SOP Ch 3 Operational Limits Flashcards
Operational Limits
Max Takeoff and Landing Tailwind Component
10 knots
Operational Limits
Max Operating Altitude
41,000 feet
Operational Limits
Max Flap Extension Altitude
20,000 feet
Airspeed Limitations
Max Operation Airspeed
V MO (320 KIAS)
Airspeed Limits
Max Operating Mach Number
M MO (.82M)
Airspeed Limits
Turbulent Airspeed
Below 10,000 feet
250 KIAS
Airspeed Limits
Turbulent Airspeed
At or Above 10,000 feet
270 KIAS/.76M
Whichever is lower
Airspeed Limits
Maximum Tire Limit Ground Speed
195 Knots
Airspeed Limits
Maximum Windshield Wiper Operation Speed
250 KIAS
Airspeed Limits Maximum Gear Speed Extension (V LOE) Extended (V LE) Retraction (V LOR)
250 KIAS
Flap Operating Limits
Flaps 1
230 KIAS
Flap Operating Limits
Flaps 2
215 KIAS
Flap Operating Limits
Flaps 3
200 KIAS
Flap Operating Limits
Flaps 4
180 KIAS
Flap Operating Limits
Flaps 5
180 KIAS
Flap Operating Limits
Flaps FULL
165 KIAS
Flap Operating Limits
The use of Flaps 4 is prohibited during…
Approach and landing
Flap Operating Limits
Flaps should never be extended below…
Green dot
Flap Operating Limits
When flaps are extended…
Do not hold in ICING conditions
Design Maneuvering Speed (V A)
below 240 KIAS
Definition of Icing Conditions (3)
When SAT on the ground/takeoff or Total Air Temperature (TAT) in flight is:
- 10*C or below; AND
- Visible moisture is present (including Vis 1SM or less)
- When operating on ground where surface snow, ice, standing water, or slush may be ingested by the engines
Engine and Wing Anti-Ice System Operations
During taxi out and takeoff, the MCDU TO DATASET MENU musts be set to…
ALL when SAT is 10*C or below and icing conditions exist or are anticipated
Minimum Fuel Tank Temperature
Maximum Fuel Imbalance
790 lbs
Max altitude for single pack operation
31,000 feet
EICAS Engine Limit Display Markings
Maximum and Minimum Limitations
EICAS Engine Limit Display Markings
Caution Range
EICAS Engine Limit Display Markings
Normal Operating Range
Engine Thrust
Use of reduced thrust takeoff procedure is NOT allowed on…
Runways contaminated with standing water, slush, snow or ice
APU Operational Limits
30,000 feet
APU Operational Limits
33,000 feet
APU Operational Limits
15,000 feet
APU Operation Limits
To Assist Engine Start
21,000 feet
Single Engine Taxi
Single engine taxi is NOT authorized when (5):
- Ice accretion in the form of freezing rain, freezing drizzle, freezing fog, or heavy snow is anticipated
- Braking action is less than good
- RVR is reported less than 1200
- Power out is required (no pushback)
- A two minute warm up cannot be accomplished
Single Engine Taxi
After Landing
If starting the APU…
Do not shut down an engine until the APU has stabilized at 95% or greater for a minimum of 3 seconds
Single Engine Taxi
After Landing
A ___ minute cool down must be observed prior to _________.
2; shutting down an engine
Single Engine Taxi
After Landing
When performing a single engine taxi with engine 2….
The Electric Hydraulic Pump 1 Selector knob must be set to ON to ensure that the hydraulic system 1 is pressurized
FMS Speeds
FMS speeds may only be used during
Normal flight operations
FMS Speeds
Whenever a QRH procedure requires an airspeed correction…
The use of FMS speed is PROHIBITED
Stabilized Approach Criteria
From 1,000 feet above the TDZE, the aircraft will be (3):
- With the final landing configuration selected
- On correct vertical path with a descent rate of 1,000 FPM or less
- Correct lateral track (appropriate for type of approach being flown)
Stabilized Approach Criteria
From 500 feet above TDZE, the aircraft will be (2):
- At calculated approach speed (-5 to +10kts)
- With engines spooled*
* The engines are stabilized at the thrust setting required to maintain the desired airspeed and rate of descent