astro Flashcards
aries shadow
fighting for the sake of fighting, extreme self absorption, no empathy or compassion, velocity addicts, full speed ahead, careless or reckless action, overly competitive, need to be the best, feast or famine, need to be first, reckless action
libra shadow
needs a partner to define who they are, idealizes relationships and people, people pleasers, lacks sense of self and identity without other people/relationships,gives up their personal voice to keep the peace, peace at all costs, avoids conflict, trapped by the myth of the perfect relationship or soulmate, indecisive
cancer shadow
sense of self is develop through what they give family and by the family’s values and teachings, over-attachment to the family, only connected to the family clan, giving to get, drained by acts of giving, controlling, unable to receive or be vulnerable or not know, overly nurturing, overly attached to the past/childhood/nostalgia, hiding from life, isolating oneself
capricorn shadow
driven to achieve by current cultural standards, overly practical and logical, overly attached to structure and routine, depression, must be in charge, stuck being the teacher/elder/leader without a personal life, drive toward perfection and overwork without joy, takes self and life too seriously, addicted to overworking as a means of proving worth and value, overworkers
taurus shadow
lazy, stubborn, gluttony or overindulgence, addicted to spending or excessive indulgence, attached to acquisition, addicted receivers, stuck on the material plane, strives toward cultural perception of beauty, eating disorders, issues with food, loving the body, attached to pleasure
scorpio shadow
addicted to intensity, darkness, control & the underworld, revenge, manipulation, excessive fears of their feelings, overly controlling, attachment to control, obsession with darkness, belief that darkness=superiority, when afraid=highly controlling
virgo shadow
cool, critical, only sees flaws, overly cautious, order at all costs, judgmental, insensitive to the emotional realms, overly focused on details, overly controlling their space and others, things must be “right”, cleaning and organizing to avoid feelings, compulsively creating order, overly critical and only seeing imperfection, only willing to see the little picture, mundane tasks and not willing to expand
pisces shadow
lost connect with Spirit- co dependency, drugs & alcohol as substitute for god, glorifies martyrdom, addicted givers, giving to get, lacking personal boundaries, unwilling to deal with mundane behaviors, exaggerated suffering to get pity, hyper healers
gemini shadow
too mental, anxiety and overthinking, changing too fast and going into things superficially fear of loss of freedom or being tied down, afraid to make commitments, does not value or understand emotions,too logical
sagittarius shadow
spiritual bypassing, fundamentalism, extremism, difficulty dealing with lack of truth in the world, always looking for the next great journey or adventure, must tell the truth even when painful, imposing their truth on others, lack of courage to have direct experience of truth, too loud
leo shadow
must be the center of attention because of lack of self love, hates criticism, narcissism, entitlement, need to be special and different, to be better than, attention seeking behavior, stealing the spotlight, must be in charge, holier than thou
aquarius shadow
too detached, checks out when triggered, splits off, doesn’t want anyone to mess with their energy field, overly cool and aloof, disconnected from body and emotions, can’t process ordinary human feelings and experience, denies there is a shadow, only positive thinking, can’t handle earth experience, overly logical and intellectual
aquarius gifts & job
Aquarius (fixed) self-interest, air, mind function, imbolc/february
The Star
Sacred Revolutionary
Ruled by uranus/ ouranos
-radical revolutionary eccentric with widest view (light years ahead), grand experimenter and inventor, cosmic visionary, the rebel, universal free spirit, freedom, the higher chakras
leo gifts & job
Leo (fixed) self-interest, intuitive fire, lammas/august
Ruled by the sun/helios/apollo
Sacred Creative
Knowledge and wisdom of the playful child
-star, celebrity, on the stage,the performer and director, the out front leader, leading star, self-love, creator, truly embodying self love without trying to prove or earn anything, celebrity prodigy talent, being seen and showing up big, shines through radical radiant self love and confidence
virgo gifts & job
Virgo (mutable) earth, service to spirit, sensation function, late summer/september
the Hermit
Ruled by mercury/hermes
Sacred Organizer
-refiner, perfecter, organizer
-priest or priestess creating sacred space, performing ceremonies and doing sacred work, holy reverence, detail oriented, it needs to help
pisces job & gifts
