soul, mind and body Flashcards
what was platos understanding of the soul and body?
He saw them as two separate entities.
what did plato believe the soul had the capacity to do what?
To leave the physical body and move on after death, returning to the world of the forms.
The demands of the body can impede the progress of the soul.
what did plato believe about life after death?
He thought life and death come from each other in an endless chain where souls are reborn.
What view did plato have of the soul?
He had a tripartite view of the soul- that the soul is made of three parts; reason, appetite and emotion.
What analogy did plato use to describe his theory of the soul?
The analogy of two horses pulling a chariot. Reason is the charioteer, guiding and directing the horses of appetite and emotion to stop them running off wildly.
In Meno plato says what?
Plato says that an uneducated person such as slave boy can still work out the answers to geometry and logic problems, because their souls must have encountered ideas before birth in the world of forms.
what was Aristotles ideas about the soul, mind and body?
Aristotle disagreed with plato. He thought the soul was a substance, meaning ‘essence’ or ‘ real thing’.
The soul is that which gives a living thing its essence. The capabilities of living things constitute their souls.
Aristotle said the soul is not what?
The soul is not distant from the body. It is the capacities that the body has to do whatever it is mean to do.
The soul gives bodily matter its form, efficiency and telos.
Aristotle gives what analogy?
He gives the analogy of the shape made when soft wax is pressed with a stamp. The shape is inseparable from the wax, as the soul is inseparable from the body
What is substance dualism?
This is the view that the mind and body are two distant substances with two distant sets of properties.q
substance dualism states that the body, mind and soul is what?
The body is a material and has properties of extension (takes up space and has measurements). The mind/ soul is immaterial and has properties of thought and emotion.
What was Rene Descartes view?
He arrived at a substance dualist view through a process of hyperbolic scepticism. He could not be certain he had a body, but he could be certain he had a mind, because he was thinking with it: ‘ I think, therefore i am’.
If the existence of the body is uncertain but the existence of the mind is certain, then the body and mind cant be the same
Rene Descartes thought the mind and body must be what?
The mind and body must be somehow be attached to each other, perhaps through the pineal gland, but he was hazy about how this worked.
substance dualism allows what ?
Allows possible life after death. The soul or mind could continue after the death of the body, if they are separable.
what is the property of dualism?
This is the view that there is only one kind of substance, which is matter, but that matter can have can have two distinct kinds of properties: physical and mental.
What is Emergent materialism?
This is the view that new properties emerge from physical matter as it becomes more complex, and the mind and body are different but not completely distinct. This is the view of John Stuart Mill.
What is Reductive materialism?
The mind is not distinct from the body but it is identical with it.
Mental states e.g memory, fear and guilt, correspond to different activities in the brain.
chemical reactions are the same thing as mental events, not just caused by them.
Materialism does not allow for life after death. The death of the body necessitates the death of the mind.
What is Gilbert Ryle concept of the mind?
Ryle argues that the mind is not a distinct part of the body but an aspect of the way the body behaves, just as the ‘ team spirit’ is an aspect of the way the cricket team behaves.
Gilbert Ryle said there is no ‘ Ghost in the machine’ what does this mean?
There is no non- physical ‘ soul’ in the matter of the body. Thinking of the mind and body as distinct involves a ‘ category mistake’.
What is Richard Dawkins, the selfish gene (1976) and river cut out of Eden (1995)?
Dawkins argues that humans are entirely material. They are ‘ survival machines’.
He rejects the idea that we think of a supernatural soul if we are explaining what it means to be human.
He calls platonic ideas of a supernatural soul ‘ soul one’ and Aristotelian ideas of the soul as the essence of a material being ‘ soul two’.
What is a criticism of the dualist approaches to the mind- body problem?
Our experience of ourselves does not seem to support the dualist approach. We feel ourselves to be unity, with mental and physical aspects, rather than two very separate substances.
What is another criticism of the dualist approaches to the mind-body problem ?
Dualist approaches cannot explain how the mind and body work together, for example why feeling afraid mentally makes a persons heart rate physically.
What does the ‘problem of other minds’ arise?
How can we be certain that other people have minds, if they are completely separate from the physical bodies we perceive?
The distinction between mental and physical properties is not always clear-cut.
What are the possible criticisms of materialist approaches to the mind- body problem?
