision are supported by an incredibly benevolent universe/Provider that is reminding you now how very powerful you are when you step into faith, use your God given gifts, and take responsibility and action on creating the life of your dreams. With this card anything becomes possible and you are gifted the chance to see, feel, and own your potential knowing that no matter what lies ahead of you have been given all the tools at birth that you will need to live out your divine and unique life path filled with moments of adventure that include deep love, happiness, and incredible purpose.outward energy- forward movement, action, creative impulse, getting things done with focused energy & power, harnessing all the elements to get accomplish her goals
the devil
facing your demons. facing your darkness. facing your shadow self. often themes of jealousy, self loathing, depression, addiction, hatred, the “ugliest” parts of ourselves and the human experience. can you look your demons in the eye and not run from them and not pretend they aren’t there? but acknowledge them, be kind to them. this is the self-sabotage card. become aware of the ways our brain fucks with us so we don’t have to be outside our comfort zone.
self-sabotage cards
the emperor
7 of pentacles
5 of pentacles