Somatosensory pathways to the cerebellum Flashcards
Is the cerebellum intimately involved with unconscious or conscious coordination of skeletal muscle of maintaining posture, locomotion and other motor activities?
Unconscious control
What types of input information of the nervous system are required in the cerebellum?
General somatosensory and proprioceptive
What are the pathways of the lower body for proprioception?
Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
Ventral spinocerebellar tract
Trace the movement of proprioception from the lower body via the dorsal spinocerebellar tract to the cerebellum
Fasciculus Gracillis -> nucleus dorsalis -> dorsal spinocerebellar tract -> inferior cerebellar peduncle
What does the dorsal spinocerebellar tract do? and from which side?
Relays proprioception information from the trunk and lower extremities of the ipsilateral side of the body
What is the ventral spincerebellar tract?
alternative pathway from the lower body to the cerebellum
Where are the second order neurons of the ventral spincerebellar tract found?
In the spinal cord gray
Do the second order axons of the ventral spincerebellar tract decussate?
Yes, to form the ventral spincerebellar tract
Where do ventral spincerebellar tract travel?
Ascend through the brainstem and enters the cerebellum through the superior cerebellar peduncle
What happens to the ventral spincerebellar tract in the medullary center of the cerebellum?
The ventral spincerebellar tract decussates to the opposite side of the cerebellum
How many times does the ventral spincerebellar tract decussate?
Twice, once in the spinal cord and once in the cerebellum
What fibers project to the lateral cuneate nucleus in the medulla?
Axon collaterals from the fasciculus cuneatus
What makes up the cuneocerebellar tract?
Axons from the accessory cunteate nucleus
What side of the cerebellum do the cuneocerebellar tracts project to and via what?
the cuneocerebellar tract projects to the ipsilateral side of the cerebellum through the ICP
How do fibers from the proprioceptive pathway of the upper body project to the cerebellum?
1) Axon collaterals from the fasciculus cuneatus project to the lateral (accessory) cuneate nucleus in the medulla
2) axons from the accessory cuneate nucleus make up the cuneocerebellar tract and project to the ipsilateral side of the cerebellum through the ICP
What are the 3 major somatosensory/proprioceptive pathways that provide input to the cerebellum?
Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
Ventral spincerebellar tract
cuneocerebellar tract
Of the 3 major somatosensory/proprioceptive pathways that provide input to the cerebellum which are upper and which are lower body?
Lower body:Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
Ventral spincerebellar tract
Upper body: cuneocerebellar tract
What is common between the pathways of the major somatosensory/proprioceptive pathways? (hint: think of which side of body and cerebellum)
The pathways all provide input from one side of the body to the ipsilateral side of the cerebellum