SOPs Flashcards
Inexperienced co-pilot (take-off and landing limitations)
> 2/3 of max crosswind
15kts xwind (monitored approved)
Forecast or reported windshear
T/O or LDG RVR < 1000 m
Ceiling < 100 ft above DA or < 200 ft above MDA
Contaminated Rwy
Performance limited Rwy
Visual approach
Abnormal procedures due to system defects
Use of V/S before Flaps up no light
SID speed requires delay in flap retraction
Rate of climb needs to be managed (follow the 1, 2, 3 rule of RYR)
A/C has accelerated to speed limit
AFDS is engaged according to RYR proc
Above MFRA
No assumed temperature
Aircraft de-iced (Type II or IV) –> 24K FULL mini
Crosswind > 10 kts
Gear extended flight
Bleeds Off departure
If notified in airfield brief
Emergency equipment
Emergency equipment in the flight deck
4 - Quick don O2 masks & Life jackets
2 - Flash lights, fire gloves, escape straps
1 - PBE, Crash axe, Halon fire extinguisher, Red first aid kit
Aborting engine start
No N1 rotation before the engine start lever is raised to idle detent
No increase in EGT within 15s of raising the engine start lever to idle detent
EGT rapidly approaching or exceeding the start limit
No increase in, or a very slow increase in N1/N2 after EGT indication
No oil pressure indication by the time the engine is stabilized at idle
Criteria for a long landing caution
Aircraft is within 100 ft AGL
Passed 33% of the runway distance
Still airborne
FMC Setup
Preflight FMC setup
Pre LID, before waterfall
- POS INIT: enter position
- IDENT: check model + database
- RTE page 1: origin/destination/flight#/Runway
- DEP/ARR: select Rwy, SID, STAR, APP
- RTE page 2: complete route
- LEGS + PLN mode: check SID vs plate, set speed restriction, activate route
- PERF INIT: fuel, eZFW, fuel rsv, CI, optim CRZ alt, trans. alt, TOC wind ISA
- CLB page: 250/FL100
- LEGS page: rte data : average wind
- N1 LIMIT page: enter verify OAT
- FIX: set EOSID fix inbound radial & /1 or /2 for L or R turns
FMC Setup
FMC setup after OPT calculation
After APU start and OPT completed
- PERF INIT: enter OPT ZFW, check FMC gross weight
- Execute FMC
- N1 Limit page: thrust rating, ATRT, check FMC N1 setting
- Take-off ref page 1/2: flaps, CG, Stab trim
DALTA (briefing preparation)
Before DALTA briefing
- FMC Descent page: speed 250/FL100, Forecast (winds, QNH, ISA, TAI, Transition level), and execute
- Verify cabin pressurization panel
- DEP/ARR page: select STAR, transition, APP
- FIX page: set rings
- LEGS page: last speed before 10NM < 200 and all speed inside 10NM ring < 180kts
- “FMC”: Frequencies, Minimas (and QNH), Courses
- OPT: listen to ATIS, prepare OPT
DALTA briefing
DALTA briefing
- Threats (WANT)
- Descent: indicate entries (speed restriction, forecast); brief MEA + MSA
- Approach: indicate entries DEP/ARR (STAR, APP, transition); FIX (rings); LEGS (brief arrival chart); Brief approach, MAP, double brief (if req.)
- Landing: FMC Prog page 2 (calculate remaining fuel); Calculate OPT; FMC: INIT REF (set gross weight, select flaps + VREF); Set autobrake
- Taxi: brief taxi route, intersections, incursions, hotspots
- Apron: indicate expected stand area
Double brief
Example of double brief
Are you ready for a double bief?
- I wil ask for flaps 1 at 15nm, flaps 5 at 12nm
- I will intercept the localizer using VOR/LOC
- Please call me “Approaching descent” 2nm before the descent point which is XXX
- I will set XXXXft, make sure VNAV is engaged and use speed intervent
- At the FAF I will call “FAF, XXXft and mention any flag”
- I want you to call me altitude vs distance in advance and inform me on the profile
- At 5/4nm I will ask for gear down, flaps 15 and LDG C/L down to flaps
- I will thereafter ask for landing flaps XX
- At 1000ft AAL I will set the MAA, XXXX ft
- The landing gate is XXXft
- When visual I will disconnect A/T and A/P and ask you to recycle the FD if necessary
- Minimums are XXXft and XXXRVR, no cold temperature corrected
- If we need to go around I will…
Any questions?
Maximum decent speed
330kts / M.81
Max taxi speeds
Contaminated and slippery taxiways or runways
5 kts
Max taxi speeds
10 kts
Max taxi speeds
15 kts