Somites and embryonic folding Flashcards
what are somites?
cells in the intraembryonic mesoderm differentiate to form pairs of cuboidal segments called somites; symmetric embryonic precursors of the vertebrate skeleton and axial muscle
they are found either side of the neural tube
each somite receives one spinal nerve from the neural tube
somite formation occurs simultaneously wiht notogenesis

name the 3 longitudinal columns of the intraembryonic mesoderm
lateral plate
the lateral plate of the intraembryonic mesoderm is ________ with the extra-embryonic mesoderms
somite formation within the paraxial mesoderm
occurs at beginning of 4th week
the medial part becomes SCLEROTOME (skeleton),
the intermediate part becomes MYOTOME (muscle)
the lateral part becomes DERMOTOME (skin).
what is the paraxial mesoderm?
The mesoderm at either side of the neural tube
somite formation within the intermediate mesoderm
The Intermediate mesoderm becomes NEPHROTOME (forms genitourinary system)
somite formation within the lateral mesoderm
Becomes either PARIETAL (wall of body cavities) or VISCERAL (wall of gut).
somite development in the 4th week post fertilisation
somite formation occurs in a cranial-caudal sequence
3 occipital(form tongue musculature),
8 cervical,
12 thoracic,
5 lumbar,
5 sacral
1-5 coccygeal remain.
caudal meaning
near the posterior part (back) of the body.
development of the lateral plate mesoderm in the 4th week post fertilisation

how is the action of muscle and skin sensation linked?
nerve supply of muscles and skin derived from the same somite
what is the main event that occur in the 4th week post fertilisation ?
somite formation
formation of the intraembryonic coelom
when does it occur and explain the process
23rd day post fertilisation (3rd week)

Clefts appear in the lateral plate mesoderm
Eventually a horse-shoe shaped cavity is formed which becomes continuous with the extraembryonic coelom over a limited area.
Intra-embryonic coelom will eventually form:
- The PERICARDIAL cavity (found in the front)
- The PLEURAL cavity (middle of either side )
- The PERITONEAL cavity (end bits of either side)
longitudinal folding
at the beginning of the 4th week, the brain begins to form
At this stage the heart and diaphragm (1,2,3) lie in front of the prospective mouth (3-4) and the prospective brain (5) lies behind it.
reversal then occurs to bring about the correct order of organs
explain reversal in more detail
Differential growth of the embryo causes it to fold both cranio-caudally and laterally

After reversal the amnion is only attached to the embryo via the UMBILICUS
amniotic cavity enlarges greatly
constriction is produced at the junction of the embryo and yolk sac
part of the endoderm within the yolk sac becomes part of the gut tube
lateral folding
begins when neural folds converge to form the neural tube
The edges of the amnion grow downwards towards the yolk sac
this folding greatly reduces communication between intra and extra embryonic coelom
VITELLO-INTESTINAL DUCT remains as a connection between the gut tube and yolk sac
gut tube fully encloses and is surrounded by somato-pleuric/splanchno-pleuric mesoderm (both derived from lateral plate mesoderm)

summarise what happens in the 4th week post fertilisation
embryonic folding boh laterally and longitudinally due to the differential growth of the different embryonic structures