- The way we use language suggests that we feel ourselves to be more than just a physical body (although what we feel to be the case does not necessarily make it true).
- Descartes’ observation that the mind and the body have different properties and so cannot be the same substance is a valid point.
Materialism cannot explain what?
cannot explain how a chemical reaction can cause consciousness and mental events.
Richard Swinburne and Keith ward argue what?
They argue that losing belief in the soul could have a damaging effect on ethics.
What is meant by the term metaphysics of consciousness?
The mind- body problem is the problem of whether the mind ( or soul) and body are two separate things, or whether the mind ( or soul) is a function of the body and inseparable from it.
Define the soul?
Often, but not always, understood to be the non- physical essence of a person.
Define consciousness?
awareness or perception
Define substance dualism?
The belief that the mind and body both exist as two distinct and separate realities.
Define Reductive materialism?
Otherwise known as identify theory- the view that mental events are identical with physical occurrences in the brain.
Define category error or category mistake?
A problem of language that arises when things are talked about as if they belong to one category when in fact they belong to another.
substance dualism
the body and soul are two separate substances- humans are more than just a physical entity.
strengths of substance dualism
- cant doubt the mind as by doubting we are using the mind.
- the mind- indivisible- good idea as cant contemplate the loss of any part of it.
limitations of substance dualism
Ryles; Descartes makes a category mistake/ error in assuming the soul is more than part of the body
- foreign tourist who visits oxford- sees libraries+ colleges- asks ‘where’s the university?’
what does Descartes say about substance dualism?
- whilst body is invisible, the mind is not
- can lose a limb+ still a body
- cant lose 1/2 of your mind.
Descartes says the mind can do what?
The mind can exist beyond death of the physical body as cant die or be killed it is immortal.
what is materialism?
materialism is the idea that humans are purely physical beings. Their mind is completely dependent upon physicality and is the product of evolution.
Strengths of materialism?
explains the development of the soul as a concept in a way that is palatable to modern idea of science.
It does not put forward the existence of something that is not proven to exist.
what is Richard Dawkins idea of materialism?
humans are survival machines; blindly programmed to pass on their DNA.
idea of soul 1?
to Dawkins the ‘soul’ does not exist- no spirit to drive life.
- there is force or ‘ mystic jelly’
- The soul is just genes working together to ensure survival.
idea of soul 2?
Dawkins-soul=consciousness- as a result of evolution- “electro-chemical event” which aids survival.
limitations of materialism?
neurosciencentists still cant explain the relationship between consciousness& the brain.
- Maybe as they are not looking for something other- pessimistic view on humanity& human accomplishment if everything is purely done to replicate ones DNA.
Aristotle view on the soul?
Aristotle is a monist; the believes the soul= the face of the body, and cannot exist independently of it.
- the physical body is in constant state of flux( change)
- the soul= a substance- this is a essence which remains the same.
What explains Aristotle’s idea of the soul?
De amina- Aristotle says the soul is a principle of life.
- the soul of humans- intellectual responsibilities e.g ability to reason.
Aristotle’s idea of hierarchy of souls
plants; reproduction/ animals; perception of the world/ humans, create the world around them.
Aristotle’s analogy of the axe?
body- wood/ metal that makes the soul.- soul- has the potential to chop.
Analogy of the wax tablet?
Body- lump of wax( material cause)
stamp- imprint on the wax (formal cause)
strengths of Aristotle’s idea of the soul?
Aristotle’s concept of the soul as separable to the body reflects how we see ourselves as a ‘unified whole’
- Aquinas is a 13th century theologian- was inspired by Aristotle’s idea of that the soul is what animates us.
Limitations of the soul?
- argues that humans have to be able to ‘reason’ to have to make some ‘ less human’.
- It ignores the complexity of human consciousnesses- not just about reason alone.
platos believes what about the soul?
the body is of this would and the soul is of the world of forms.- lives there are pre-carnation.
what illustrates platos about the soul,mind and body?
menos slave- is uneducated yet could solve a maths problem- evidence that the soul exists. - pre incarnation.
strengths plato
meno’s slave
- points to the reasoning mind
- tripartite idea of the soul- recognises humans aren’t always reasonable.
Limitations plato
platos concept of self does not reflect how we see ourselves as ‘unified wholes’