SOP's Flashcards
Explain the SOP for Highway Traffic Control?
hints: speeds, PPE, highway crossing
- For posted speeds LESS than 90 km/hr. scene safety shall be achieved by the use of or combination of orange pylons, illuminated lights or WFRS blocker vehicle. If no police on scene upon our arrival fire apparatus shall be used for traffic control until police assume traffic control.
- If speed is GREATER than 90km/hr. scene safety is achieved by using a WFRS vehicle to block one or more lanes of traffic, this vehicle shall not be parked closer than 30 meters from the incident scene and have wheels turned so to direct the vehicle if struck from behind to the side of the road.
- PPE means bunker pants bunker coat, safety vest helmet and firefighting safety boots to be used at all times
- Firefighter shall not cross any highway until police or the reposition of WFRS blocking vehicle has stopped traffic
Explain the SOP for dressing on fire trucks.
hints: seatbelts, helmets, PPE, PPE when driving
- Everyone seated and seat belt when vehicle is in motion
- If at station, wear call specific appropriate PPE, then buckle up
- Drivers cannot wear bunker pants and boots when driving fire apparatus
- Firefighters advise officer when buckled and officer same to dispatch
- Stay buckled and seated till vehicle full stops and brakes engaged. Then SCBA can be donned.
- Helmets shall not be worn while responding
- If returning, apparatus is to safely pull over and allow firefighters to get dressed before proceeding to emergency
Explain the SOP for enclosed cabs.
hints: securing, driver responsibilities, seatbelts
- Everything in cab must be secured or put in compartments, examples, SCBA , tools, firefighting accessories and paraphernalia
- Driver responsible for reporting all deficiencies
- Seat belts must be worn and all doors secured
- Officer informs dispatch ( on the road 4 belted)
Explain SOP for Backing Fire Apparatus.
hints: circle checks, spotters, radios
- Driver first to conduct a circle check before backing up
- Both drivers and officers portable radio should be on talk around (before firefighters had their own radio_
- Officer and driver roll their window down - facilitate communication with spotter
- 2 spotters one front and one rear at least 10ft away
- If lose sight of rear spotter in mirror - must stop vehicle right away
- Spotter on radio should use “stop stop stop”
- Driver should use lighting as required prior to moving vehicle
- Under exceptional circumstances where there are no personnel available driver may back up vehicle without spotters….must do a walk around as needed.
Explain the SOP for Bunker Gear.
hint: when is full bunker gear not required
• Full bunker gear is not required at medical incidents and grass fires but remains at the discretion of the company officer
When is it permissible for ride on dire apparatus tailboard?
At no time shall any firefighter, civilian or member of WFRS ride on the tailboard of any moving apparatus
Explain the SOP for fire fighting near water including large ship and small boat fires.
(hints: strategy, who is responsible for fire, your rights, life jackets)
- Defensive strategy main focus of IC
- Fires on large vessels are the responsibility of the ship’s Captain.
- FPPA and the National Fire code do not provide fire service with same rights of entry as buildings etc.
- Captain is in charge of his ship
- WFRS personnel operating near open water shall wear floatation devices as required and company officer shall ensure safety of operation.
- Watch out for steep and slippery areas near the shoreline…take as required
- RIT teams shall be established and on standby with ropes and other land based water rescue equipment.
- WFRS cannot relieve the captain of the ship of his responsibilities.
- For small vessels at no time should WFRS personnel board a small vessel for fire suppression activities. Land based firefighting of a defensive nature should be conducted and special attention to exposure control, release of fuel, explosion and ability to withdraw from docking area should be considered.
What are the requirements for ropes?
- Ropes must be tagged for id and logging purposes
- Rope usage and history log required
- Inspected quarterly and after each use
When is it permissible to perform high angle rescue?
At no time shall any member of this department perform any high angle rescue.
