Early embryonic development and cell differentiation (5th week of development) Flashcards
Formation of umbilical chord up until week 5
By the end of the 3rd week, the embryo joins t the placenta via the connecting stalk
By the 4th week, the yolk sac pinches off to form the Vitello-intestinal duct
By the end of the 5th week the primitive umbilical ring contains a umbilical ring , 2 umbilical arteries and 1 vein, the vitello-intestinal duct and a canal which connects the intra- and extraembryonic coelomic cavities
Formation of body cavities
Body cavities formed by splitting of the intraembryonic coelom (gap in the mesoderm)
future pericardial cavity lies ventrally(frontal).
the pericardiaco-peritoneal canals lie dorsal (backward) to the septum transversum and eventually form the pleural cavities.

Function of umbilical chord
Permits blood flow between placenta and embryo
The septum transversum becomes the
label this cross section happening during body cavity formation

label this crossection hapenning during body cavity formation

label this crossection happening during body cavity formation

Derivatives of the mesoderm
Paraxial mesoderm (skeletal muscles, skeleton , dermis , CT)
head mesoderm (skull, CT, dentin)
intermediaries mesoderm (urinogenital system, gonads, ducts, accessory glands)
lateral mesoderm (CT , organ muscles, serous membranes , heart, blood , spleen , adrenal cortex)
Derivatives of endoderm
Epithelial of internal surfaces e.g respiratory, digestive, urinary
Derivatives of ectoderm
Neuroectoderm (neural crest and neural tube)
surface of body e.g skin, hair , nails, mammary glands , anterior pituitary gland
Define totipotent
Can give rise to all cell types plus extraembryonic cells
refers to cells within a zygote
Define pluripotent
Can give rise tail all 3 germ layers but not extraembryonic cells
Refers to the innner cell mass of blastocyst )
embryonic stem cells derives from inner cell mass
Define multipotent
Can give rise to a restricted number of different cell types e.g adult stem cells
Abnormal zygotes
Usually lost within 2-3 weeks of fertilisation before woman realises she is pregnant so are not detected
50% if pregnancies are estimated to end in spontaneous abortion - half due to chromosomal abnormalities
Without this , far more babies would be born with defects
What are the three relation between mitosis and subsequent differentiation
Once a cell has differentiated, it loses its ability to undergo mitosis
what is the septum transversum?
derived from the mesoderm; gives rise to the diaphragm and ventral mesentery of gut