world server, healer, heart healer, empathy, nurse, caregiver, mystical dreamer, artist, poet, musician, devotional surrender, care and love for all people, visionary dreamer, creates safe space for others, selfless servicePisces (mutable) service to spirit, feeling function, late winter/march
The Moon
Ruled by neptune/ dionysius & poseidon
Sacred Dreamer
gemini gifts & job
eternal youth, storyteller, communicator, gifted with words and speech, shapeshifter, entertainer, creative muse, analysis and free thinking, mind function, bringing forth wisdom, all perspectives, holding duality Gemini (mutable) service to spirit, mind, air, late spring/june
The Lovers
Ruled by mercury/hermes
Sacred Brainstormers
Brilliant thinking, ace of swords energy
Evolving beyond linear thinking & understandings of the cosmos
Interested in freedom, nonlinearity, communication & shape shifting
sagittarius gifts & job
Sagittarius (mutable) service to spirit, intuitive fire, late fall/december
Ruled by jupiter/zeus
Sacred expanders of consciousness, truth, spirituality and meaning
Trail scout
Associated with expansion in all of its forms, or else it stagnates
Sacred Alchemist
-the philosopher, explorer, trail scout for others, teacher of truth and expanded states of consciousness, expanding the experience of self to the widest possible horizons, jpy in the journey , new territory in the realms of truth, meaning and consciousness, finding the nature of truth and enlightenment, requires continuous change and unfolding or boredom is a problem
aries gifts & job
Aries (cardinal) householder, intuitive fire, spring equinox
the Emperor
The leader, the initiator, the pioneer
The self-starter, the go getter, the beginning
Spring equinox
Sacred rage/anger/fire for the cause
Ruled by Mars/ Ares
Sacred Initiators
Embody the fool, the teacher & the student all at once (3 of wands)
Job: to begin, to take sacred aligned action towards expansion and embodying our unique offerings to the world, leads us into the revolution
Lilith energy, wild woman, wolf, warrior, sekhmet, the knight, the protector, hel energy
-worthy cause, warrior, strength, excitement, spontaneous, the rugged individualist, righteous and just cause
libra gifts & job
Libra (cardinal) householder, air, mind function, autumnal, september equinox
“Standing in a truth that harms none and serves all”/ sword of truth
The peacemaker, diplomat, the activist
Enforcer of non-hierarchy, fairness and balance
Relationship as a path to Spirit
Creatrix of safer spaces
Sacred Activist
Ruled by venus/aphrodite
-social and relating experts of the tribe, the peacemaker, the diplomat, self-discovery, non-hierarchical conscious equal sober realistic relationship, relationships as paths to god, healthy interdependent ways of relating, creating a space space for all places on the wheel to be honored, personal truth vs collective, social justice
cancer gifts & job
mother goddess, new themes of home & family, serious responsible giving of love, creating a safe space for self and others to be vulnerable, nurture and support, counselors, sacred & holy parents, Cancer (cardinal) householder, water, feeling function, summer solstice/june-july
The Chariot
Ruled by the moon/selene & artemis
Sacred Intuitive
capricorn gifts & job
brings spirit into matter, managing, structure,organizing, world builders, practicality, building afuture we can all depend on, elder, teacher, expert, manager, practical business people,providers, Capricorn (cardinal) householder, earth, sensation function, winter solstice/december-january
The Devil
The practicalist
The “elder”- decentralizing power though, not just to older people, but to the wise voice in every one
The wise one, knowledge & expertise
Sacred Structuralist
Ruled by saturn/kronos
taurus gifts & job
epicure of the tribe, pleasure of work, relationship, knowledge, life force and play, savors and enjoys finest elements of life, sensualists, empowered divine feminine, living heaven on earth, intimacy, beauty, aesthetics and receivership as art forms, experience of beauty in the physical (in the body), body workers, brings spirit into matter, ecstasy of life force, the lover, musician, dancer, model, intimacy expert, artist
Taurus (fixed) self interest, earth, sensation function, beltane/may
The Hierophant
Sacred Artisans, Craftspersons, Makers
Ruled by venus/aphrodite
Working with the hands & body, mastering the craft
scorpio gifts & job
sorcerer, shaman, shadow magnet, explorer of the shadow and depths, goes the deepest, death & rebirth, natural cycles of life, intuition, witch, tantrika, feeling the full spectrum of emotions and desires, creating magic, passion, intensity, ecstatic bliss, Eros (sexuality, magic and manifestations as a path to God),relinquishing control, feeling things very deeply, going further and deeper into the psyche and unconscious, generating and embracing life force
Scorpio (fixed) self interest, water, feeling function, samhain/november
Sacred Destroyer
Destructix/ destructress
Ruled by pluto/hekate
Associated with shadow work,witchcraft, sorceress energy, kali, pele, hecate, pan, hades
Death and rebirth ceremonies, ruler of the Underworld