Explain the SOP for confined space rescue.
hints: definition, hazards and risk mitigation
Confined space defined:
For the fire service a confined space is defined as any area not designed for human occupancy that has limited means of egress, normally having one way in or out (i.e. tanks silos maintenance vaults, tunnels hoppers)
Hazards in Confined space:
• Toxic and flammable gases
• Lack of oxygen
• Moving equipment ex. Augers agitators,
• Electricity, corrosive or toxic liquids,
• Quicksand type material ex. Moving grain
Risk Mitigation:
• Preplan and train…
• Inspect and calibrate gas detection devices
• Lock out equipment
• Test the atmosphere before entry and continuously while crews are inside
• Ventilate before and during entry where possible
• Be in full PPE for hazards
• Backup team… and have backup hose line for potentially flammable atmosphere
NOTE: at no time shall any member of this department enter into a confined space until they are trained and certified to do so - technician level confined space.
Explain the SOP for water and ice rescue.
hints: rescue locations, spotters
- All attempts at rescue shall be land based by WFRS personnel wearing approved floatation devices from a minimum distance of 3 feet from any shoreline provided ground is stable.
- No member shall enter onto the ice or into the water of the Detroit River, any public or private marina or any other pond, Lake Reservoir whether it is naturally occurring or manmade.
• Firefighter making rescue must be spotted by another
Firefighter and retrieval equipment shall be readily available.
Explain the SOP for machinery/electrical lockout during emergency response.
(hints: locks, blocking areas, PPE, MOL)
- All energy isolation devices are to be locked out
- Once locked out a fire dept. lock will be placed on the control mechanism to prevent unexpected start up
- Block crib all parts that could fall due to gravity
- Block all parts that could move due to loss of pressure (hydraulic or pneumatic)
- FD personnel affecting the rescue will wear full PPE
- IC may leave lock in place pending an investigation of the MOL
Explain the SOP for Clandestine Drug Labs/Marijuana Grow Houses.
(hints: what are they, hazards, procedure if discovered, what firefighting strategy, who to notify)
Clandestine Drug Labs are makeshift labs used to produce:
• Methamphetamine (speed)
• PCP (angel dust)
• Designer Drugs (synthetics)
Primary hazards:
• Electrocution
• Propane/natural gas/flammable liquid explosions,
• Structural collapse.
• Chemical hazards
• Toxic and corrosive atmospheric hazards
• Improperly contained toxic chemicals and booby traps and existing holes that were cut into floors to facilitate ventilation throughout the structure.
• Once MGH or clan lab is discovered during firefighting or any other incident (ex. Medical)….all WFRS personnel shall exit the area as soon as practical…IC shall declare emergency traffic and advise crews of the discovery.
• If rescue is not required WFRS shall not enter until it is deemed safe by all responding emergency agencies. Safety is first priority
• Firefighting …defensive strategy, exposure control, stay upwind where possible
• Treat as crime scene, notify hazmat, on call alpha, ISO
• WFRS shall not attempt to shut off electricity to the MGH or clan lab due to possible reactions. Request hydro
Explain the SOP for aerial ladder operations during lightning storms.
(hints: distance from lightning, wind conditions, distance from point of contact during lightning storm)
- Potential for lightning strike exists…giant lightning rod.
- Aerials shall not be raised in the immediate area of lightning storms.
- If aerials are raised and lightning is present within a 5 km radius, the aerial shall be bedded right away if at all possible.
- Aerials shall not be erected when wind conditions exceed 80km/hr.
- Contact dispatch for updated weather if IC is uncertain
- Apparatus connected to an aerial via a hose line is susceptible to receive an electric charge from an aerial that is struck by lightning…therefore take precaution to protect all members in the vicinity of a raised ladder in a storm…..maintain 33 foot distance from any potential point of contact during a lightning strike.
