Religious experience Flashcards
What are the forms of religious experiences?
Mystical experience Conversion experience corporate religious experience numinous experience near- death experience
Mystical experiences
- the term mystical refers to the sense of connection with God at a deep personal level, where God is beyond the boundaries of reason and knowledge.
- relatively modern term- used to convey the idea that all religious experiences share in common a sense of divine- expressed in different ways.
what are the stages the soul goes through during a mystical experience?
- devotion of heart- prayer& contemplation.
- devotion of peace- surrender to God.
- Devotion of union- Absorption in God.
4- Devotion of ecstasy- consciousness of the body disappears.
The 4 characteristics of a Mystical experience?
- ineffable- beyond description
- noetic- reveals something of Gods nature.
- Transient- temporary with long term consequences
- passive- recipient& in control.
Mysticism conveys what idea?
the idea that the physical world is not all that there is, and that God is the foundation of everything.- God known not through reason but through intuition, through the soul rather than the mind.
Mystical experiences can involve what?
seeing visions or hearing voices.
well- known mystical experiences include what?
include visions of Julian of Worwich, Teresa of Avila, Francis of Assisi and Bernadette soubirous.
what are conversion experiences?
-involve abandoning an old way of life and adopting a new one, based on inner experience.
conversion experiences can sometimes be what?
They are dramatic and sometimes gradual.
what book describes the pattern of conversion experiences?
HD lewis, book our experience of God.
what is the pattern found in may conversion experiences?
first two steps
The individual is dissatisfied with their current ‘system of ideas’.
The person searches for answers e.g by reading scripture or trying out going to church.
pattern found in many conversion experiences?
third and fourth steps
There is a point of crisis, which can be emotional, with a sense of the presence of God. The person might see a vision, hear a voice or have a strong sense of forgiveness.
There is a following sense of peace and joy, and keenness to tell others about the experience.
pattern found in many conversion experience?
fifth step
In the long-term, there is a change of direction for the person.
what does William james say about conversion experiences?
in conversion experiences, something which was once on the edge of a persons consciousness becomes at the centre, and religious aims become a habitual focus of energy.
what is well known conversion experience?
include the conversion of St Paul on the road to Damascus.
what is a corporate religious experience?
A corporate religious experience is when several different people all have the same religious experience at the same time.
What do some people think about corporate religious experiences?
some people think these have more evidential force as there are more witnesses to the experience.
what do other people think of corporate religious experiences?
others think that people could be carried along by others’ emotions and that they do not have more evidential force.
examples of religious experience?
well- known corporate religious experiences include the story of Pentecost ( acts 2) and modern experiences of the Toronto blessing.
What is near death experience?
Near- death experiences are sometimes reported by people whose hearts have stopped beating or who have been comatose.
near- death experience?
Near- death experiences are sometimes reported by people whose hearts have stopped beating or who have been comatose.
what are similarities in descriptions of a near- death experience?
include a sense of being ‘out of body’, feeling a loving presence or a sense of great peace, and feeling as if travelling through a tunnel towards a bright light.
some people see near- death experience as what?
some people see these as evidence of life after death, whilst others are more sceptical and think they are more likely to have a natural, scientific explanation.
William james wrote a book called what?
The varieties of Religious Experience (1902)
William james aimed to do what?
He aimed to take an objective, scientific approach to religious experience and explore it through collecting peoples own accounts of their experiences.
William james thought what?
he thought that religious experience could be tested for validity by its long- lasting effects, just as a medicine can be tested by seeing whether it makes the patient better.
James’s approach to understanding truth is what?
pragmatist- he thought that the truth of something could be established by its practical results.
William identified four main qualities of religious experience- what is first two?
- ineffability- difficult to express in normal everyday words.
- Noetic quality- recipients feel they have learned something they don’t know before.
Williams third and forth main qualities of religious experience?
- Transience- the experiences do not last long although the effects may last a life time.
- Passivity- The person feels the experience is happening to them rather than that they are doing It.
what did james notice?
He noticed that religious experiences feel very convincing to those who have them.
what did james conclude?
He concluded that religious experience does not prove anything but that it should be taken seriously.
Rudolf Otto wrote what book?
The idea of the Holy (1917)
what did Rudolf Otto aimed to explore ?
the nature of the divine as encountered through religious experience.
Rudolf Otto thought what was central to religion ?
That people should experience God or the divine.
how could the divine be described?
as a ‘mysterium tremendum et fascinans’- an awe- inspiring, fascinating mystery.
Otto thought divine has three characteristics in religious experiences, what were these?
- A quality of mystery making the individual realise that God can never be fully understood.
- A quality of ultimate importance
- A quality that is both attractive an dangerous.
What are Swinburne’s principles of credulity and testimony?
Swinburne Wrote a book called is there a God? 1979. He argued that people should take religious experience just as seriously as other kinds of experience.
In Swinburne’s principle of credulity, he said what?
he said that we should be prepared to trust our own experiences unless we have good reason not to. If it seems to us that we are experiencing God, then we should be prepared to believe that we really are experiencing God
In Swinburne’s principle of testimony, he said what?
he said that if people tell us they have had an experience we should be prepared to believe them unless we have good grounds not to.
What are non- religious understandings or religious experiences?
psychological interpretations of religious experiences.
psychological experiences- who was Ludwig Feuerbach?
he was a very influential in psychological interpretations or religious experience. He argued that God was an invention of the Human mind.
Feuerbach took a psychological approach to religious experience, what did he think?
He thought that people transfer all their highest ideals and hopes on to this made-up God and imagine him to be all the things they wish they were themselves.
how did Sigmud Freud take a psychological approach to religious experience?
he is a founder of modern psychology, used similar ideas in his interpretation of religion.- he thought the mind was made up of the ego, ID and the superego.
Freud thought that the subconscious layers of the mind lead people to what?
the subconscious layers of the mind lead people to believing that there is a God, but this is an ‘infantile neurosis’. They cannot cope with being adults in the world so they make up an imaginary parent figure.
Freud believes religious experiences happen when what?
Happen when the sub- conscious intervention takes over the imagination. For Freud, people who have had religious experiences, need psychological treatment.
what are physiological interpretations of religious experience?
neurophysiology is the study of the brain and the nervous system.
some neurophysiological studies of religious experiences think what?
They suggest that some experiences have a natural cause rather than a supernatural cause.
the ‘persinger’s helmet’ is what?
physiological approach
device invented by Michael Persinger in the 1980s which induces feelings similar to those of a religious experience.- could suggest that religious experience is caused by magnetic fields rather than God.
studies of near death experiences show what?
Physiological approach
They sometimes show that these sensations can be created artificially. The findings could suggest that near- death experiences are caused by endorphins or other emotion- altering hormones in the body rather than God.