SOP-01 - Station Blackout Flashcards
What are the Entry Conditions for SOP-01?
The plant is in operation and experiences the following:
- Total loss of offsite power (345 kv and 115 kv)
- DIV I AND DIV 2 diesel generators are unavailable
What automatic actions are expected to occur when in SOP-01?
- Turbine Trip
- Reactor Scram
- All plant loads NOT being supplied directly by batteries or UPS power, suffer a loss of power
Are security measures required to be taken when opening Control Room / Relay Room Doors?
Depending on overall impact to station security, implementation of security compensatory measures in response to the actions directed in the flowchart to open all Control Room and Relay Room doors may not be feasible. In that event, under the authority of 10CFR 50.54(x) and 50.54(y), the Shift Manager shall contact the Security Shift Supervisor and approve suspension of security measures under the provisions of 10CFR73.55(p), if needed, in an emergency to protect the public health and safety if actions consistent with license conditions and Technical Specification cannot provide adequate or equivalent protection.
What are the legs of the SOP-01 Flowchart?
- Power Restoration
- Spent Fuel Pool
- Control Building Habitability
- Containment Isolation
- RCIC Availability
- RPV Injection Capability
- 125 VDC Battery Load
By what time should deployment of fire hose for alternate Fuel Pool spray cooling on the refuel floor begin?
To be able to stage the hose for the alternate Fuel Pool spray cooling on the refuel floor before the temperature becomes prohibitive, a team would need to be dispatched very early, within the first 60 minutes. If the diesel driven fire pump is available a FLEX pump should still be deployed for redundancy.
Under what conditions and by what time should the deployment of the first portable pump begin?
Deploying the first pump should begin by the first hour, if HPCS is not available or the fire water header does not have an adequate supply. This will ensure the pump is ready to back up the RCIC pump, and allow sufficient time for FLEX generator deployment and connection.
How long do you have to commence deployment of the Flex Generator?
The generator would be the second FLEX equipment needing deployment. With an 12 hour battery coping time and assuming 5 hours to connect, deployment should begin within 3 hours to allow sufficient margin.
The Spent Fuel Pool leg directs breaching secondary containment, how is this done and why?
To establish a vent pathway for steam and condensate from the spent fuel pool that could cause equipment and access problems, breaching of the secondary containment is directed in section SFP. Opening airlock doors on the 261’ level and refuel floor airlock doors to the roof will establish a natural circulation vent path through the upper levels of the reactor building.
You are in an ELAP with one portable pump setup supply injection to the RPV and providing makeup to the Spent Fuel Pool. A small leak in the vessel causes the pump operator to increase flow to the RPV to maintain level. Upon increasing flow, the pump operator notes that the pump is cavitating. What should be done?
With the deep draft that the FLEX pumps will be operating from and multiple choices for injection paths, flow demands could be put on the pump, depending on system back pressures, that could lead to cavitation if all valves are wide open. If cavitation is suspected a prioritization of loads may be required. For example, reducing flow to spent fuel pool makeup may be appropriate until RPV water level has margin for core cooling to prevent cavitation. Since flow indication will be inferred by pressure and level indications, communications between the pump operator, the level control operator and the control room person running the EOPs is essential.
What procedure is used for power restoration while in SOP-01?
Restore AC power per N2-SOP-03.
What conditions will direct us to call for “Safer Equipment Support”?
If : Power not restored to either 2ENS*SWG101 or 2 ENS*SWG103 within 1 hour Then: Notify NSRC that SAFER equipment support should begin. Call NDO at 630-657-2202
What actions are taken if Offsite Power or an Div 1(2) EDG is restored?
-Energize emergency switchgear
with any available power source
per N2-SOP-03.
-Verify the following systems restored:
· Spent Fuel Pool Cooling per N2-SOP-38.
· Control Building Ventilation per N2-OP-53A, E.2.0.
· Reactor Building Ventilation per N2-OP-52, H.2.0.
When Restoring Control Building Ventilation, Reactor Building Ventilation, and Spent Fuel Pool Cooling, which system takes priority?
- SFC has priority for restoration.
What are the Load Limits when running the EDGs?
DIV 1 & 2 : 4400 KW : 4840 KW
DIV 3 : 2600 KW : 2860 KW
By what time must refuel floor hose deployment be completed?
BEFORE 7 hours have elapsed.