Explain the SOP for Hybrid Vehicles.
hints: hazard, high voltage cable, manufacturer markings, what to do
- Hybrid vehicles high voltage system can pose a hazard to the safety of firefighter after a collision fire or other
- Do not cut disconnect or handle high voltage cable that is color coded orange
- High voltage cable commonly run under the vehicle chassis…be aware when lifting or stabilizing hybrid vehicle
- High voltage systems need to be shut down by any means provided by manufacturer
- Markings vary from manufacturer to manufacturer
- Be aware of accidental vehicle movement due to no noise when powered
Hybrid Vehicles - what to do:
- Remove ignition key
- Disconnect the negative terminal for the auxiliary 12volt battery
- Remove the main or high voltage (HV) fuse.
What are the electrical hazards in Rescue and fire Situations?
(hints: where to find best practices, parking, distances from electrocution hazard, when to apply water)
- Read “Electrical Safety Handbook for Emergency Responders- best practices for coping with electrical hazards in rescue and fire situations
- Apparatus do not park on, under wires or within 10 meters of any possible point of contact.
- At working fires IC shall request hydro to attend and shut off power to as required
- ISO or other officer shall escort hydro personnel in and out of hot zone (safety)
- Crews maintain a 33 foot /10 meter distance from any potential point of electrocution
- WFRS personnel shall not pull meters (trained ISO excepted)
- WFRS shall not cut or handle downed electrical wire
- WFRS shall only apply water onto energized electrical equipment at electrical emergencies to save or protect life - must use A TFT nozzle set in blue mode and ensure a 100 psi nozzle pressure in a 30 degree fog pattern as
- IC advises dispatch when hydro on scene and when hazard has been mitigated.
Explain the SOP for safe roof operations.
hints: roof cutting, egress, joists, ventilation
- IC shall assign a RSO communication as per IMS air benchmarks
- Check for overhead wires
- Advise IC when making roof cuts - for safety of interior crews
- IC shall insure 2nd means of egress off roof
- Safety considerations for company officer
- Passport - use them ECO
- Sound roof as you go
- Confirm direction of roof joists
- Monitor roof conditions
- Be aware of all points of means of egress
- Ensure firefighter spots other firefighter doing the ventilation
- Ensure proper ventilation - right size hole etc.
- On air - off
Explain SOP for lightweight building construction.
hints: analysis, time benchmark, trusses
- Risk benefit analysis
- 20 minute benchmark associated with structure fires shall be 10 minutes for structures with lightweight construction
- If truss floor or truss roof construction has been exposed to fire - crews shall be withdrawn immediately.
Explain SOP for electrical safety for emergency responders.
hints: approach limits, gradients, potentials
Limits of Approach to live power lines(OHSA) • 300v to 750v -3 ft. • 751v to 150,000v-10ft. • 150,001v to250,000v 15ft. • 250,001v and up-20ft.
• Electricity always seeks easiest path to ground.
• Potential gradient or ground gradient- wire down on ground, voltage greatest at point of contact and weakens as it fans out.
• Step potential- two feet stepping on two different spots encounter two different voltages…this voltage differential causes electricity to move up one leg through body and down the other leg.
• Touch potential- same effect by touching something that has different voltage than ground …..Electricity travels through your body to get to ground.
• 1 amp powers a light bulb….above 50 milliamps can be fatal
• Treat all downed Power lines as alive
( Automatic recloses)
Electrical back feed
Explain SOP for power line emergency situations.
hints: safe zone, fallen wires, language used
• Assess the situation, determine the safe zone, (10metres radius)secure the area and then inform the nearest hydro as soon as possible. It is important to inform the electrical utility if the situation is an immediate threat to life situation.
Fallen or Low Hanging Wires
- Prior to getting out of vehicle examine the surroundings carefully and make sure you are parked well away from the fallen wires.(10 meters…33ft recommended)
- Stand well back at least 6 meters(20ft.) …look for and located all wire ends.. And points of contact.(fences, puddles, ground etc.)
- Establish the safe zone at least 10 meters away from wires and anything wires may be touching.
- Secure the area keep bystanders at least 10metres 33 feet away
- Do not attempt to move any fallen wires, call and wait for hydro personnel.
- There are no safe procedures to clear a victim from a live high voltage power line.
Common Language:
- “Stay in the vehicle you won’t get injured”
- “Stay clear the ground is electrified you can get injured)
Explain SOP for Rescuing Persons from Vehicles Contacting Power
(hints: safe zone, step technique, distances to vehicle, what if vehicle can’t be moved and what if driver is able to move vehicle)
A fallen wire lies on top of or under a vehicle with one or more people inside.
- Assess the situation from at least 10metres back
- Determine the safe zone and secure the area
- Call the local electrical utility
- Keep feet close together shuffle step if you are approaching the vehicle
- Don’t approach closer than 6 meters 20ft. to the vehicle and do not get close enough to touch any part of the vehicle. A potential gradient will be present if the line is alive and you could get electrocuted.
- If vehicle cannot be moved and there is no fire tell occupants to remain inside. Monitor the safe zone.
If driver is able to move the vehicle:
1. Make sure you and others are clears and safe distance from wires
2. Instruct the driver to very slowly move the car off or away from the wire and clear any pools of water which may be energized by the live wire -
If wires are pulled by vehicle instruct driver to stop and stay in the vehicle until hydro personnel arrive.
Explain SOP for if victims are unconscious and there are fallen wires on or under vehicle or hanging very close to vehicle. And vehicle fire but occupant NOT injured.
(hints: safe zone, instructions to victim)
- Determine and continue to monitor safe zone
- Monitor closely the situation, fire starts etc. if victim awakes. Instruct to stay in vehicle until power line is made safe.
Occupant is not injured and vehicle has a fire which cannot readily be extinguished and vehicle cannot be moved.
1. Explain that contacting the vehicle and ground at the same time could kill them
2. Instruct occupant how to jump out of vehicle and move away using the shuffle step. Keep both feet together and jump clear of the vehicle. Avoid touching the car as your feet come into contact with the ground. Take short shuffle steps keeping both feet as close together as possible. Move like this at 6 meters 20ft. away.
Very dangerous maneuver, last resort, considers condition of occupant and the vehicle.
NOTE: Occupants are injured or unconscious and the vehicle has a fire which cannot be extinguished and the vehicle cannot be moved - Get Hydro to shut off the whole block
Explain SOP for fighting fires on power line equipment.
hints: fog spray, who to notify, where to park, who to wait for and receive advice from
- Fog 30 degree spray 100 psi blue mode TFT
- Keep back 10 meters (33ft)
It is safe to direct a fog stream at high voltage liens providing you maintain the separation between yourself and the live wires or electrical equipment.
Do not use foam on live electrical equipment, Foam is a good electrical conductor.
At least 7 ft. from service drop at residence
Aerial platform at least 10 Ft from power lines
Substation fires:
1. Notify dispatch to call hydro ASAP
2. Park well away from the substation. Secure the area keep onlookers at least 100metres 330 ft.
3. Obtain copy of emergency response plan of substation
4. Prepare equipment and protect exposures (100ps 30 degree fog pattern
5. Wait for electrical utility personnel to not enter substation unescorted
6. With advice form the electrical utility personnel, fight the fire.
Never use straight stream
Explain SOP for PCB –polychlorinated biphenyls.
hints: what are they, environment, water volumes, PPE, containment
- Used as cooling and insulating oil in transformer cause they don’t support combustion - replaced by mineral oils
- Environmental contaminant - under high heat from fires they break down into extremely toxic components.
- Using large volume of water results in wide distribution of trace PCB contamination in the environment.
- When Firefighting: wear turnout gear, SCBA position apparatus upwind and approach from upwind, use dry chem. and CO2 if possible. Provide for liquid runoff containment. Evacuate people located in path of the smoke plume. Follow standard DECON procedures, test you gear afterwards for possible exposure
Explain SOP for Propane (flammable gas).
hints: definition, hazards
- Colorless, gas, odorless, may have skunk odor
- Vapor density 1.5 - heavier than air
- Flammable visible vapor cloud is produced.
- Inhalation hazard. May cause asphyxiation by displacement of air - DECON with soap and water lots
- High ignition temp 842 F